Has anyone ever had problems having a Christmas tree and a puppy?

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  1. ktrapp profile image94
    ktrappposted 13 years ago

    Has anyone ever had problems having a Christmas tree and a puppy?

    My puppy (Ruby) is now 14 months old (the sweetest girl in the world) but I am pretty sure the ornaments on a Christmas tree, the lights, and actually the tree itself, may be too much of a temptation for her. I have no idea what to do.


  2. Victoria Lynn profile image88
    Victoria Lynnposted 13 years ago

    What a cute picture! No, I don't remember ever having problems when my dog was a pup. I've only had trouble with my cats--when they were kittens and maybe a year after. Spraying water on them seemed to help them get the idea that climbing the middle of the tree was  not allowed. Think it would help with your pup?

  3. davenmidtown profile image71
    davenmidtownposted 13 years ago

    ktrapp:  Live and learn.  Put up the tree but use plastic ornaments that do not mean a lot to you.  Expect trouble but use it as a tool of teaching.  Lights are ok, no tinsel though as it gets in their intestines and causes all kinds of problems.  It is likely that she will want to explore the tree.  I have always used a firm voice and a spritzer bottle to discipline dogs or cats.  She will learn quickly and Christmas will go on.  In the meantime, use this as a good opportunity to teach her about indoor behavior.

  4. profile image0
    Arlene V. Pomaposted 13 years ago

    My black lab puppy loved to walk around with the shiny red glass balls in her mouth.  If you startled her and yelled,"Hey!" she'd break the ornament in her mouth.  I placed the ornaments high in the tree, and she couldn't get to them.  My two boys (one is a 10-year-old beagle) are not interested in the Christmas tree and decorations.  That's because we had a tree out that first year and did not bother decorating all that much.  The tree looked pretty bare, but my dogs never bothered  the Christmas tree or decorations after that.  Now we can put up our huge collection of ornaments, and they aren't interested.  Believe me.  Our gruesome twosome will find other ways to get into trouble.  But that's them.

  5. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    If  you have a cardtable, you can set it up on top of it, or inside of a playpen.  One year we had a particularly mischievous puppy and she pulled the lights off the tree 3 times.  I finally gave up. She lived to be a wonderful, stubborn old gal of 13.

  6. Just Ask Susan profile image93
    Just Ask Susanposted 13 years ago

    I had a German shepherd that was about 6 months old at Christmas and the day we were going to take the tree down she came bounding into the house and headed right for the tree. It wasn't funny then, but now when I think back I laugh about it, the tree came down as she lunged onto it. Now with my 2 dogs I do not use tinsel and only put ornaments that do not break towards the bottom of the tree.

  7. Cresentmoon2007 profile image68
    Cresentmoon2007posted 13 years ago

    Yes we did have a problem the first couple of days when our dog was a puppy but she she grew used to it then got bored of it on her own. Give your dog time and maybe your puppy will as well. However if he/she doesn't you may want to try to teach your puppy the leave it command.

  8. keychatter profile image60
    keychatterposted 13 years ago

    Hi, You have gotten some excellent answers that should give you very effective results!  If you have not gotten your tree already, I would suggest purchasing a Colorado Blue Spruce.  The needles are short, very stiff, and picky!  Cats and dogs usually won't get too close more than once!  I used to have 4 cats and 2 dogs, and they never attempted to climb nor get too close other than down underneath.  i would suggest putting anything of value towards the top of your tree,  putting plastic or not-so-valuable ornaments towards the bottom.  One other caution, watch the hanging hooks; they can be extremely dangerous if they were to get lodged in your pet's mouth or throat.  I had Great Danes that  loved peppermint.  If I wasn't careful, my Danes would steal the candy canes off the tree!!  Remember, up top!!!   Have fun and enjoy your Christmas!

  9. ktrapp profile image94
    ktrappposted 13 years ago

    Thanks for all of the wonderful, well thought out suggestions. I still am not sure what I am going to do though. When I am out for work a few hours at a time, Ruby is fine to leave in the house (no crate necessary), but I fear the temptation of a tree may get the better of her when she is unsupervised.

    And unfortunately I cannot close the room off in anyway. There are no doors and the openings between rooms are way too wide for baby gates, which she could probably climb over anyway.

    I am considering purchasing a smaller tree to put higher up on a piece of furniture for this one year anyway. But the idea doesn't thrill me.

    Thanks for all the answers!

  10. renee21 profile image83
    renee21posted 12 years ago

    Our 1 1/2 year old Chiweenie likes to try to take the ornaments off the tree, so we have to watch her all the time.  If we can't watch her, she's goes in her crate.  Make sure you watch her, but don't anticipate problems.  Act like she's not gonna be naughty, and if she is might just ignore the tree.  If she does try to go after the tree, claim the tree by standing in front of it, between the dog and the tree, with your shoulders back, chest up, and a positive attitude until she backs away and ignores it.  You can also tell, not yell at, her, "No, my tree."  Since dogs don't really understand speech, this is more for your benefit to help with the energy you're sending the dog.  If the dog tries to go around you to get to the tree, move so you're still in between her and the tree.


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