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Energy and Aura - How to See Aura (Part 7)

Updated on January 25, 2013

How to see other person’s Aura

  1. Make a person sit in front of a softly illuminated plain white background. A color background might change Aura colors and as such it can become a little complicated to identify the combination of colors. Some combinations of background and Aura colors may result in wrong readings.
  2. Choose one spot to look at, preferably, the middle of the forehead. This is a location of (as discussed in previous hubs) the Third Eye.
  3. Keep looking at this spot for 30 to 60 seconds or longer if possible.
  4. After 30 seconds analyze surroundings with your peripheral vision, while still looking at the same spot. Continuing the concentration is most important. Try hard not to look around. You will be able to (suddenly) notice a bright / dull colored outline seemingly encasing the person’s body and this shadowy outline is brighter and has a different color than the background further away. This is how your eye perceives the Aura. The longer you concentrate, the better you will see it. The meaning of Aura colors has already been discussed in Part-6.

5. After concentrating long enough to see the aura, close your eyes. For a second or two you will see the Aura only. Don’t lose focus as you would only have a couple of seconds until your photosensitive cells (in the eyes) stop vibrating and sending visual sensations to the brain. And if you miss it, you have to start concentrating again. Try repeatedly (not more than twice a day) for getting better results.

You can see your own Aura

Stand in front of a full length (preferably) mirror placed at a distance not less than 6ft from you. In the beginning it is best if the background behind you is plain white and there are no shadows. Illumination should be very soft and uniform and not at all bright. You have to follow the same steps as mentioned above. Don’t forget to practice for at least 10-15 minutes each day to increase the sensitivity of your eyes so as to develop Auric sight. Practice brings perfection. There are no short cuts.

Self healing mechanism

According to the research in the field of bio-electrography by Prof Konstantin Korotkov (documented in his book on Kirlian technology, originally in Russian) our body has the power of greatly intensifying healing processes if we perform simple conscious exercises on regular basis. Prof Korotkov’s studies laid down an effective method of consciously improving and controlling the self-healing ability of the mind-body system. He went a step further in holding that the self healing system could lay the foundation of the natural self-healing medicine of the coming century.

The reports reveal that every organ and every function of the mind-body system has its precise image in the electro-photonic glow of the Aura, which can be recorded using Kirlian effect devices. It has been confirmed beyond doubt, that recording the bio-energy field distribution around each of our fingers provides comprehensive information about all the major functions of our body. (Probably this substantiates the healing process of ‘acupressure’). In general, any discontinuity of the intensity field around any finger indicates the abnormal activity of a corresponding organ, which is not in consistence with the rest of the mind-body system. This goes to show that any broken links, gaps or outbursts in the glow (Aura) around the finger tips indicate problems or potential problems. In a generic term healthy and harmonious activity of the mind-body system is manifested in a regular bio-energy field distribution around fingers, with no gaps, no empty spaces and no rapid changes in intensity and shape.

Conscious ways of controlling Aura

Two types of exercises, namely, meditation and concentration were performed and their results compared. It was found that both exercises had a very positive influence on human mind and body. They both increased the size of the aura and created a harmonious photonic field around the body. It was, however, found, that the concentration exercise was more effective, more consistent and lead to more coherent improvement of the electro-photonic glow than the meditation exercise. The positive changes induced in the human body as a result, were measured by bio-electrography, better known as GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization).

It has been vehemently emphasized time and again by ancient sages, scientists and even the medical practitioners that a human body is designed to heal itself; all one needs to do is to remove any impediments whatsoever, from the mind and body, responsible for delaying the healing process. When we hurt our finger, it heals by itself, provided the damage is not extensive. Even the ‘chakra-lines’ around the finger tips are reconstructed.

No matter how much we abuse our body, it tries to heal itself, as long as the damage is not a serious one. Most of the times, we are responsible for our own physical and mental ailments. The damage we inflict on our body system might be directly attributable to our unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, mental stress, excessive materialistic approach, lack of hygiene etc. Our body is made of the same elements as is every particle existing in Nature; as such our body system should always be in consistence with Nature and any action against the laws of Nature can prove fatal to our physical and mental health. As a distress call, the mind sends signals of pain and suffering to the other parts of the body and the same should be understood a warning to change our lifestyle. The mind-body system has almost unlimited self repair capabilities, but most of people deny themselves any access to them, either due to their arrogance or ignorance.

Auric field around fingers changes
Auric field around fingers changes

Meditation influences the Aura significantly

The state of the mind has a great influence on human aura. It has been found that the aura can be actively controlled by exercising a conscious control of the mind. In one of his case studies, Prof Korotkov recorded the electro-photonic glow around one finger only (index finger of right hand) which enabled the person (under study) to continue meditation without interruption. Prof Korotkov believed that changes in bio-field of one finger are representative for all fingers and therefore for the entire body. A set of images of the bio-energy field recorded in regular one minute intervals (with the help of Kirlian device) are shown in the figure, the first image on the left indicates the initial state just before starting meditation.

From the images it’s amply clear that the size of the electro-photonic Aura increases as the person gradually slips into deep meditative state. The initial gaps in electro-photonic bio-field gradually get filled up, indicating that the mind and body approach a perfect balanced and a harmonious state. It was found, that the size as well as distribution of the photonic field can not only be changed significantly during conscious exercises of the mind, but can also be controlled and greatly improved.

Concentration exercise (basic level) for altering Aura

Place a picture (as shown below) in front of you at a distance not less than 1.5meters from your eyes. Concentrate on the black spot in the center for as long as you can. Initially you’ll be able to see only the black spot and as the focus span increases, you would, with the help of peripheral vision, be able to see the colored spots surrounding the black spot and later, the Aura surrounding the color spots. The longer you concentrate the more sensitive your peripheral vision will become. In this form of exercise, concentration is the key. As you progress, you would be able to see the Aura of non-living objects also with greater ease.

concentration exercise
concentration exercise

Gurus / Spiritual teachers

Choosing the right Guru is essential for taking any step towards spiritual advancement. If your potential spiritual teacher does not have a yellow halo around his/her head, you are much better to advance spiritually on your own. Great teachers such as Moses, Buddha and Christ had Auras around their heads extending to their shoulders. Today it is rare to find a teacher with more than an inch of yellow halo around the head. Unfortunately, most of the times, religious leaders and so-called "Gurus" have only two prime considerations in mind; one is money and the other is power. Their only intent is to control and manipulate the minds of innocent and ignorant people. You can usually see it in their Aura for yourself. The more spiritually evolved such "Guru" wants to appear, the more evident is his/her spiritual ignorance. A true master / Guru would never believe in showing his powers publicly and would never try to declare his supremacy over others; he would, in all probabilities, make every common man believe in his own potential for transcending the spiritual path.

Aura Cleansing

As we know that our Aura is a composite of electromagnetic fields, apart from collecting positive vibrations it is prone to accumulate negativity also. If that happens, some areas of Aura can appear dark, dull or a little discolored which can lead to some physical illness. It can be a warning sign of a sickness already present or may even simply cause mental stress and negativity of thoughts. Hence, it is more than important to have the Aura checked for any infirmities and cleansed occasionally by an expert in this area.

To be continued…..

Controlling your Aura

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