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A Review of The Storm WildEye Minnow Fishing Lure

Updated on May 12, 2015

Trout Fishing

It's trout fishing season again and fresh young trout are just waiting for you to arrive and catch them....if you can. Whatever your favorite fish is?

The Storm WildEye Minnow is the lure.

Do you remember your first cast of the day?

The moment when your lure or bait first plunks down in the water. It's the beginning of something special, and that something is called the 'Ritual of fishing' and it's gone on for centuries. No matter how many years we fish, we never forget the sound of that first cast.

It matter's not what happens next, the sound of your lure hitting the water is forever burned into your mind as the day begins.

storm wildeye minnow jpg 4
storm wildeye minnow jpg 4

Is The Storm Wildeye Lure Really That Good? Here's a time when it failed to perform

I was fishing in eastern Washington State and it was nearing the end of what was turning into a windy day

I was fishing my way back down a stream after spending about an hour and a half fishing upstream. I only needed one more fish for my limit and I was using every trick in my arsenal to make that happen.

It was mid afternoon and the wind was blowing from behind me. Not enough to stop me from fishing just yet, but windy enough making fishing a bit of a challenge.

I had arrived back at a small pool under a low hanging tree that I had passed up on my way upstream. I remembered this pool because I had seen a couple big one's in there. I grabbed my polarized glasses and put them on to see if I could spot either or both of those fish just lazing away in the current waiting for a free meal. After spotting them, I knew they were just waiting for the right 'bait' to arrive and I planned to deliver just that. Deliver the right 'bait' right to one of them.

Carefully I cast slightly upstream, just ahead of that tree and it's pool as I wanted my lure of course, to pass under that tree and right to one of those trout. I knew they would hear the lure hitting the water. Sure enough, as I waited and watched my Storm Lure (WildEye Minnow) floated right down almost to the fish on the left. He dashed out and struck but missed. To be honest, that 'miss' was probably more my fault that his. I watched him hit the lure and in my own excitement and violating my own rule? I tried to set the hook too early and yanked it right out of his mouth. What? Yep, I violated my own rule. Trout fever!!!

I reeled my line in quickly and stood still in that stream, not moving for at least three minutes to let everything settle back down. I could still see them both, still in that pocket. Looking for another spot where the current would bring it right to the one on the left this time and not just 'near' him. I was taking no chances. Spotting where I was going to cast my lure, I brought my arm back and lightly flipped it kind of sideways and forward. Just as I cast my lure towards that spot though, a gust of wind lifted my line and lure. Lifted them up and into the *%$& tree, snagging me quite tightly.

Needless to say, I lost any chance of catching either of those fish that day as I spooked them with all of my thrashing about and subsequent climbing of the tree to retrieve my lure. Other than that day and my own 'trout fever?' I can say the Storm line of lures lures are 'fish magnets' when presented properly.

The problem wasn't the lure, I failed to present it properly that day by snagging it in a tree.

True story.

The Lure That Really Does Work

Storm WildEye Live Minnow 02 Fishing lure (Minnow, Size- 2)
Storm WildEye Live Minnow 02 Fishing lure (Minnow, Size- 2)
Here it is...The Storm WildEye Minnow Lure. The lure that works. Note the Needlepoint hook in the body and the treble hook from the belly. This lure has holographic 3D presentation that makes it almost irresistible to fish. The body of the lure has a weight inside as well as the hollow shaped tail, to give it a fish like swimming motion. Evaluation: If you are serious about catching fish and the baitfish are running? Slow retrieve this lure with the occasional twitch of your rod tip as you reel back to yourself. If fishing later in the year, hook this to a Carolina rig and drop it down and twitch reel it back in. Once you have your limit, go home

In Fishing, As In All Things

There are some basics first

It goes without saying, you need to know the rules of your state or province for fishing rules and regulations.

Each State Fish and Wildlife management department provides a booklet with regulations, limits, species, tagging, etc. so there is no reason to NOT know. Read the book, know and follow these rules as set forth in the booklet, it's the law.

They (The Fish and Wildlife Departments in your state) publish these rules and regulations for all of us to help in keeping fish populations and ecosystems productive. Keeping all species as balanced as possible depends upon us as fishermen and women by following those regulations.

Talk to your retailer when you buy that license, because it must also include the proper stamps or tags or whatever individual identifier that is required by your state, for the fish you are seeking.

Buy and carry a license.

How to Catch Fish 101

Fishing upstream

Now that you have a rough idea of what to take along on a fishing trip and why, let's talk about what to do when you get there.

Before going any further, you should know....there are no real 'tricks' to catching trout. Just skill, luck and a lot of patience. Take your time, relax. If you pay attention to this information, practice to learn the skills, well then with some luck and patience you will become a good fisherman or woman. That being said, read on....

When I first arrive at my fishing spot, I leave all of my gear in my truck and survey the general area. Mostly, to look for the obvious fish holding spots and even other fishermen. To start, I fish upstream for about an hour or so before turning around and fishing back downstream. For upstream, I cast my bait upstream and let it float back down through any pools or fish holding areas.

I use my Storm WildEye Lure at this point because I am going to be moving fast. I'll explain the 'why's' of all of this later. (Take a look at the Storm line of lures and see which one is for you.) I cast far enough upstream to give my lure a chance to orient itself. Casting inline with the current so that it will carry my lure where I want it to work. This allows my bait to drift along the edge of any slack water behind rocks, or trees or even a bend in the stream where the bank forms a natural pool. I fish both sides first and the center last. When I pull a fish 'out' of a holding area, (even if it is the first pass) I move on to give the remaining fish a chance to settle down.

Another simple trick I use, is to keep the sun in my face so that my shadow does not fall across the water. No sense alerting the fish to my presence by letting them see my shadow. I also wear a pair of polarized glasses to help see those fish.

No bites on my first drift through that slack water? I cast back upstream and drift the other side. After I have worked both sides, I cast for the middle. Now, whether I have pulled a fish or not, I move on, because the fish are spooked or already have moved. There's plenty of time and lots of stream to fish in that hour or so. What you are looking for right now, are the hungry or aggressive fish to strike. If you pull one out?

Just move on, the commotion, has scattered the will be back

When The Trout Get A Bit Larger?

Storm WildEye Live Stocker Trout 06 (Size- 6)
Storm WildEye Live Stocker Trout 06 (Size- 6)
The Storm WildEye Stocker Trout lure, looks like a baitfish to another trout. (Yes, they eat their young) If you are looking to hook that big sea trout? This is your lure. Tough plastic lure is weighted for real swimming action Evaluation: If you want a life like trout baitfish, this one will work with a nice even retrieve under banks with a Carolina rig is deadly

How to Fish 102

Fishing Downstream

After I have fished upstream for that hour or so, I turn to fish down, but this time I slow down. The reason is, since I know I left trout behind in some of those pools, I change tactics and/or baits. Which to use, depends upon time of day, water temp, how hungry the fish are, and your own 'gut' feeling.

The first type of bait I use is, my Storm-WildEye-Minnow Lure.because it looks as much like a 'bait' fish as the real thing. I can also use a worm or even a small jig, but I prefer the choices in my Storm Lure setup. I find that slowing down now works best to be able to catch those fish I spooked on my first pass upstream. Here is an important tidbit when fishing downstream, I walk slowly, as the mere presence of me in the water alerts fish by the pressure change in the water cascading downstream to them.

When casting, I stay upstream of where I want to fish and cast down stream, ahead of myself. This allows me to drift right across those same pools. Now, something else you're probably asking, is how the Storm Minnow can be used both upstream and down?

Presentation, presentation, presentation. When fishing upstream, I'm casting upstream quickly into a pool and letting the bait drift through looking only for the really hungry or aggressive fish. But, when going back down stream, I'm in control of the current and drift speed. I cast downstream and drift my bait through the pool BEFORE I walk down there and alert every fish in the county that I'm there.

I take my time! I go over those pools a bit slower this time. I need no weights, or at least very little, as I'm the one controlling the sinking or the rising of my bait or lure by tugging or not tugging against the current.

These techniques and tricks will work every time if done correctly. I.pull those lazy fish out of a hole when I normally might miss them. They have had time to settle down since my first pass upstream, even if the pool is one I pulled a fish from when going upstream. These fish are more likely alert for slow moving or opportune food coming their way now, so it is up to me to present it to them..

If you use these simple tricks and techniques, I guarantee your number of fish caught.....will increase.

In closing today

Why I use this lure

To clarify? I don't write reviews about things I test that don't work. I mean, why write a negative review on something that doesn't work? I just return the stuff to the manufacturer with my notes and move on.

That being said, once you own and fish with any of the Storm Lures, you will understand why I recommend them. They are even perfect for spring Crappie fishing as they perfectly resemble a 'baitfish' and Crappie will hit them hard. Admittedly, ALL fishing takes a little bit of finesse, a little luck and some skill all rolled into one. Having a Storm Lure as well, just adds to the plus side of that equation.

The things I have talked about today should help you on the road to pulling in the big ones. It can be done and is done. If you read any of my blogs, you know I won't recommend something I haven't used or believe in. When I speak about the Storm line of lures, I have found them to be remarkable and will work almost every time.

Thanks for reading, stay safe and I'll see you on the trail--CampingmanNW


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