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Commercial lawn care customers, how to get them when you are new?

Updated on December 7, 2009

Commercial lawn care

Commercial Lawn Care Accounts
Commercial Lawn Care Accounts

Commercial lawn care accounts can be difficult to get when you are just getting started. But when I got a chance to talk to a member of the Gopher Lawn Care Business Forum, I was amazed to learn how he landed his first two commercial lawn care accounts even before he had a mower.

The trick he said comes down to knowing people. He had performed snow plowing services for quite a few years at some commercial properties in his area. This Winter, the property manager came up to him and asked if he also offered lawn mowing services. He didn't but he would be willing to give it a go if could ask a few questions on how long it took the previous company.

After a short discussion, the property manager explained it took the previous lawn care business 2 full days with 4 employees to mow, trim and edge the property. Armed with this new knowledge, he put together a bid based on how much he would need to charge per hour to service the property and landed two commercial lawn care jobs right there on the spot.

The next thing he had to do was go and purchase a ztr mower and a walkbehind unit to mow the lawns. Seeing that he was now $25,000 up for next year, he figured he would expand this service and took out a newspaper ad. Within a week he had signed up another two residential clients for the following year.

This new direction all came out of a discussion he had with a property manager looking to replace his current lawn care service provider. So keep this in mind next time you are out looking to land commercial lawn care jobs. It's a lot easier to get the work when you have an in with the company. Think about all the people you know, they each have jobs. They all work somewhere and more likely than not, they will have property that will need to be maintained.

Ask them if they could find out who is in charge of property maintenance. Have them put in a good word for you and get the property manager's contact information. Don't forget to ask your friends who live in apartments for this information too.

In a short period of time, with this new information, you may find yourself with more commercial lawn care mowing work than you can handle!

The GopherHaul guide on how to get customers for your landscaping and lawn care business - Volume 3.: Anyone can start a landscaping or lawn care ... customers. This book will show you how.
The GopherHaul guide on how to get customers for your landscaping and lawn care business - Volume 3.: Anyone can start a landscaping or lawn care ... customers. This book will show you how.
Coming up with marketing and service ideas to keep busy and profitable all year long can be difficult. Most of the times we are just not in the mood to sit and think up creative ways to make more money. Well thankfully I have been able to interview thousands of lawn care business owners over the years and ask them what's worked and what hasn't. The responses and the follow up questions have really uncovered a treasure trove of ideas that I compiled here to share with you. Now you don't have to get frustrated when trying to come up with new ideas. Just keep this book around as a reference. Some of these ideas might just work right off the shelf while others might need to be altered to fit your needs. Ultimately it's always better to have ideas on stand by just in case. This book is the third in a series of lawn care business marketing books I have published and contains lawn care marketing ideas cherry picked from previous content I have written as well as new unpublished material. Dream it, Build It, Gopher It! By Steve Low Host of The GopherHaul Lawn Care Business Show and the Gopher Lawn Care Business Forum.

GopherHaul Lawn Care Business Marketing Show


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