List of Weird, Freaky and Unusual Facts About Animals.
The wonders of the animal world.
The animal kingdom is a truly fascinating group of living entities that inhabit this planet we call earth. The diversity of the species and the environments of which they inhabit all over the world, bring with them a plethora of what can be viewed as strange behaviour and extraordinary feats of ability when compared to that of our own.
From the animals that live in the depths of the humid jungles to those that reside in the dry arid deserts, each and every one without a doubt have some extraordinary feature or attribution that could deem them as unusual. However as it would take more then a lifetime to list them all, I have selected a few of my favourites for you here, I hope you enjoy them.
- The earthworm has five hearts.
- Leeches have the ability to drink five times their own body weight.
- Some species of turtle live for over a hundred years.
- The weight of a pigeons feathers is more then the weight of it's bones.
- The deer sleeps for only five minutes a day.
- The heart of a giraffe is two feet long.
- Horses sleep standing up, as do cows.
- The chow is the only dog that has a black tongue, all the rest have pink ones.
- Chocolate can kill a small dog as it affects the hearts nervous system
- As a result of algue growing in their fur, two polar bears in a singapore zoo turned green.
- A deers urine can turn blue in winter, when it becomes dehydrated.
- The pupil of a goats eyes are rectangular.
- Female turkeys don't gobble, only male turkeys.
- Only male nightingales sing.
- A squirels sweat glands are in it's feet.
- A cheetah is unable to retract it's claws and is the only cat that can't.
- A honeybee has hair on it's eyes.
- A shark can live for over a year without eating a single thing.
- The nostril of the polar bear closes when it enters water.
- There are two hundred million insects for every one individual person, on earth.
- A greyhound can run as fast as forty two miles an hour.
- The teeth of a rodent, never stop growing.
- A monkeys eyes and tongue will turn green if it eats too many green bananas.
- It takes twelve worker bees to produce the equivalent of a teaspoonful of honey, in their entire lifetime.
- The tongue of a chameleon is twice the size in length of it's body.
- As protection from blowing desert sands, camels have three eyelids.
- The back of an elephants foot has no bone so they have to walk on tiptoe.
- Bees are born fully grown.
- Every year more people are killed by Donkeys, then in airplane crashes.
- The mosquito has teeth, forty seven of them.
- The snail has teeth, around twenty five thousand of them.
- The reproductive organs of a snail are in it's head.