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Marketing Your Retail Store Image

Updated on September 27, 2012

Marketing Your Retail Store Image

By Romeo Richards

Why is store design important? Romeo Richards says...

A good store design represents value and a positive store image. An aesthetic presentation of merchandise and creative props entice people to come in and purchase your products. In addition, the image of your store provides customers the opportunity to have a delightful shopping experience. Having a poor store image will cause you to have fewer walk-in costumers; remember that fewer costumers result in less income.

What is store design?

In store design, image selling is what makes people come into your establishment for the first time. It’s also what makes them come back. Store design is the personality and the first impression of your store. Your store design and the products you offer are what attract and stimulate costumers to come back.

Romeo Richards tips of how to apply a plan for store design:

To stand out in your area and gain the attention of potential customers, visual appearance is very important. Every area of the store must be considered thoroughly. The storefront needs to be identifiable with the name and the nature of the shop. Present some insinuation as to what types of products are being sold. Utilize all the windows in the store as much as possible to promote the merchandise you are selling. Use entertaining designs that reflect the products offered.

The ambiance of the store should stimulate the customers’ shopping experience and persuade them into a purchasing attitude. Consider different aspects of store designing such as lighting, the color of the store, sound, scent, and visual communication. Thorough retail space planning can attract more customers. All these areas of store design must be considered carefully in order to find the perfect image for your store.


Lighting is very important, though sometimes retail designers overlook the importance of having accurate lighting. Lighting highlights the store’s products and informs the costumers of focal products in the store. It also captures the mood of people. For example, dark lighting could lead to irritation and put off the mood of consumers. As a result, they might leave the store empty handed.

Color also adds to the image of the store. It helps influence and set the mood of customers. Cool colors signify relaxation which is a calm and pleasant mood for customers. The effect of cool colors could influence people to purchase products. On the other hand, warm colors trigger an increase in blood pressure and other physiological reactions that could lead to gained interest in purchasing products. However, warm colors might also lead to distraction and cause customers to immediately walk out of the store.

Sound and scent contributes to illuminating shoppers’ moods. Sound opens the vibe for people to wander around the store and notice all the retail displays. Scent also impacts people’s emotions. Thus, sound and scent aid in easing the mood of customers and enticing them to purchase products.

Another important aspect of store design is creating visual designs that effectively communicate to everyone. There should be a thorough detail of the name and retail identity of the store. To make your store noticeable, make sure to have clear directions to your store and a visible point of sale display (signage). The graphics and signs must coordinate with the store’s image. Use appropriate typefaces and readable signs. Most importantly, create over-the-top effects in order to catch people’s attention.

Customers survey a building even before they come in. It is more likely for people to come in when the angles and sightlines of the store are designed to satisfy customers. A spacious layout gives the customer more adequate room to shop and find the products they desire. Feature areas that people notice the most are the displays located at the end of the aisles, promotional areas, windows, walls, and point of sale display stands.

Collaborate the design of you store by utilizing the proper furniture. A straight rack is a long pipe suspended to the floor with a support, or can be attached to the wall. A four-way fixture is two crossbars that sit at a 90 degree angle to each other. A round rack is a round fixture that’s assembled on a pedestal. Other familiar and common fixtures are large bins, tables, and flat-based decks.

Store planning and designing must be implemented to add more convenience for customers. Orderliness, such as shelving, should be considered for an effective shopping experience. Shelving should be flexible for easy access by customers and easy maintenance by the sales team. Arrange clothes on clothes hangers accordingly in order to avoid clutter. With a soft clothing line, create a high fashion image by making sure that clothes are folded with style and neatness.

Invite customers by creating a good image and store design. Customers will visit your store and maybe even purchase more products.


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