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What can or should you compare your Churches Religious teaching to? Is there a standard you can trust?

Updated on August 25, 2012

If I were a...

If I were a Jew... I would be Fundamental Black hat... side burns and stove pipe hat... wear a teflin and Yarmulke... Study the Torah... be totally Kosher... Follower of the Patriarchs and of course... Moshe.

If I were a Muslim then the Koran would be my thing... and prayers at set times etc... Pilgrimage etc. Probably be a fundamental terrorist because that is what it teaches.... have a few wives and some young "possibles on retainer". Not so sure about following in Mohamed's footsteps with a 9 year old wife however, I think that would be a bit too extreme... I would probably draw the line at that... But then again... if your gonna be a Religious zealot... might as well go all the way.. just go for it.. right? After all Hell is more like a "Paradise" for a Muslim and when you get done down here there are 70 more virgins waiting to be serviced on the other side... so better get ready... right?

or Budhist? Sit around and burn lots of incense and Candles in front of brass and golden statues with your legs crossed and try to look at peace while existing in a state of Uncomfortable self imposed Hell... All Conforming to whatever the sacred writings and teachings of the elders dictate...

A Hhindi? Teaching you to do things like: Give your families Rice, Fruit and Vegetables to Rats, Monkeys, Cows and other animals to eat.. while watching them (your own wife and children) starve for lack of that very food... Uhhh NO THANKS.

I am not any of these...

Now some folks might say I'm a Bit opinionated... and so far I have been.. On purpose just to show the most extreme side of each of the above mentioned sects.

My point being that in each Religion there is a specific Book or Code of Conduct that is refered to and placed upon a Pedistal... One that Dominates the landscape of that religion and causes a certain amount of confomity to its own Precepts, Ideals. Ideologies and "Social Practices"... not to mention the theological beliefs that it promotes.

So for the sake of discussion I have described several of the worlds Religions that are in conflict today and shown their outward differences, Who started them, and the Books they follow. And have proposed that it is the Books they follow which dictate the behavior for the group in question.


I'm just a Christian... Not a fancy one that Incorporates lots of things from other religions and calls it all Christian...

I'm just a Christian... not one with Big Buildings and Lots of Artwork that the Bible calls Idols which God has explicitly Condemned in the 10 commandments...

I'm Just a Christian... Not one that came out from that Big Building with lots of Idols... and Not one that incorporates pagan things into the Christian beliefs...

Why??? or Why Not???

Because I have a book... And like all of the other religions mentioned at the top of this page who look to thier book for guidance...

That book (The Bible) is the sole source for my Doctrines and guidance in all maters of Religion and for direction in how I conduct my life.

I find it rather silly to think of Christians (and Jews too for that matter) who have the Oldest writings in the world that deal with mans relationship with God... Words given by God himself through special prophets over an extended period of time... Solid Teachings... Solid History... and the Very Words of God Himself...

And... then instead of keeping their religion pure... they chase after the opinions of men and the writings of other cultures apart from that book... Chasing after the traditions of men...

Col 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.


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