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Life at Boomer Lake with Deb, Sunday September 15, 2013

Updated on September 16, 2013
Wind Turbines and Birds:  A True Hazard
Wind Turbines and Birds: A True Hazard | Source

Field Notes

Birds and Wind Development?

Is that a recipe for disaster? Many Bald Eagles have died due to wind turbines since 2009, and songbirds are at even greater threat due to nighttime migration. For additional information, read:

Thanks, Megan!

A friend of mine named Megan H., came up with a very feasible plan that would be easy to install. She suggested that something similar to deer whistles on the fronts of cars could be placed on the blades of the turbines, which could deter birds. She wrote to ABC with this idea, and perhaps it could come to fruition. Thanks for caring Megan, and our birds thank you!

monarch butterfly
monarch butterfly | Source

Logging Threatens Monarch Butterflies in Mexico

This is a very good reason why the monarch didn’t make it to its usual haunts this summer. Logging in Mexico is a very real problem with a catastrophic impact if we don’t do something about it soon. Get the entire story at:

Save Vanishing Species stamp, United States stamp
Save Vanishing Species stamp, United States stamp | Source

Renew the Save Vanishing Species Stamp

This funding source for global conservation is due to expire at the end of September. Please ask the Postmaster General to allow this stamp to continue, and do your part by buying it with me. It has a surcharge earmarked specifically for endangered species, and has done a great deal of good. For more information, see:

It's Late Summer, but Where are All the Birds?

This is a question that we have asked for a good month now, and it has to do with molting and predation. For more information, see

Look under the header, “Living Bird,” for the article “It’s Summer…Where Did All the Birds Go?” under Table of Contents.

Green Heron
Green Heron | Source

Green Heron!

Now onto our wonderful Boomer Lake, which hosted a dear friend, Green Heron. I nearly gave up on seeing my friend, wondering what had happened, and lo! and behold, there he was, in all his glory. It was a thrilling moment for me, and those wonderful eyes of recognition in return were remarkable. Were it not for a few boisterous souls, it would have been even better. But, what can you do? Live life for the moment, and I DID.

"Veiled" Marsh Rabbit
"Veiled" Marsh Rabbit | Source

Marsh Rabbit

How is this for a pose? I could not have planned it better, as it looks like a lace veil in front of this marsh rabbit. The rabbit stayed for a couple of moments, while I tried to make an attempt to get the best angled shot. Both were equally good, but I chose this one just for you.

Gulf Fritillary
Gulf Fritillary | Source
Tawny Emperor
Tawny Emperor | Source


The gulf fritillary and the tawny emperor were out in full force for these priceless photo opportunities. In the extreme heat, they have been retiring to trees on the northern jetty, just south of Goose Island. It is a quiet area for them, and I’m certain that nobody bothers them in this perfectly shaded locale.

Great Egret
Great Egret | Source

Great Egret

Great Egret was out fishing, having found himself the perfect perch, which actually puts me nearest him. No sooner had I arrived, when his lordship thought that he had found a fish, off he went. Sadly, he came up empty handed, but the return landing was phenomenal.

Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron | Source

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron also gave a wonderful photo opportunity, and I must say that this is certainly bird portrait quality. He was in the middle of the Southern Cove fishing, biding his time, about an hour before sunset. This afforded me ample time to get the picture perfect showing for you.

Scissor-tailed Flycatchers

Most of the adult Scissor-tailed Flycatchers have left for the tropics, but the immatures remaining will be leaving within the next couple of weeks. Their flight feathers look good, and they are definitely fresh and ready to do some serious travelling. They have been playing among themselves, strengthening those wingbeats, putting on a little weight, and as a proud observer, their time is almost here. I remember this little group of three when I got a beautiful shot of them all together in a row. They will return, but I won’t know them next year, since they aren’t banded for recognition. Hopefully, they will make it as first years, and my fingers will be crossed for them. Their first flight will be grueling.

Immature Great-tailed Grackle

Just as I was leaving work today, I was accosted by a young Great-tailed Grackle looking for food. I stood by the tree when he was located, and he was clicking and clacking, grunting and groaning, making a host of interesting sounds and just begging for food. At times, he was flapping his wings, just giving me a perfect showing of helplessness. Eventually, all good things come to an end, as a bird’s boredom will set in, and off he went. Most likely, he decided to look for a parent and be properly fed, since I just didn’t get it.

The few days of youth that is an in-between time for these young birds, when they fear nothing, is a priceless time for a naturalist. Then that inevitable time sets in when nature tells them to beware, and these moments of curiosity and wonder are all over. As much as it saddens me, it pleases me to know that these youngsters really do have a good chance at survival, by keeping away from humans.

Fall is rapidly coming upon us, and a new season will be ushered in. This marks the end of babies, and the beginning of adulthood. In a way, I almost feel like a proud parent, sending the kids off to college.

Another visit draws to an end. Keep your eyes to the ground and your head in the clouds. Happy birding, and let me know what comes whizzing through your area in droves. See you again next week.

Any Evidence of Migration in Your Area?

See results
Great Egret
Great Egret | Source
Green Heron
Green Heron | Source
Starring Green Heron!
Starring Green Heron! | Source

© 2013 Deb Hirt


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