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The Butterfly Cycle of Life in Photos

Updated on November 15, 2023
butterfly on a sunflower under our birdfeeder
butterfly on a sunflower under our birdfeeder

There's just something about butterflies that emanates peace like no other creature on Earth. I could walk around a butterfly garden or just sit and watch the beauty of their dance from flower to flower for hours on end.

Butterflies seem to bring endless smiles to both young and old. Whenever I see one or more fluttering around I think of how blessed we are to have such beauty around us at any given time. I feel so lucky to live in an area with a multitude of flora and fauna. If I take time to just stop and look around I'll find any number of butterflies, flowers and hundreds of other types of species just waiting to be seen.

Living in Florida definitely has many advantages besides the warm weather as there are over 20,000 species that can be found here, and it's a good thing...did you know that they can't fly unless their body temperature is above 86 degrees? That's why so often you will see them sunning themselves to stay warm.They definitely don't have to worry about staying warm living in Florida, that's for sure; it's been over 94 degrees everyday this summer.

I think because of their fleeting and flitting life, it feels as though each time I see one I've just got to snap their picture, always trying to capture their beauty in the tiny moments they are around so that they can be appreciated for the joy they bring at anytime.

A butterfly's wings will fade and tatter with age. But their entire life cycle from egg to caterpillar and chrysalis to adult only lasts from between one month and one year, depending on the species. Talk about life being short! It seems almost unfair, but makes their presence even more precious.

peaceful monarch
peaceful monarch
circle of a butterfly's life; egg to caterpillar, chrysalis to adult butterfly
circle of a butterfly's life; egg to caterpillar, chrysalis to adult butterfly
hungry caterpillar
hungry caterpillar
large caterpillar; notice the fake eyes!
large caterpillar; notice the fake eyes!
caterpillar's life stage changing into a chrysalis (pupa stage)
caterpillar's life stage changing into a chrysalis (pupa stage)
chrysalis stage, notice the gold stripe around the top area
chrysalis stage, notice the gold stripe around the top area
monarch emerging
monarch emerging
swallowtail just emerged from chrysalis stage (notice many chrysalis in the background)
swallowtail just emerged from chrysalis stage (notice many chrysalis in the background)
adult butterfly resting on latanya flower
adult butterfly resting on latanya flower
butterflies on flowers are so peaceful don't you think?
butterflies on flowers are so peaceful don't you think?
lovely purple flowers with adult butterfly resting
lovely purple flowers with adult butterfly resting
butterfly feeding
butterfly feeding
serenity in orange and pink
serenity in orange and pink
butterfly on a palmetto
butterfly on a palmetto
looking up to find a butterfly and blue flowers was a treat
looking up to find a butterfly and blue flowers was a treat
double vision
double vision
deep contrast of flowers background and butterfly
deep contrast of flowers background and butterfly
gorgeous specimen emanating a peaceful aura
gorgeous specimen emanating a peaceful aura
this vibrant blue butterfly was resting on dainty pink flowers brought a smile to my face
this vibrant blue butterfly was resting on dainty pink flowers brought a smile to my face

Where photos were taken

The above pictures were captured at Homossasa's Butterfly Garden in Citrus County Florida, (a few were taken in my backyard as well).

email at Homosassa Butterfly <>

Homosassa Butterfly

Place page

6991 West Cardinal Street
Homosassa, FL 34446-3055
(352) 628-6362

Get directions


Sadly, this place is now permanently closed.

Time Lapse Butterfly Lifecycle


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