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Vehicle Safety and Care

Updated on June 19, 2013
Are you ready to learn more about road safety? Then buckle-up and welcome aboard!
Are you ready to learn more about road safety? Then buckle-up and welcome aboard!

The road is a dangerous place

Each day people lose their lives in auto accidents which were caused by their own error, or were a fault of natural disasters or other reckless drivers. These people are usually no different from you or me and these types of accidents can happen more often than we would like to admit. But surely there must be a way to protect yourself on the road so that you are prepared for many different scenarios? Well, of course there is, and this is just what this article will thrive to do - help you learn about driving safely and keeping yourself and your passengers out of danger. Are you ready to get started?

A quick poll

Does the media give enough attention to road safety?

See results

Eliminate your own faults

A lot of people are often untrue to themselves when it comes to their own errors. The truth is that a lot of people who will read this probably have a much higher opinion of themselves as a driver than they realistically are. If you are young driver then you might be tempted to consider yourself a great driver, but in reality you probably lack a lot of experience and perhaps some extra practice.

There is no shame in admitting that you can improve your own driving skills a bit and dedicating yourself to that goal. A lot of drivers might have trouble "feeling" their new vehicle and they might feel a bit unfamiliar with some of the mechanics. If you are yet to get used to your car and fully comfortable with driving it, then you should probably try to stay away from major traffic areas and spare yourself from going on long trips. Instead, try to find a place where you can just drive around a bit until you get fully acquainted with your own vehicle.

There is also no shame in watching a few more instructional videos, reading up on some advice on Internet forums and asking more experienced friends to supervise you and/or give you some tips to improve. A lot of car accidents are single incidents caused by the driver and nobody else. Thus, eliminating your own faults and mistakes will greatly help you keep yourself safe out there!

Teen drivers

Teens should especially be careful and should not shy away from asking for help. Likewise, parent's should do their best to help their kids improve their driving.
Teens should especially be careful and should not shy away from asking for help. Likewise, parent's should do their best to help their kids improve their driving.

Say no to road rage!

Road rage is probably the most stupid and worst possible reason to get seriously injured or even killed.
Road rage is probably the most stupid and worst possible reason to get seriously injured or even killed.

Eliminate road rage

Road rage can especially be a very dangerous problem and a cause of many road incidents. It is very important to keep your cool and drive responsibly. If someone is driving aggressively behind you and is obviously going to do anything in order to get in front of you, you might consider safely letting them go by.

Never be in an absolute hurry and always leave for work, school or wherever you are going a bit earlier so that you can drive responsibly, safely and without the stress of being late for the event where you are headed. It is also extremely important to stay fully concentrated and not to allow anything around you to force you to lift your eyes off the road. This is dangerous and can put a lot of people in a life-threatening situation.

Top Traffic Fatalities & Their Factors

Drunk driving
32 %
31 %
16 %
Bad weather
11 %

Drunk driving and speeding are obviously our own faults and they take many lives each year...

How NOT to drive

The following things are something that you must avoid if you wish to drive safely as these actions are very hazardous to your own safety and they put other passengers and drivers in risk as well.

What not to do:

  1. Don't drink and drive, this just plain stupid and very dangerous. As you can see from the table above the link box, drunk driving is the top reason why people die during car accidents.
  2. Do not eat while driving - it is very distracting and is a sign of reckless driving. It is also bad for your health so at least do yourself a favor.
  3. Talking on your cellphone - some people call it multitasking, but society calls it lack of responsibility and the same goes for texting.
  4. Driving tired - this especially very dangerous and this is something you must not do. Falling a sleep at the wheel is equal to giving up on life and who knows who else you might drag down with you.
  5. Arguing with your passengers - sure it is easy for them to argue, but they aren't the ones driving. Your priority should be to keep your cool and your eyes and hands on the wheel.

You do not want to be a victim of something like this...
You do not want to be a victim of something like this...

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