Can you still be a Pagan if you don't do magick?

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  1. ChasingAutumn profile image61
    ChasingAutumnposted 12 years ago

    Can you still be a Pagan if you don't do magick?

    I feel I identify with the main ideas of Pagan religions (nature, Gods and Goddesses, etc),  but I have yet to feel compelled to try and do magick to influence anything. I don't think it is wrong, but am I not really a Pagan if I don't try magick?

  2. Dale Hyde profile image80
    Dale Hydeposted 12 years ago

    Hello ChasingAutumn! 

    Great to hear from you.  In answer to your question, of course you can be a Pagan without practicing any magick.  Paganism is your connection with yourself and your surroundings... it is your way of life, your spiritual out look and perception of life. Magick and spell work can create focus, but certainly is not something you have to incorporate into your Pagan spirituality.

    As you mentioned, you feel connections with Nature, Gods and Goddesses, etc. You are well grounded without any concerns... be Pagan and enjoy yourself, and be blessed!

  3. ChasingAutumn profile image61
    ChasingAutumnposted 12 years ago

    Thank you Dale. That is good to hear. smile
    Blessed be.

  4. MickS profile image60
    MickSposted 12 years ago

    Before there was any Chritianity, do you think the whole of the population were magicians?  This is the same as suggesting that to be a Christian you need to be a Christian cleric.

  5. Daughter Of Maat profile image94
    Daughter Of Maatposted 12 years ago

    Hi ChasingAutumn!

    You may benefit from reading my recent hub about my path to paganism. That said, no, you don't have to perform magick to be pagan. Paganism is a system of beliefs, no more, no less. Magick isn't a requirement. If you feel you identify with Paganism, then you're on the right track. If you don't feel an urge, or as you said compelled, to perform magick, that's completely natural. When I started on the path, I learned about spell casting and magick, but I didn't perform any for about 2 1/2 years, I felt I wasn't mature enough for lack of a better term. You have to be ready for it, and Mother Nature will tell you when you're ready. It's like falling in love, you'll just know.

    In the mean time, as Dale said (Dale's awesome), enjoy yourself! Enjoy those connections to nature that you feel, and allow your bond with Nature and the Gods and Goddesses to grow. When you eventually do start down the path of magick and spells, your power will be stronger and more focused because you allowed the bond to solidify. Hope that made sense and I wish you the best on your journey!

  6. iantoPF profile image79
    iantoPFposted 12 years ago

    If I might answer from a personal perspective;
    I honor the Gods of my ancestors, not because I am looking for any special power or even for blessings, in this life or in lives to come. I follow this path because it fills a deep spiritual need within me.
    Magic, by it's very nature, is mysterious. As you live your life a certain way it opens up to you. Real magic is not the working of spells or manipulating the world. This will come clear to you simply by paying attention to the world you live in and the movement of the seasons.
    Just walk, look and listen. You will hear the pipes of Pan, I promise.

  7. Owl Ka Myst profile image61
    Owl Ka Mystposted 12 years ago

    Magic in paganism is usually found in Wicca. Pagan as a path has many roads. Wicca and magic is just one.

  8. Amanda Gee profile image61
    Amanda Geeposted 11 years ago

    Of course. Being a pagan doesn't mean you're a witch, and vise versa. smile

  9. profile image0
    ChleotheWitchposted 11 years ago

    Hello ChasingAutumn!

    Not all Pagans practice Magick just like not all Witches are Pagan. Paganism is basically a tree with the roots seen as the many religions. The Ancient Egyptians were all Pagans, yet mostly the Priests were the ones that practice Magick. Pagans are basically polytheistic, which means you believe in more than one God. You can compare to Christianity to an extent, they don't do Magick but they still honor their God. Same thing to Pagans except there are many Gods depending your tradition. To simplify what I have just written, Yes. You can be Pagan and not practice the art of Magick!

  10. profile image55
    OdinsRavenposted 9 years ago

    To put it simply yes.

    To give a more complex answer, depends.

    But all in all how much magic is wrapped up in an individual pagan faith varies greatly. I can tell you personally I'm Asatru, I'm a Rune Vikti and dabble in Seid however neither of my magical hobbies are by any means a requirement with the religious side of things.


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