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Today's Pastors and Preachers:Modern Day Pharisees-Truth Is...

Updated on July 26, 2011

Modern Day Pharisees Lead today's Church

The time has come for a reckoning within today's churches. The state of affairs there has become so corrupt and un-Christ-like, that it's absolutely disgusting. The problem is with the hierarchy, the church leadership; the wolves that lead today's congregations. The bible sets' forth requirements for those chosen to lead the Lord's sheep. Sadly, these guidelines are most often totally ignored when setting these positions within the church. What will follow now is not so much a critique as it is actually a proclamation. Judgement has been handed down from the Lord above and there is a reckoning about to take place such as has never been before!

What entitles me to make such a proclamation? I am but a humble yet ever-so willing servant of the Lord and He has placed it upon me to do so and to speak these words. You would do well to patiently read this article and take heed of the words within as these words are in deed and truth handed-down from above and inspired by GOD...Truth Is...

There are those who would say it is not proper to criticize priests, ministers, and pastors. But let us recall Jeremiah, and other prophets of God, and then even more so Jesus himself. The clergy of Jesus' day had left their purpose and had become more concerned with status and riches. The things they allowed in the temple(church) were far outside of true service to God; which is why Jesus turned-out the money-changers and merchants there. Look at the pastors and preachers as well as deacons within today's church; YOUR church even. For the most part, they dress flashily, drive expensive automobiles, and live in very well appointed homes. Yet, within their congregation(s), there are members who are being evicted from their homes or have no homes; members having utilities turned off and who have few clothes to wear. Behind these people's back these same men talk derisively about them and speak abusively. Some even claim these people are not within the will of God because they have fallen upon hard times. This is ridiculous! The bible tells us there will be "critical times hard to deal with...". Why is it that this is not being spoken of diligently from the pulpit instead of the rhetoric that "God wants us to be prosperous" and if you tithe well you'll gain riches?

I have often witnessed pastors preach to their congregation and reprimand them saying:" How many of you have extra rooms in your house or clothing that you don't wear any more, but don't open your home to someone in need of a place to stay or give that extra clothing or food to someone in need?" Then immediately after the service these very same men turn away someone who comes to them for assistance! Pastors, deacons, ministers, lead by example! 1Peter5:3.

In fact, let's stay within the true context of 1Peter 5..."Shepherd the flock of God in your care not under compulsion, but willingly, neither for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly, neither lording it over those who are God's inheritance, but becoming examples to the flock..."

This denotes that as ministers or shepherds we are to lead by example, which means don't tell the gongregation to do anything that we have not BEEN doing! Notice I said "been" doing. How often have you heard pastors quote verse 6 of 1 Peter chapter 5:"Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time, while you throw all your anxiety upon him..." Well keeping within the TRUE context of this scripture, we see that this is actually instruction given to the leadership of the congregation! Pastors and deacons particularly are being spoken to here, not the flock itself. This is because when choosing to lead within the congregation we are choosing a very difficult calling. It is one requiring much patience and above all genuine love and compassion as well as a great deal of self sacrifice. That is why verse 2 says "...not under compulsion..." which means not doing it because you 'have to' or seeing it as a job; but because it is truly within your nature to do so. It is in no way easy dealing with the imperfection(s), weaknesses and needs of a group of others and having to deal with your own as well...Truth Is...

Pastors, why aren't you teaching and thus preparing your congregation that we are in fact living in the "last days"? Why are we clinging to that "old time religion" and telling our people that all we have to do is keep on praising God and we'll go to heaven? You know that isn't the truth according to God's word.

Many pastors are afraid to teach the true message that the bible hold because they fear rejection from the congregation. 2Timothy 4:3, and 4 speaks of this and shows the true wisdom off God in preparing us for it: "There will be a time when they will not put up with healthful teaching but according to their own desires will accumulate teachers for themselves to satisfy their itching ears..." This means people will dictate what they want to hear from the pulpit and won't accept anyone who doesn't teach them as they want to be taught. How ridiculous! You wouldn't allow that in school, so why does it occur within the church where our very salvation is at issue? Did Jesus or the prophets cater to what the people wanted to hear? Or rather, did they not BOLDLY deliver the true message from God?

Pastor(s), why is it that you will not teach the TRUTH in your church?

Examples of non-truths and deliberate omissions by preachers/pastors:

Christmas. It is no secret that Christmas has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus. He was NOT born on December 25, in fact the one born on that date was Nimrod who opposed God and began building the tower of Babel.

Easter: Easter is again associated to Nimrod and named after his mother who incidentally was also his wife! Esther. Easter is a celebration of Nimrod being reborn as a deity.This holiday was celebrated by pagans well before Jesus' arrival on Earth

The Trinity: see the two above. Again it was derived from revering and worship of Nimrod and his mother, with the reborn Nimrod as a God. This too was celebrated thousands of years BEFORE Christ walked the Earth.

Homosexuality: Why is it looked at as acceptable? There are more than enough scripture available to tell you how God feels about it; yet we insist on telling God what He will accept!

The biggest tragedy is that the church doesn't teach or usually down-plays the most critical issue of all, which is also the major thing that will bring us much closer to God: GOD'S name! There is no doubt that God has a name, and that name is indeed Jehovah. This is undeniable, yet repeatedly that name is suppressed and annexed within the teachings of the church. With the name ever-present at Psalms 83:18, Isaiah 12:2-4 and Exodus 6:3, there has been a concerted effort by modern printers of the bible to remove it even from those places as well. Originally the name Jehovah appeared over 6,000 times in the scriptures! Where is it? This is important as the VERY FIRST thing Jesus said to mention when we pray was "let your name be sanctified..."

NO, I AM NOT A JEHOVAH's WITNESS! I AM AS I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A TRUTH SEEKER, and this my brothers and sisters is the absolute TRUTH!

We now try to cover this by using terms such as Jehovah-Raffa, Jehovah Nicci, etc. But these are adjectives added to God's name to describe an event, a location, or an act by Jehovah himself. God's name is Jehovah...use it! In fact in the Spanish language there is only one word to describe almighty god: Jehova; and one word for Jesus: Jesu-Christo...think about that....

Now consider this: You feel you've been richly blessed. Just think how much more so you can and will be by addressing God by his true name when you talk to him! That's having/building a close and personal relationship for sure!

Pastors, shame on you for not promoting this to your congregation and thus shepherding them in a fine and loving way! If you loved them you'd teach them the things that God wants them to know and that will bring them closer to him. Could it be that you are afraid they will learn too much of the truth and abandon your ministry because it is not truly of God and his teaching(s)?Do you fear that by now teaching what the bible really says they will turn on you, not being open to a newly revealed truth? DO YOU TRUST GOD ? This is what you've told your congregation through the years, now it's time you apply it to yourself! Trust God to bless your ministry when you openly and with love reveal the truth to your congregation and tell them their salvation is much more important to you than their tithes and offerings. God will see that your ministry is sustained...if you trust him...Truth Is...

The people are tired of the madness, the corruption, the hypocrisy, and deceit prevalent in today's church. The USA Today and other local newspapers ran articles showing that there is a growing number who claim no religion at all. This is all scripturally foretold and it's time for the leadership of the church to make a stand for the TRUTH! To stop being overly concerned with financial gains and status; to actually LOVE those in your charge.

It is NOT an easy task to lead a congregation properly. Many are called but very few are truthfully worthy. You know if you are up to the task or not; but often human nature rules over spiritual acceptance. You know that you are not leading in a fine and un-blemished manner...step -down, sit in a pew and learn with the rest of us! Otherwise, get in line to have your millstone fitted.

Just because a certain teaching has been in place for hundreds of years does NOT make it the RIGHT teaching! Is it more important that you keep the church filled or that you teach the truth? Your answer begins your judgement!

That is the purpose of this writing and the ones to follow: To Pronounce God's JUDGEMENT! Judgement has now been handed-down and it is not coming, IT IS HERE!!! As judgement begins within the congregation, watch as one-by-one. two -by-two pastors, preachers, and deacons start to fall upon hardship and tragedy. Then you will know that Jehovah is God and his word is truth. That will be but your first warning to flee from Babylon: falsehood in teaching and living. Then throw yourself at the feet of God and seek his forgiveness and right the many wrongs you have wrought. Repent-repent-Repent!

I emailed a certain pastor in Charelston SC and talked about how the church hierarchy is wrongfully involved in politics and sexual promiscuity, as well as having obtained a dis-compassionate manner about them. He smugly disagreed with me. I may add that this particular pastor is deeply roiled in politics. He has a reckoning coming from God as does quite a few others in fact. The city of Charleston calls it'self the "Holy City"; but it is rife with un-holy acts by pastors and preachers Watch this city as it is under Judgement. NOW!!!

This is yet the beginning of the end; and yes, the beginning of a series on the "White-washed graves full of dead men's bones" that oversee today's churches. Truly today's clergy are nothing more than modern day pharisees...Truth Is...

More to come!



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