Each night we go to sleep and when we wake we may remember we have had a dream; but what are dreams? Read on to explore what dreams are, why we dream and their importance for our cognitive function.
Understanding how pain works and your brain's role in feeling pain can be very useful. Phantom limb pain is a difficult condition to treat and the use of mirrors has been a surprising solution.
Neuropsychology is concerned with the brain and its interactions with the cognitive functions of the mind. Broca and Wernicke both made key discoveries in the field.
The remarkable case of Phineas Gage is the most famous study in psychology. Following a horrific accident Gage experienced dramatic personality changes, highlighting the role of the frontal lobe in our personality and behaviour.
Do I know you? Face detection is something we do every day without even thinking about it. For most of us, recognizing faces is an automatic skill, but this is a complex psychological process.
Perception in psychology enables us to make sense of the world around us. We view our surroundings, and this information is translated into meaning within the brain.
Optical and visual illusions intrigue us because we know what we are seeing isn’t real. How optical illusions work is by tricking your brain, making you think an image is moving when in reality it is stationary.
The development of a child is an amazing journey. Child development theories surround us in how best to raise and protect your child and how to manage conditions such as Down's Syndrome and Autism.
We tend to behave differently when we are in a group than we do on our own. Psychology has long been fascinated by such behaviour changes and has studied group behaviour to unearth why we do this.
The study of cognition and memory psychology is a rapidly advancing area of research, particularly the interconnection of cognition, emotion and memory. Read on for theories.