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Man's Best Friend Vs Food: Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog

Updated on March 27, 2012

pits from peaches or plums
apple seeds
sugary foods
xylitol (sweetener found in gum etc)

These are not in any particular order.

The love of my life. Embur Liinu. 01/19/2001-02/15/2012
The love of my life. Embur Liinu. 01/19/2001-02/15/2012

What not to give your best friend...

I asked my Vet, and she was nice enough to tell me some things, and give me a list of other things Dogs cannot have.

Cat food
Fat trimmings
Macadamia nuts
Dairy (unless its from the pet store and marked safe for pets)

Cinder 2007. I lost her at 8 months old to the neighbors dumping their grill contents of charcoal and charcoal fluid, and God only knew what, in her little hidey spot in our back yard.
Cinder 2007. I lost her at 8 months old to the neighbors dumping their grill contents of charcoal and charcoal fluid, and God only knew what, in her little hidey spot in our back yard.

Why can't dogs eat this stuff?

Cat food: Contains trace amounts of mercury which is a digestive aid for cats, toxic to dogs. high amounts of fat

Grapes, Raisins, Currants: kidney failure. Depending on the size of your dog, 1 grape could kill them

flax: vomiting, diarrhea, fur loss

wheat, corn, soy: Vomiting, diarrhea, fur loss, itching, skin irritations and it there is a strong allergy, anaphylactic shock.

onions, garlic, Chives: destroys red blood cells

tomatoes: Tremors and heart murmurs. tomato plants are extremely poisonous

eggs: Raw, salmonella. Egg whites also have a protein in them called avidin, its keeps the dog from using certain things in its body to process normal functions.

Chocolate, tea, coffee ,caffeine: toxic to the heart and nervous system.

Fat trimmings, table scraps: Pancreatitis, liver and kidney failure, diarrhea, vomiting

Hops: elevated temperature, rapid heart rate, seizures and death

Alcohol: intoxication, coma, and death. I've also seen it cause permanent seizures and tremors in a friend's dog cause he thought it was cute to see his dog drunk.

Macadamia nuts: muscle tremors and/or paralysis, depression, hypothermia

Marijuana: Changes the heart rate and can stop their nervous system from responding

Dairy (unless its from the pet store and marked safe for pets, or lactose free): diarrhea

mushrooms: Liver and kidney damage, vomiting, nausea, immense abdominal pain, shock, death

pits from peaches or plums: causes obstructions and choking.

apple seeds: Are cyanide

sugary foods: Dogs can become diabetic too. And have dental problems

tobacco: Nausea, vomiting, and rapid heart beat, coma and death

yeast: Creates a lot of gas in a dog, and could rupture a digestive organ

xylitol (sweetener found in gum etc): Causes hypoglycemia, weakness, passing out, and in high doses liver failure

Avocado: vomiting and diarrhea

nutmeg: Tremors seizures and death

persimmons seeds: Enteritis and intestinal blockages

potatoes: can cause dry flaky skin, high starch

Salt: Excessive amounts can cause kidney failure

Iron containing human grade supplements: damages the digestive system, destroys liver and kidneys

Eenah Rue. d.o.b. 07/27/2008 Has servere wheat and corn allergies. I caught it early. She's on special grain free food. Got ahold of some cat food in oct 2011 went into anaphylactic shock and passed out in the vets office.
Eenah Rue. d.o.b. 07/27/2008 Has servere wheat and corn allergies. I caught it early. She's on special grain free food. Got ahold of some cat food in oct 2011 went into anaphylactic shock and passed out in the vets office.

Resist Temptation

Dogs are not missing out on what they do not know about. If you do not introduce things like table scraps to them etc, (my dogs know better than to sit in the dinning room when its dinner time) you do not have to worry about these things.

I hope this helps ^_^


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