What do you think death is?

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  1. baygirl33 profile image57
    baygirl33posted 12 years ago

    What do you think death is?

    Do you think we enter this world out of the darkness of a primordial past ,enjoy briefly,life's light and beauty,then disappear into a dark eternity? Apparently,in Anglo-Saxon tradition there is a story of a bewildered swallow that flies through an open window into a bright banquet hall-only to disappear through an open window on the other side.

  2. RighterOne profile image59
    RighterOneposted 12 years ago

    I think death is - well... Whatever you want it to be. Your physical body is now dead, so the extension of God (sort of like a long finger, or wire, ending in a bubble of consciousness) withdraws and heads back to the main mass of his energy, at which point you must experience that light tunnel sensation.

    You first get to settle things for your current life - so you will see everything that you've been through, perhaps people you've wronged... Make spiritual amends.

    I think at this point, you are already more or less merged with God, but still retain some of that individuality. Here you find out about the longer road your soul is traveling, and whether you have yet completed your ultimate goal in that mission.

    Finally, God will ask if you would like to be reborn to continue on that mission - in an appropriate carnal vessel, of course. Or, you could choose spiritual suicide, where you forfeit that long-term, ultimate goal and be spiritually 'dissolved' into God completely, losing all individuality. Or you may choose to 'skip a life,' that is just be with God for some time until you again chose to re-incarnate and continue your journey then.

    As for criminals and negative spirits, they have a similar, but kind of mirrored (in light vs darkness) structure of choice and punishment, forfeit, etc...

  3. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    First of all, I don't know. I have some ideas based on empirical experience and reading of the experiences of others.

    To me, death is bodily death, yes, but also the cessation of consciousness for the immortal spirit.

    This lack of consciousness can be remedied by awakening the immortal spirit (the true self, within). When this happens, bodily death no longer results in consciousness ceasing. There is continuity of consciousness because the true self no longer depends upon the physical instrumentalities of this world for "seeing" dimly through the cold, darkness of physical reality; they see instead through the true light of spirit. I have gotten glimpses of this state and long to make it permanent. This is the "everlasting life" of which Jesus spoke. This is the fruit of the Tree of Life mentioned in the Garden.

  4. Poohgranma profile image79
    Poohgranmaposted 12 years ago

    first, to hillymillydee - http://www.soundwitness.org/jw/ecclesiastes_9.htm  This explains how you have taken that verse out of context.

    Vicky, you have asked a very interesting question and one that will have many opinions.  And that is all - opinions.  My opinion is based on my faith in God and in Jesus Christ.  He said, "I go to prepare a place for you and if I go, I will return ..."
    He also said, "There are many mansions in my Father's house ..."

    I absolutely believe that when we die in Christ, we - our spirit - will be reunited with God and we will have awareness.

  5. jeanniedoe profile image56
    jeanniedoeposted 12 years ago

    I don't have any idea since I never experienced it. But I guess death is the right time for any living thing to rest in peace.

  6. Menjia_Rose profile image60
    Menjia_Roseposted 12 years ago

    No, I don't think we enter this world from darkness of a primordial past nor do we disappear into a dark eternity. Death is a state inwhich we all go through in order for us to be reborn. There are different phases every being must experience or change in every re-birth. My most famous qoute pertaining to death is as follow," Too Live is to Die and Too Die is to Live, We are all but Recycled Soul's."


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