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Natural home remedies: oily skin

Updated on November 16, 2014

Oily skin is often greasy and shiny, especially on the front and is often affected by pimps, acne problems or blackheads. It is caused by an excess of sebum production which can also cause Acne.

How to look after greasy skin with natural remedies

First of all avoid using common soaps as they unbalance the PH of the skin. Also get rid of any too harsh detergents or scrubs as they tend to eliminate the greasy layer temporary with the result that the skin will be more oily than ever. In fact The skin will produce even more sebum as a reaction of a too strong treatment. The skin needs to re-balance from within and it needs to be stimulated by the right nutrients and in the right way. Detergent soaps are often too harsh for an oily skin especially if it is prone to acne and black heads break out except for the glycerine soap which does not irritate the skin and gently helps to remove dead cells and dirt while retaining the right moisture. Although it doesn’t provide any nutrients a glycerine soap can greatly help in washing the face without leaving unplesant feelings like a streching or itching skin . There are , of course, other ways, to wash the skin and to cure afterwords which is the topic of this this hub.

Cleaning and washing.

Yogurt and Milk instead of your soaps and chemical detergents.

Use yogurt and milk to clean the skin and gently exfoliating the upper layers, removing excess sebum and dead skin unclogging the pores. This remedy is excellent in providing nutrient to the skin in form of lactic acid and proteins.

Grape Juice:

After the above treatment apply some grape juice which has a mild drying effect without being too strong for the skin. Grape juice has got an excellent astringent effect which greatly help to reduce the sebum and provides plenty of vitamins and nutrients. Remember that your skin, even if it is greasy needs to be fed with a cocktails of vitamins minerals and water so some essential oil are also very good in helping the skin to regain the right balance.

Facial peels and vapours should be part of your regular routine in keeping the skin well cured.

Facial spa sessions:

Particularly indicated for oily skin are some vapours with essential oils which are very good for a deep cleansing and also have a drying effect leaving the skin moisturized and refreshed.

Bring to boil 2-3 litres of water, add a tablespoon of bicarbonate (it increases the amount of vapour) and add 10 drops of essential oil chosen among: essential sage oil, mint, rosemaryne, oregano, . These oils are also good for breathing and cure colds too. During the treatment gently massage the skin with a sponge.


Cucumber lotion:

Apply some cucumber liquid on the skin: it is particularly indicated for greasy skin and for unclogging pores

Astringent and refreshing lotions:

With Sage

Put a handsome of sage leafs in a bowl, add water and put on the cooker. Just before reaching the boiling stage remove it and leave it to cool. Apply on the face with some cotton pads when it is lukewarm. It is particularly refreshing and it has an excellent cleansing effect.

With lemon Juice

Lemon juice has some excellent astringent properties and therefore is particularly indicated to cure an oily skin and acne too.

Apply some lemon juice on your face. Leave it to dry and then wash it with water. This would be also an excellent treatment to enlightens the skin.

Lemon juice mixed with water is an excellent toner too and it helps to better exfolliate the skin.

Masks and creams:

Clay Mask:

Clay benefits all type of skins but it is particularly indicated for oily skins.

A clay mask is one of the best treatment for an oily skin. Among many ingredients it has 44% of silica one of those essential elements to retain the beauty of the skin. Clay has detoxing and exfoliating effects, soothes the skin and help to eliminate toxins. Clay comes in different colours and types. For oily skin, it is particularly indicated the green clay which calms inflammations and it is beneficial against acne. The below recipe it an excellent treatment for acne problem.

This recipe is very simple and easy to make:

Mix 2 or 3 tablespoon of Clay with

2 drops of essential oil chosen among:

Orange oil

Lavander oil

Mint oil

Tea tree oil

Rosemary oil

Add 2 or 3 tablespoon of flower water

Cold Water

You can also add some Aloe gel in case of acne. Aloe does wonders for your skin with detoxing, soothing and regenerating the skin. It is a marvellous adding to your natural skin recipes.

Mixed all the ingredients till a paste is obtained and apply on your cleaned face for 15 to 30 minutes.

Remove with lukewarm water and apply your usual cream.

See also my article my homemade natural skin products article with other suggestions on clay masks.

Mask: oatmeal, lemon juice aloe vera gel, and honey.

Make a paste with these combined ingredients and let relax for ten minutes. It is an instant facial and you will have regenerate skin.

This mask combine the astringent element of lemon with oatmeal and aloe vera.

Scrub: Oatmeal and honey

Although it might sound too harsh to do a scrub on a greasy skin a mild one can help.

This one uses oatmeal with honey mixed with water.

1/4 tbs of oatmeal

¼ tbs of water

1 tabs of honey.

Steer the oatmeal and the water till it is enough pasty and then add the honey.

Gently massage the face and then and remove with lukewarm water

This is excellent because of the marvellous properties of honey in fighting bacteria and is particularly indicated for pores.

You can also try ground almond with honey.

Natural cream for oily skin:

I mentioned before, Aloe Vera gel to which I dedicated an entire article to this marvellous natural remedy which has many benefits. In particularly it helps the skin to re-generating new cells and improve greatly the immune system by providing many ingredients like amino acids, vitamins minerals and plenty of water. If you suffer from acne, eczema problem or any other skin discomfort, I will strongly recommend you to drink aloe gel which helps the immune system so it would not only improve your skin but your health too. Therefore my suggestion for an oily skin it is also to apply some pure aloe gel on the face and use it as a cream. It helps greatly to reduce pores, soothes the skin and it provides all the wonderful ingredients Aloe Vera.

Finally a very practical suggestion: pull your hair at the back so they do not enter in contact with your skin . This will prevent dirt and bacteria from the hair to penetrate the skin.


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