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Dallas W Thompson (dallas93444)

Joined 14 years ago from Bakersfield, CA

  • 117
  • 334
  • 517
  • Reality - What is YOUR Perception

    Reality - What is YOUR Perception

    7 years ago

    First, one must acknowledge the known: “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Albert Einstein “Everything you see or hear or experience in any way at all is specific to you. You create a universe by perceiving it,...

  • Cats-R-Us


    9 years ago

    he measurable Hertz of a cat's purr lies between 25 and 150. 20 to 50 HZ has shown great promise in speeding bone injuries in human medicine. These same frequencies are optimal for bone growth or repair – although cats seem to be able to ramp up the range to 140 Hz. It seems cat purrs create...

  • Computer Chips are Hackable!

    Computer Chips are Hackable!

    11 years ago

    Is the New World Order (NWO) alive and well? Is there a conspiracy whereby all is known to the select few? Are our computers designed and controlled by others to enable them to have access? Two Cambridge experts have discovered a "back door" in a computer chip used in military systems and...

  • Can E. Coli Cause Cancer?

    Can E. Coli Cause Cancer?

    11 years ago

    People with colorectal cancer were found to be more likely than healthy people to harbor E. coli containing pks bacteria. “PKS” are in strains of E. coli that contain a set of genes known as "the pks island" that have been implicated in pathways that cause DNA damage.

  • Toxoplasma gondii Parasite is a Concern

    Toxoplasma gondii Parasite is a Concern

    9 years ago

    “In a study of over 45,000 Danish mothers, infected patients were one and a half times more likely to attempt suicide than those not infected.” As noted in my book, “Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma,” researchers are discovering a greater influence in infected humans.

  • My Father's Funeral: Reflection

    My Father's Funeral: Reflection

    9 years ago

    Dead. Gone. Passing. Words meant to describe an event. My father died at the age of 86. I am writing to describe my reaction to my father’s death. I am exploring my feelings of my dad’s death. He represented many things to many people. He was a leader and admired by many.

  • Is Robo-Writing the Future?

    Is Robo-Writing the Future?

    9 years ago

    What is a “Robot Reporter?” It is automated software designed to turn facts, or ideas into readable copy. The Robot computer driven process-utilize artificial intelligence with unlimited potential.Writing Robots can autonomously explore its environment and report what it finds.

  • Which is Best? Click & Mortar or Internet Education?

    Which is Best? Click & Mortar or Internet Education?

    9 years ago

    Simple answer: depends on both the student and the institution. “Best” means many different things to different people. The term education is used in terms of the context of the knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process.

  • Who Protects Our Infrastructures?

    Who Protects Our Infrastructures?

    9 years ago

    Basic far-reaching dilemma – who guards cyber security for private enterprise? Does our infrastructure guard themselves against foreign computer hacking? Or does the government guard us? There is a serious debate on going to decide our government provides security for our infrastructure.

  • Letter to Editor of Bakersfield Californian

    Letter to Editor of Bakersfield Californian

    9 years ago

    Want to make a positive difference? Want to swim upstream against all odds? Want an outstanding challenge that may win awards? Want recognition to get your "bosses off your back?" Want to be late and not ever have to explain?

  • What are the Facts about T. Gondii Cat Infection?

    What are the Facts about T. Gondii Cat Infection?

    9 years ago

    Cats are the only animals that are the definitive host for Toxoplasma Gondii. Toxoplasma Gondii is a parasite that lives in all warm-blooded creatures, including us. There is no cure. Toxoplasma Gondii (T. gondii) produces Toxoplasmosis (Toxo) in humans.

  • What is Taxoplasmosis?

    What is Taxoplasmosis?

    9 years ago

    Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) causes Toxoplasmosis. T. gondii is a bad bug. T. gondii is one of the most common parasitic diseases and has been found in nearly all warm-blooded animals, including pets and humans. Over 60 million people in the US are infected with this parasite. There is no cure.

  • Why Buy the Book, Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma?

    Why Buy the Book, Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma?

    9 years ago

    Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma is concerned about unacountable leaders with hidden agendas. Some good leaders become corrupt trying to do the “right thing.” In a fictional setting explores the possibility of a simple parasite that is ubiquitous with more than half of the world already infected being...

  • T. Gondii - Most of Us Have It!

    T. Gondii - Most of Us Have It!

    9 years ago

    Toxoplasmosis Gondii (T. gondii) only recently has been determined to have deleterious effects upon humans.

  • What is the Big Deal?    T. gondii Changes Human Behaviors!

    What is the Big Deal? T. gondii Changes Human Behaviors!

    9 years ago

    In researching for my completed book, “Completed Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma,” I have discovered disturbing facts about T. gondii.

  • What Does Cats Have To Do With It?

    What Does Cats Have To Do With It?

    9 years ago

    Toxoplosmosis: 50% of the world is infected. Some areas are almost 100% infected. Toxoplasmosis (toxo) is an infection caused by a single-celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii, or also known as T. gondii. T. gondii is the third leading cause of foodborne illness resulting in death in the U.S.

  • What does Intent Have to do with it?

    What does Intent Have to do with it?

    9 years ago

    Our intent provides a unity of relationships interdependent whereby the parts affecting the whole at every moment. OK, here comes that word that will scare some: quantum field.

  • Be Different!-Be Authentic-Be Not Normal- Be Successful

    Be Different!-Be Authentic-Be Not Normal- Be Successful

    11 years ago

    Normal people are average people. I was born poor. I lived in a two-room house with an outdoor toilet (outhouse). I did not know I was “poor.” I enjoyed making my toys. Am I better off than one born with a “silver spoon” in their mouth? Nope.

  • Our Personal Ecosytem - What is it?

    Our Personal Ecosytem - What is it?

    9 years ago

    The relationship of our unique ecosystems has on each of us is profound. We have specialized bugs/species that help digest foods. Diseases are associated with properties of the microbiome.

  • HTML- Website Bugs - I Know More Than I Wanted to Know

    HTML- Website Bugs - I Know More Than I Wanted to Know

    9 years ago

    I learned how to open HubPages and click on the far left HTML button when in the edit phase of the HubPage article.

  • How Do You Learn - What Does This Really Mean?

    How Do You Learn - What Does This Really Mean?

    9 years ago

    Information may be meaningless “stuff.” Information is like having an alphabet of plastic letters. Unless the letters are arranged in an ordered fashion, there is no “intelligence,” or knowledge learned

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    How Do You Learn?

    8 years ago

    The learning process is simple but: a PROCESS. One must be aware of how to learn. It sounds very basic, but many people are not aware of how they learn. It is more than being burned by a match and “learning” not to be burned again by a match.

  • A Novice Constructs His

    A Novice Constructs His "Best Seller Book" Web Page - The Process

    9 years ago

    Achieving working knowledge of the website template is just the beginning. What is your central theme? Colors? Fonts? I would recommend reviewing websites for top web pages to get an idea of what is desirable.

  • Cabin Cruise Epilogue - the Real Story

    Cabin Cruise Epilogue - the Real Story

    9 years ago

    The first morning back from the “adventure,” my mother told me she did not sleep well “last night.” I asked her why. She replied, “I had night mares…” I asked what about. She replied, “The boat trip.”

  • Finally! Cabin Cruiser Arrived in Delta...

    Finally! Cabin Cruiser Arrived in Delta...

    9 years ago

    When he learned where I came from, his mouth dropped open! He said, “You have got to be kidding!! You came from San Luis Obispo, California in that small boat? There is no way I would have done that! Are YOU serious?”

  • Fourth Day Cabin Cruiser Ocean Trip

    Fourth Day Cabin Cruiser Ocean Trip

    9 years ago

    The first huge ship I saw was just at the entrance to the Golden Gate Bay. At first, I thought it was a cliff! It was a huge dark silhouette. There must be a God! I appreciated the boat leading the way.

  • Day Three Cabin Cruiser Ocean Trip

    Day Three Cabin Cruiser Ocean Trip

    11 years ago

    Upon my approach to Half Moon Bay, I notice sticking out of the ocean a small rock right at the entrance. I did not see a note on my GPS.

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    Day Two Ocean Trip in Cabin Cruiser

    9 years ago

    After refueling, and a walk along the tourist parts of Morro Bay, mom wanted to do some Karaoke singing! She sang as if her life depended on it! We had a great time. We left at 6:30 the next morning for Monterey Bay, 110 miles to the North.

  • 12

    My Mom and My Cabin Cruiser 600 Mile Ocean Odyssey

    9 years ago

    Completed an ocean going odyssey motoring an “up-hill” journey from Port San Luis, North to Morro Bay, Monterey Bay, Half Moon Bay, under the Golden Gate Bridge, up the Deep Water Channel, and then into the Delta (has 1,000 miles of shoreline) to explore the possibility of selling my boat. The area...

  • My Motivation to Write, Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    My Motivation to Write, Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    9 years ago

    My concern was and is, who decides who dies? There is no accountability. No one knows. It is done in plain sight… with government funding.

  • How to Self-Publish a Best Seller

    How to Self-Publish a Best Seller

    9 years ago

    This is not about how great I am. This is about my trial and errors of creating a publishing company and become a vertically integrated writer from the creative process of writing, publishing (yes, contracting out the printing of the book) marketing and distribution.

  • Why I Love Connie Jean? 10 Top Reasons

    Why I Love Connie Jean? 10 Top Reasons

    8 years ago

    Connie Jean is my best cheerleader - she was one in high school. Best of all, she believes in me.

  • Life Is Like My Cabin Cruiser: From Rags to Riches; I Get to Decide What Is Rich!

    Life Is Like My Cabin Cruiser: From Rags to Riches; I Get to Decide What Is Rich!

    5 years ago

    The Glenda Fae cabin cruiser represents to me the drive needed to be succesful. We get to decide what "succeful" is, or what it means to us. The neglected cabin cruiser had no value when I first met her. Yet now she does... The "value" is subjective.. Our lives are what we value in ourselves. Each...

  • What is Objective Reality?

    What is Objective Reality?

    9 years ago

    Perhaps objective realism is an alternative name for philosophical realism, the view that there is a reality, or a realm of objects and facts, that exists independent of the mind. The facts are independent of us.

  • Is Your Computer Hacked?

    Is Your Computer Hacked?

    8 years ago

    The existing danger from the supply chain that comes from global sources, for electronic components could be infiltrated by hostile agents. These hostile agents – not limited to foreign governments – could alter the circuitry of the integrated components. Logic “bombs” can be created that would...

  • Life is Like My Cabin Cruiser

    Life is Like My Cabin Cruiser

    8 years ago

    Updating my 28-foot Cabin Cruiser mirrors my life. One of my goals in life is to be the best I can be. Sometimes I need repairs and updates.

  • Quantum Physics: It's Everwhere!

    Quantum Physics: It's Everwhere!

    9 years ago

    It was thought that quantum phenomena would operate only at the level of individual particles. The process of discovery in quantum physics seems to indicate that the entanglement coordinates the properties of distant particles. One of the more radical predictions of quantum mechanics is that a...

  • 11

    Numbers: Nature's Paint Brush!

    9 years ago

    Numbers corresponds to the aspect of reality (as we experience it) that Greek philosophers called numbers “becoming,” as opposed to the timeless being of numbers, triangles, and circles. Galileo famously stated that the universe is a "grand book" written in the language of mathematics.

  • What is the Theory of Everything (ToE)?

    What is the Theory of Everything (ToE)?

    11 years ago

    Theory of Everything would unify all the fundamental interactions of nature, which are usually considered to be four in number: gravity, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, and the electromagnetic force. Because the weak force can transform elementary particles from one kind into...

  • What is the Holographic Principle?

    What is the Holographic Principle?

    9 years ago

    David Bohm's theory suggest that the universe is like a Hologram. He describes all matter, and everything really, in an implicate order that we cannot perceive. The implicate order is like an interference pattern of energy waves, interacting with itself.

  • Possible Relief from Multiple Sclerosis

    Possible Relief from Multiple Sclerosis

    9 years ago

    The idea surgically straightening crooked veins would benefit degenerative nerve problems was huge. Zamboni has said his findings should be subjected to more rigorous clenical reviews and testing.

  • Why Do I Smell Flowers; You Smell Sewage?

    Why Do I Smell Flowers; You Smell Sewage?

    9 years ago

    As we adapt to our changing environment, our sense of smell has become less important. The 400 genes encoding our olfactory (smelling nerve endings) receptors began to accumulate mutations. After a number of mutations, it becomes a pseudogene notes geneticist Doron Lancet of Israel's Weizmann...

  • Why Intestinal Parasites Likes Your Guts

    Why Intestinal Parasites Likes Your Guts

    9 years ago

    Intestinal parasites in humans are more common than may you think. In fact, there are hundreds of parasite species that can make their home in our intestinal tract, as well as many other places in the human body.

  • Why Does Science Lie to Me? Why One Day It is OK, Next Week It is Not OK...

    Why Does Science Lie to Me? Why One Day It is OK, Next Week It is Not OK...

    9 years ago

    The "real world" clinical trials are inferior to clinical studies because they rely on observations out in the real world, where it is impossible to control for the varibles scientist seek to understand. To compensate for the large margin of errors, they use a large sample size...

  • What is Human Internal Ecosystem?

    What is Human Internal Ecosystem?

    9 years ago

    A genetic profile of our microbiome will be taken with treatmnents prescribed from instant molecular data. Apparently, healthy germs helps to keep our body healthy!

  • Gene Soup: the DNA Neighborhood Makes a Difference

    Gene Soup: the DNA Neighborhood Makes a Difference

    12 years ago

    The position of the genes can help indicate whether a cell is canerous. Gene position soon will become a powerful molecular tool for assisting doctors to diagnose cancer at a very early stage. Certain cancers arise when two or more chromosomes in a cell break (radiation or toxins), and then...

  • Get A Mate, Get Attached to the Right Partner

    Get A Mate, Get Attached to the Right Partner

    9 years ago

    The first five minutes of effective communication you will learn more than others learn in months of dating. If your date demonstrates a sincere wish to understand your needs and puts your well-being first, your future looks great!

  • Your Brain on Blueberries

    Your Brain on Blueberries

    9 years ago

    Blueberries are an excellent source of vitamin C. In fact, a serving contains about 14 mg or almost 25% of daily requirement for Vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed for the formation of collagen and to maintain healthy gums and capillaries. It also aids in the absorption of iron and promotes a healthy...

  • DNA Does Not Determine Entire Genetic Fate

    DNA Does Not Determine Entire Genetic Fate

    9 years ago

    “It’s become very clear that DNA sequences are just a building block. They don’t explain higher-order complexity,” said Peter Park, a Harvard University bioinformaticist and co-author of one of the Nature studies. “People are sequencing all these genomes, but it doesn’t actually tell us about the...

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    Smoke, Choke, Croak- Radioactive Cigarettes

    9 years ago

    Puff by puff, polonium 210 (a radioactive poison) builds up to an equivalent radiation dosage of 300 chest X-rays for a person who smoking one and a half packs a day. A smoker stockpiles their supply of polonium with each drag; therefore, the high exposure associated with a lifetime of smoking.

  • Artificial Intelligence- Robo Scientist

    Artificial Intelligence- Robo Scientist

    9 years ago

    It is now possible to automate scientific discovery. This does not mean automating experiments. It is possible to build a machine—a robot scientist—that can discover new scientific knowledge.

  • Where Did the 200,000 Tons of Methane Go Released in Gulf?

    Where Did the 200,000 Tons of Methane Go Released in Gulf?

    9 years ago

    John Kessler, oceanographer for Texas A&M reports in Science and reported in todays’ (01/07/2011) Wall Street Journal that a huge swarm of methane gas-gobbling bacteria swelled to consume nearly all of the 200,000 tons of methane dumped into the gulf.

  • Could Electrical Transformers Have a Gravity Influence?

    Could Electrical Transformers Have a Gravity Influence?

    9 years ago

    Einstein tells us that all gravitational forces correspond to a bending of spacetime; the "twist" is gravitomagnetism.

  • Artificial Intelligence Revolution - Smarter Than Humans

    Artificial Intelligence Revolution - Smarter Than Humans

    9 years ago

    It is possible that computers of the future will not merely carry out instructions but act on their own, taking logical decisions based on reason and guided by situations, which has so far been the preserve of humans. They will compute, assess, and act discerningly without interference largely....

  • Do You Know What is in Your Foods

    Do You Know What is in Your Foods

    8 years ago

    If your food came from a box, did you read the label first and if so, did you understand all the ingredients? The fact is most of us either do not know or do not want to know where our food comes from.

  • Broken Trust, Not Condoms

    Broken Trust, Not Condoms

    8 years ago

    WikiLeaks is providing information to the public based on documents provided by various whistleblowers. These documents came from legitimate sources and are authenticated documents even by those in the US military and US political sphere.

  • Why the fall of the Berlin Wall had an Effect on Me

    Why the fall of the Berlin Wall had an Effect on Me

    9 years ago

    I leaned against the Wall and an “aha” learning moment began… I began to realize the importance of freedom, how we take for granted our choices and actions; how man’s inhumanity is cruel and dangerous if focused for the good of a few, rather than the good of the many…

  • How Smokers Think about Death

    How Smokers Think about Death

    8 years ago

    Thus, mortality-salient warnings may increase the tendency to favor smoking under certain circumstances. This fatal ironic effect highlights the importance of a risk communication that matches the self-esteem contingencies of the recipients, and it has urgent implications for health care policy.

  • Nice Germs Finish Last

    Nice Germs Finish Last

    9 years ago

    Good Samaritans are in our own bodies. James J. Collins, a biologist at Boston University, has found small numbers of drug-resistant bacteria help their vulnerable counterparts survive antibiotic onslaughts, even at their own peril.

  • Warning: Your Doctor Maybe a Pawn for Drug Companies

    Warning: Your Doctor Maybe a Pawn for Drug Companies

    9 years ago

    The real world the doctors “practice” in is the rest of the procedures, surgeries, and drugs are based upon a combination of guesswork, theory, and tradition, with a strong dose (pun intended) of marketing by drug and device companies.

  • My Mother An Amazing Woman

    My Mother An Amazing Woman

    9 years ago

    Okie" migrants can probably claim their greatest achievements in the area of culture. The supposedly helpless "Okies" made a positive contribution to the central valleys of California. Politically, the "Okies" imparted "plain-folk Americanism," which combines concern for the little man with a...

  • Chapter 7 Yes Mother I do Remember

    Chapter 7 Yes Mother I do Remember

    9 years ago

    We bought our first house for $600 with $300 down and $20 per month for a two room house with no inside plumbing or electricity. We used a lamp for lights and dug a hole for a “outhouse” in the back yard. It was our toilet.

  • Sacramento River, July 4th Weekend on a Raft To San Francisco

    Sacramento River, July 4th Weekend on a Raft To San Francisco

    9 years ago

    ...suggested I build a raft to go from as far up the Feather River you can go, and then float all-the-way-down into the San Francisco Bay. “Wouldn’t that be fun?” she said with a warm glow of wine wafting through her hair… How could I say no?

  • Adversity Does Make Us Stronger

    Adversity Does Make Us Stronger

    9 years ago

    What does not destroy me, makes me stronger. Given this, paradigm, the most commonly used term resilience has come to mean an individual's ability to overcome adversity and continue his or her normal development.

  • I slept with Electric Eels

    I slept with Electric Eels

    8 years ago

    Caught in the dark in a steep canyon in the Cook Islands; spending the night with electric eels flashing in the stream I was in...

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    How to sail free from Fiji to Sydney

    8 years ago

    The huge risk began to sink in. I would have no navigational aids and must rely on Fijian sailors to guide by celestial navigation to Sydney, Australia. Rob wanted a statement made of comparing and contrasting the old ways with the new ways of ocean transportation in Fiji. Everything had to be...

  • My Mother Has Melanoma Cancer in Three Places

    My Mother Has Melanoma Cancer in Three Places

    9 years ago

    My mother had worked as a youth in the fields picking grapes, fruit and farm labor. She was “dirt poor.” The exposure to the sun had created melanoma cancer.

  • Retrocausality (Reverse Causality): Today Effects the Past

    Retrocausality (Reverse Causality): Today Effects the Past

    9 years ago

    Open topics in physics, especially involving the reconciliation of gravity with quantum physics, suggest that retrocausality may be possible under certain circumstances. Closed timelike curves, in which the world line of an object returns to its origin, arise from some exact solutions to the...

  • Computer Worm Stuxnet Hits Nuclear Plant in Iran

    Computer Worm Stuxnet Hits Nuclear Plant in Iran

    9 years ago

    Stuxnet appears designed to take over centrifuges’ programmable logic controllers. Natanz has thousands of identical centrifuges and identical programmable logic controllers (PLCs), tiny computers for each centrifuge that oversee the centrifuge’s temperature, control valves, operating speed, and...

  • Layman's Theory of the Grand Unification: Multiple Facets

    Layman's Theory of the Grand Unification: Multiple Facets

    5 years ago

    In deep space everything rotates at the SAME SPEED, including hydrogen atoms! It does not matter how far away, or near to the central mass of rotation.

  • Computer Worm Stuxnet Hits Nuclear Plant in Iran

    Computer Worm Stuxnet Hits Nuclear Plant in Iran

    8 years ago

    The Stuxnet worm is described as a "cyber-missile," designed to seek out and destroy specified targets. Its unusual sophistication hints of a well-financed nation, rather than a group of rogue hackers trying to steal industrial secrets or to cause problems.

  • Siemens Halts Computer Virus For Key Infrastructures: Utilities, Nuclear Power Plants

    Siemens Halts Computer Virus For Key Infrastructures: Utilities, Nuclear Power Plants

    8 years ago

    A concern is a virus such as "Stuxnet" could be used by criminal organizations, terror groups, or nations to sabotage power plants and other utility networks that are important to national security or well-being of the United States.

  • Chapter 6  Mom, I Do Remember (Depression Refugee Experience)

    Chapter 6 Mom, I Do Remember (Depression Refugee Experience)

    8 years ago

    ...the "Weedpatch Camp," and the area around it, became the focus of the greatest internal migration ever known in this country. Not unlike Plymouth Rock or Williamsburg, it deserves to be preserved and honored as: a symbol of man's search for a better life, as it remains to this day.

  • Chapter 5 - Yes, Mom, I do Remember

    Chapter 5 - Yes, Mom, I do Remember

    9 years ago

    The Oakies were coming by the thousands, by the tens of thousands to Weedpatch. In beat-up old cars, trucks, anything that would move, they came. A "Okie School" was built.

  • Chapter 4 - Yes, Mom, I do Remember

    Chapter 4 - Yes, Mom, I do Remember

    11 years ago

    My family arrived in Weedpatch, California. Food and work was available...

  • Chapter 3 - Yes, Mom, I do Remember

    Chapter 3 - Yes, Mom, I do Remember

    9 years ago

    Somehow we got old box car lumber and got all the nails out and got a house built. It had three large rooms. It was box car lumber inside and outside.

  • Chapter 2 - Yes, Mom, I do Remember

    Chapter 2 - Yes, Mom, I do Remember

    9 years ago

    In an old panel truck we go to California. Water bags are tied on the radiator, the running boards are filled with gas cans, oil cans and water and whatever we can poke here and there.

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    Yes, Mom I do Remember

    13 months ago

    My mother's family not only survived the depression - they thrived! They were there in John's Stienbecks's "Grapes of Wrath" book in Weedpatch, California...

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    Love Is Like A Flower

    8 years ago

    "Love is like a flower -- you fertilize, trim and water it -- when it gets all this attention, a beautiful blossom comes forth.

  • Why Is California State Water Project Dumping Parasite Infection Into Water

    Why Is California State Water Project Dumping Parasite Infection Into Water

    9 years ago

    People dump cat litter into toilets. Cat feces also runs into storm drains. T. gondii is a parasite that must live temporarily in a cat's gut. T. gondii changes the rat's behavior where it hangs around cats with no fear. The parasite controls the rats behavior. Rats are infected by the cats...

  • Days of Remembering... Why Are They good For You?

    Days of Remembering... Why Are They good For You?

    12 years ago

    Nostalgia can help people recover from sadness and isolation, but their golden memories can inoculate against future bad moods.

  • Microwave Hyper Quanta: Faster Than Light

    Microwave Hyper Quanta: Faster Than Light

    9 years ago

    Just as a photon is the packet of information (frequency) received at the end of a ray of variable distance (wavelength), so too is a tachyon, tachyon - A hypothetical particle that travels faster than the speed of light (and therefore also travels back in time).

  • What Time Is It? What Is Time? Is Time constant?

    What Time Is It? What Is Time? Is Time constant?

    12 years ago

    The idea of an alternate timeline having been introduced as a potentially common occurrence in the twisting and turning of the time stream, one can see immediately the ultimate implication such a concession to gravity lets in: the existence of infinite potential timelines, each leading to a...

  • Chapter 28 www.mindcontrolx.com  -  Top Secret-Hide In Plain Sight

    Chapter 28 www.mindcontrolx.com - Top Secret-Hide In Plain Sight

    9 years ago

    Our own safety, including George’s depends on our success in our research in areas of altering human behaviors utilizing T. gondii.

  • Chapter 27  - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma  Hide in Plain Sight

    Chapter 27 - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma Hide in Plain Sight

    9 years ago

    Curtis began to think that perhaps Daemon was using mind monitoring on a mass scale to eliminate his “bad” people. Daemon must have a process of communication that enables him scan humans on a global basis.

  • Why Is

    Why Is "Noetics" Important?

    8 years ago

    To reassess where we are. Noetic science is centrally concerned with value issues. Materialistic science has tended to test knowledge by noting whether it leads to the ability to predict and control; while the consensus on validation of noetic sciences has not yet emerged, it seems clear that it...

  • 29

    Crazy Things Coco Cola Can Do Better Than Anything Else!

    9 years ago

    Golf Clubs rusted? Soak in Coco Cola 24 hours and the rust is eaten away! I haven’t had a chance to test all of these out, but the ones I have listed here are the uses I found turning up time and again; not just on the web, but in books and magazines.

  • Chapter 26    -     Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    Chapter 26 - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    9 years ago

    The American Veterinary Medical Association has an industry-wide concern for Toxoplasmosis and it possible effects on humans. T. gondii as you know may do us in. I read where T. gondii stays in human’s brains and produces LSD in the human brain and perhaps is a causative agent for schizophrenia.”

  • Chapter 25 - Lock Down   -  Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    Chapter 25 - Lock Down - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    9 years ago

    It has been known that neurotransmitters are involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. An excess of dopamine has been widely suspected. Dopamine was 14 percent higher in humans with chronic T. gondiiinfection. Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to make dopamine.

  • What are Fractals, Why Important?

    What are Fractals, Why Important?

    9 years ago

    Everything in the cosmos is fractal, repeats on many scales, and is continuously evolving. Each and every system in the universe continuously evolves within the total universal evolution and all the systems' evolutions are intertwined.

  • New World Order: Conspiracy Theory

    New World Order: Conspiracy Theory

    9 years ago

    The New World Order (NWO) is a supranational authority to regulate world commerce and industry; an international organization that would control the production and consumption of oil; an international currency that would replace the dollar; a world development fund that would make funds available...

  • Chapter 24 - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma   -  Hide In Plain Sight

    Chapter 24 - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma - Hide In Plain Sight

    9 years ago

    Finally, to put all the separate, reworked genetic chunks back into serum DNA. Each would find its own way, via the cells natural ability to assemble DNA, to the proper location. The result was to identify which T. gondii genes used to infect humans produced schizophrenic behaviors. The computer...

  • Chapter 23 - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    Chapter 23 - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    9 years ago

    Schizophrenia and epilepsy are two neurological disorders that affect humans infected with T. gondii . Curtis has found that the Toxoplasma genome contains versions of two genes for substances involved in dopamine production—namely, phenylalanine hydroxylase, and tyrosine hydroxylase. In other...

  • Climate Change: Empirical Results of Nature

    Climate Change: Empirical Results of Nature

    9 years ago

    Earth's Warming and Cooling Climate Change has many factors that affect the degree of change. The biggest influence is the gravitational compression and expansion of the earth that drives the earth's climate change! When the earth experiences the greatest gravatational forces, it heats, when it is...

  • Macroverse VS. Microverse

    Macroverse VS. Microverse

    8 years ago

    The six fundamental questions of rhetorical reasoning lead us inevitably to a description of the universe as a dimensionally resonant, holognomonic metaform, an effect being the inverse reaction to a cause on each swing of the temporally motivated pendulum of quantum uncertainty.

  • The Mind Project: Quantum Thoughts

    The Mind Project: Quantum Thoughts

    12 years ago

    It is our perceptions that have the major effect on our genes. Genes are blueprints and do not control anything. We control them by our perceptions and environment.

  • The Singularity: What is IT?

    The Singularity: What is IT?

    9 years ago

    At a singularity, space and time cease to exist as we know them. The laws of physics as we know them break down at a singularity, so it's not really possible to envision something with infinite density and zero volume.

  • 26

    The Concept of the Mind Directing Energy in Physics: Zero Point Energy Field

    8 years ago

    Is there a connection between sound, vibrations and physical reality? Do sound and vibrations have the potential to create

  • Chapter 22

    Chapter 22

    9 years ago

    The resonant frequency approach to destroy T. gondii with a specified resonant frequency that would destroy T. gondii warranted more research. He must ask the computer more questions. Curtis did not want to leave any stones unturned. Time was running out. He needed an answer now.

  • Chapter 21

    Chapter 21

    8 years ago

    Curtis knew by double encrypting, even with the best computers could decrypt into plaintext, the sentences did not mean what was apparent. The Bible used the same old trick. When the Prophets told parables to the masses, they had a hidden meaning for the “enlightened” leaders.

  • Chapter 20

    Chapter 20

    9 years ago

    The computer responds to Curtis’ comment with, “A mathematical model for bursting T. gondii oscillations is analyzed from a physical point of view as a system of internally coupled fast and slow oscillators. The fast subsystem determines the interburst frequency, whereas altering the kinetics of...

  • BP Oil: Dangerous Dispersant Used In Ocean!

    BP Oil: Dangerous Dispersant Used In Ocean!

    8 years ago

    Some of the worst fears about the dispersant BP is using in the Gulf Spill appear to be justified. BP Oil is using a carcinogentic (cancer causing) dispergent. It is dangerous and non- biodegradeable.

  • Chapter 19

    Chapter 19

    9 years ago

    JR told Curtis that Daemon is having them to determine the best process to insert T. gondii into cats. Daemon told them that he is researching a process that will eradicate T. gondii.

  • Chapter 18   Daemon Calls “New World Order Banker Friends”

    Chapter 18 Daemon Calls “New World Order Banker Friends”

    9 years ago

    There is mounting evidence that the immune system can eliminate T. gondii cysts from the brains of infected hosts when immune T cells are transferred into infected humans. Simulations provided a mechanism of the immune system to fight against chronic infection with T. gondii. There is a possibility...

  • Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma - Our Cyber Security

    Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma - Our Cyber Security

    5 years ago

    The book has a hidden agenda to somehow wake up the decision-makers as to the dangers. They know. They do not have the will to make a difference. It is not politically popular to scare the hell of the public... I believe we can deal with the uncertainties of life. We must be prepared for the new...

  • Does Parasite Play Role in Schizophrenia Etiology?

    Does Parasite Play Role in Schizophrenia Etiology?

    9 years ago

    T gondii is a protozoan parasite whose definitive host is the cat family. Humans become infected by ingesting oocysts (eggs) shed in the feces of infected cats or by eating undercooked meat from an animal that came into contact with infected cat feces. T gondii is one of the most widespread human...

  • Chapter 15  -  Not Edited: Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    Chapter 15 - Not Edited: Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    9 years ago

    “Quantum cryptography and quantum information science uses the unit. Unlike conventional computers that uses a bit. Quantum computers use a quantum bit – qubit. A qubit may not only be zero or one, but also zero and one simultaneously. I used photons as a physical representation of qubits.

  • Chapter #12 Draft - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    Chapter #12 Draft - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    9 years ago

    “You don’t fight with guns, you fight with their minds. Mind reading – formerly the stuff of science fiction and crystal gazers – is rapidly becoming science fact to reach your goals.”

  • Chapter 11   Draft - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    Chapter 11 Draft - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    9 years ago

    Mary Sue was a wild card. She would be an asset to Curtis. In the process, she would not be harmed and would have no idea of what was going on. Daemon and Curtis were playing high stakes chess. It was Curtis’ move.

  • Chapter 10, Rough Draft - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma™

    Chapter 10, Rough Draft - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma™

    9 years ago

    I want to develop humans using technologies to become transhuman. I am creating libraries of interchangeable DNA parts and assembling them inside microbes to create programmable, living machines.”

  • Chapter #9 -  Rough Draft     Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma™

    Chapter #9 - Rough Draft Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma™

    8 years ago

    Daemon explained to Curtis that Mary Sue worked at the Mojave Air and Space Port. Daemon taking his cue, looking at Mary Sue, “Curtis will be occasionally checking in at your office. Curtis knows what he needs to do to accomplish his assigned tasks.”

  • Chapter 8  First Draft  -  Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    Chapter 8 First Draft - Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma

    9 years ago

    Daemon was near the end of his first phase of human DNA manipulations with altered T. gondiigenes. He used a technique of DNA cloning of T. gondii using expression of vectors to generate a library of clones. Each clone expressed one protein.

  • Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma  - Chapter 7

    Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma - Chapter 7

    8 years ago

    Daqemon's primary interest is in the human DNA modifying process to produce desired human characteristics. When they are integrated, the right thing will be done.”

  • Eyes Wide Shut An Enigma - Chapter 6

    Eyes Wide Shut An Enigma - Chapter 6

    8 years ago

    Curtis developed a transmitter that sensed where information had changed the environment, and he filtered the ambient noise out, he could transmit and receive all over the world using existing light. There was always light available. He used light filters that enabled him to work in infrared and...

  • Eyes Wide Shut An Enigma, Chapter 5

    Eyes Wide Shut An Enigma, Chapter 5

    9 years ago

    We are of course at Edwards Air Force Base (EAFB) Experimental Flying Weapons Platform Testing facility. It is called simply, The Facility. It is the most secure facility in the world. The facility is about 3,000 feet below the surface in a bomb-proof, biological, and chemical hazard resistant...

  • Eyes Wide Shut An Enigma, Chapter 4

    Eyes Wide Shut An Enigma, Chapter 4

    9 years ago

    There were always rumors about weird things performing unusual maneuvers out in the desert. Curtis would not tell him even if he did know. That was how Curtis was. At times, he would be ambiguous, or just simply say that he did not know.

  • Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma™

    Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma™

    9 years ago

    Curtis was talking to his old PhD study friend, General Daemon in his office at Mojave Air and Space Port. They had not seen each other for almost 30 years. They had researched together in the breakthrough of Unified Quantum Field Theory (UQFT) and integrated the concepts and applications into...


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