What is preaching?

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  1. profile image51
    paarsurreyposted 14 years ago

    Hi friends

    If somebody spreads with reason, rationality and logical arguments what one truthfully believes in; that is simply declaring one's faith one believes in to others; others have a right to differ with one and provide one with their own reaons, rationality and logical arguments. This way human learn.

    This is not preaching as most people misunderstad it. I think you would agree with me. Do you?


    I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

    1. profile image0
      Twenty One Daysposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      All arguments are rationale, logical and should { can be } equally considered or dismissed. This is consciousness.
      The application of consciousness, awareness.
      The perspective presented is the argument and preaching is just enforcement of a perspective of any consideration.

      True philo needs no ratio or ration of logic.
      True philo exceeds necessity, is peace.

      don't make me start preaching. lol

      1. alexandriaruthk profile image68
        alexandriaruthkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        this is the start of preaching hehe

        1. profile image51
          paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Hi friend alexandriaruthk

          I think you have misunderstood. Please express yourself fully with your reasons.


          I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

        2. profile image0
          Twenty One Daysposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          big_smile exactly!

      2. profile image51
        paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hi friend Twenty One Days

        There is no compulsion in it; and hence no intention of enforcement. So you agree with me. Do you?


        I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

    2. qwark profile image60
      qwarkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Watch and listen to Glenn Beck....that IS preaching!
      If you are "spreading" your beliefs, you are preaching.
      Keep your religious beliefs to yourself.
      Is someone asks you to express them and you don't try to convert them..I find no problem with that.
      There is nothing logical or reasoned that pertains to religion.

      1. profile image51
        paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        "There is nothing logical or reasoned that pertains to religion"

        Hi friend qwark

        If there is no reason; then it must be a blind-religion.

        Please cite an example.


        I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

        1. qwark profile image60
          qwarkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          All religion is "blind."
          it is based on "faith."
          Religious faith, by definition, is based 100% on "hope."
          All monotheism believes in 1 god/allah.
          When asked to define your divinity, all you can offer is opinion and conjecture.
          You have "blind" faith.
          PS...I am not an atheist, agnostic, deist or a believer in mythical metaphysical divinities.

          1. profile image51
            paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Hi friend qwark

            I don't agree with you.The Truthful religion is based on reason and hence has widom. It is the Atheists Agnostics who are constantly in doubt, not able to see the Truth; they are therefore blinded in reason. They themselves called themselves Skeptics; they follow Atheism meme blindly; while they pose to be Scientist , a few of them are actually scientists.


            I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

            1. qwark profile image60
              qwarkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Evidently your ability to use and understand English is not yet good enuf to be able to "hub" with, educated, "native" speakers of English.

              I know English is not your "native" language. I take that into consideration.

              Let me clarify, for you, my use of the words logic, reason and truth

                 Logic is a science that deals with the rules and tests of    sound thinking and proof by "reasoning."
                  (the operative word in this sentence is "proof.")
                 Reason is the due exercise of the faculty of "logical" thought."
                   (the operative word in this sentence is "logical.")
                 Truth is the "real" state of things: fact.
                    (the operative word in this sentence is "real")

              I hope you can now understand why I use those words when speaking of this god thing.

              You must first identify this god thing factually, then provide proofs "it" exists. You may then say "it" is a well "reasoned" "truth."
              Until you can do that, all you can do is offer opinion and conjecture (guess.)
              Continue to study English, you are doing pretty well.

              1. profile image51
                paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Hi friend


    3. Beelzedad profile image58
      Beelzedadposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Not really. A declaration of faith is just that, a declaration.

      To defend your position with reason, rationality and logical arguments is certainly not preaching. Of course, the moment you get into the realm of the supernatural, all reason, rationality and logic are tossed out the window and your declaration of faith becomes an asserted belief.

  2. profile image0
    sophsposted 14 years ago


    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  3. skyfire profile image79
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    I hope you see through this.
    Lol, enjoy.

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi friend skyfire

      What is your point of view? Please express it fully with reasons. Please don't see through wrongly.


  4. profile image0
    JeanMeriamposted 14 years ago

    That would entirely depend on your motivation, the timing, and the way in which you present your beliefs.

    If we were in a discussion and you gave your side of a matter and I gave mine then we are discussing our beliefs. Discussion usually starts with "I believe" "I think". If you are simply pushing you beliefs on another then you are preaching. And the big picture is that "spreading your beliefs" is preaching not discussing.

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi friend JeanMeriam

      I think UN charter allows propogating/spreading one's faith; so it is not preaching.


      I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

      1. profile image0
        JeanMeriamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I am not your friend. I am a stranger. If you can get one meaning wrong, perhaps you may have gotten another wrong. I've always found the dictionary to be a useful source of word definitions.

        And the UN allowing you to spread your religion means that you're not preaching? I'll pass that info along to the pastors and missionaries that they are not actually preaching so they had better up their game if they want to preach.

        1. profile image51
          paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Hi JeanMeriam

          There is a news that many pastors have admitted that they say on the pulpit what they believe to be incorrect; that is preaching as they are spreading what they don't believe. If they would have been believing it and then educating people that was alright.

          You may see the following link in this connection :

          http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfa … tence.html


          I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

  5. profile image51
    paarsurreyposted 14 years ago

    Hi friends

    I give here "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights":

    Article 18.
    •    Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

    Article 19.
    •    Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers

    This charter allows to express one's faith; expressing it is not preaching.

    I think you would agree with me.


    I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

  6. Hokey profile image60
    Hokeyposted 14 years ago

    Elements of preaching include exposition, exhortation and practical application.

  7. goldenpath profile image68
    goldenpathposted 14 years ago

    Let's not go off on another fever fit about religion.  Preaching, in essence, is teaching.  It is an extension of knowledge (as one sees it, I agree) to someone else.  The term "preaching" is an exclusive term in connection with religion.  However, there is really no difference between a religious preacher and a school teacher except in what they teach.  Both teach and instruct according to their own knowledge and intent.  So, if you want a more detailed and constuctive analysis of preaching than you will need to break your question down further.  Otherwise you will get the same rants and ravings as is now engrained in cyberspace on current and past HubPages forums.

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi friends

      If we accept your definition the Atheist are also doing it as fevently in these forums as others. Why should the preaching or teaching of Atheism Agnosticism Skepticism not criticized here?


      I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

      1. Hokey profile image60
        Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        They are criticised all the time.

      2. goldenpath profile image68
        goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You'll get no adverse comment from me.  Also, there is no need to address yourself as a peaceful Muslim.  Although, as a Mormon, I truly understand that you may feel the need to address your peaceful intentions upfront.  I respect your feelings.

        It goes both ways.  Both ends of the spectrum are relentlessly demonized and belittles the other.  No peaceful dialogue will ever happen under such conditions.  The more we condescend another the more we do the Adersary's work.  He wants us cutting each other down.  He wants the "great divide" to be even greater, even unto bloodshed.  The root at it all is pride - on both sides.  If we, as a species, can learn to believe as we wish without feeling threatened every time a different point of view is addressed, we will have come a long way toward tolerance and understanding. 

        Peace to you, my brother, in whatever faith you practice! smile

        1. profile image51
          paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          "If we, as a species, can learn to believe as we wish without feeling threatened every time a different point of view is addressed, we will have come a long way toward tolerance and understanding."

          Hi friend goldenpath- a Mormon

          I appreciate your above words of peace.


          I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

  8. skyfire profile image79
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    Personally, i want theist to remain what they're. I don;t want to educate them or change them. This spoils the balance, why i should do that ? there is no good reason to wake up deluded one.It's fun to keep them at what they're,even if it harms me.

    I don't preach atheism, or skepticism. I make my point whenever possible on forums/offline life then i'm done with it and i'm damn sure more than 90% theists don't read my post. This completes my side, who in this forum you think is preaching atheism/skepticism ?

  9. profile image0
    SirDentposted 14 years ago

    Preaching: Foolishness to men.

  10. Richieb799 profile image75
    Richieb799posted 14 years ago

    Preaching can be any ideology being forced upon by others telling you their opinions constantly

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi friend Richieb799

      It is all being done by the Atheists here. They are Preachers of Atheism. Arn't they?


      I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

      1. earnestshub profile image80
        earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You are outed is what you are! lol lol lol

    2. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi friend Richieb799

      Then why do the Atheists tell constantly everybody that they are Atheists and they ridicule others.

      If they can do that; then others could also express their beliefs.


      I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

  11. profile image0
    SwampDonkeyposted 14 years ago

    Preaching is what the old people back home do when they don't know what they are talking about.

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi friend SwampDonkey

      I agree with you.


      I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

  12. andromida profile image55
    andromidaposted 14 years ago

    Hi friend paarsurrey- hope you are fine.I am interested to learn hubs about your ideology and ideas-why don't you simply write a few of them, well-organized hubs full of useful information and links. Thanks-I am a peaceful andromida smile

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi friend andromida

      I tried to but I get stuck up; I could not find the place where to write my post.

      You and my other friends may ask questions and I would reply from my sources. Or, I may start a thread "Ask paarsurrey" where my friends could ask me question for information and I will give the replies.

      In short our faith is equi-distant from other faiths/denominations/religions and since we uphold reason; so we are in the centre uniting everybody on Truth; accommodating and reconciling with others but not compromising on untruth.


      I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

      1. Beelzedad profile image58
        Beelzedadposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Seems rather pointless considering your answers will always be based on Islam. Anyone can read the Quran and the Hadiths. You're just looking for a reason to create a soapbox on which to stand.  smile

  13. brethodge profile image40
    brethodgeposted 14 years ago

    Preaching doesn't mean only spreading words about some religious faith and any peaceful organization but it means talking and giving out something which is useful for people may it be a product or lesson or teachings... smile

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi friend brethodge

      It is OK; as long as one believes that it is truthful.


  14. profile image51
    paarsurreyposted 14 years ago

    Hi friends

    If somebody spreads with reason, rationality and logical arguments what one truthfully believes in; that is simply declaring one's faith one believes in to others; others have a right to differ with one and provide one with their own reaons, rationality and logical arguments. This way human learn.

    This is not preaching as most people misunderstad it.

    I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim


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