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Real life is like in a - MONOPOLY GAME played worldwide

Updated on March 10, 2011

Everyone is familiar with the boardgame MONOPOLY !

Real life ,or what we think of as real life,is like a MONOPOLY game.

There are many more players ,and many more objects,or so it seems in real life ,than just money and the power it has over human life

Why,is it we let ourselves get caught up in this game we play,like the game of MONOPOLY?

We,know the game MONOPOLY is ,not real,don't we?

We,should all realize that by now.

The money in the game is not real.It,has no real value,except,what we give it.

The people that play the game are real,so what makes the real game different from the boardgame?

The money we use is no different really,we just follow the rules,just as we do in the game.

The only real difference is that in what we call real-life most of us have to work much harder to get the money we need to live on day to day,except for a privileged few who we can call the International bankers that make all the rules.Even Judges are considered bankers.Because they judge from the "bench" The original definition of "Bench" meaning "Bank"just like bankers judge you for your credit worthiness,Court Judges judge you on your trust worthiness.I'm sure you've heard the term "Bank and Trust" if you are old enough to remember that term.It,may even still be used today in some places.

The MONOPOLY GAME is all about money and power.The power of bankers,and anyone who affiliated with banks and banking.

It,wasn't long ago when our banking laws limited who could open up a bank.Of,course you had to have assets in order to make your loans from. Today,because of these limits being removed ,if you were an Insurance company,which is also required to have assets in order to cover their losses,you were allowed to get into banking as well.This allowed the existing banks to sell insurance as well as collect deposits and make loans against those deposits..So,the banks,and Insurance companies are now in competition with each other. THE RULES of the game have changed.

Even,the rule that says these companies have a responsability to their "customers" ,which by all rational principles should be equal shareholders in the the banks and Insurance companies,seeing as how they have been supplying the capital for them to run in the firstplace.

Some,people would say,well if they borrowed the money ,or earned the money to start their own bank or Insurance company,then they have the right to run it the way they want to.

Too which ,I can say, I see their point However,I 'm against interest payments,no matter who owns what.Because,interest is money that doesn't exist,and must come from the future earning power of the people.In,effect stealing from the people.To,which ,someone who is a banker might say,he deserves to get interest on the loans he makes,in order to make a profit.

I'm not against profit,just against inflation over time,which is theft of the value of money,by making each new dollar borrowed worth less each and every year.

I'm all for flat fees

If,interest is never used,then the money that is earned always keeps it's value,today,tommarrow,or a hundred years from now.

It's true that,interest payments,increases the number of dollars ,in circulation,it also ,decreases the value of those dollars ,over time.Only a thief,would think of using usry to artificially increase the short term value of the dollar,and in the long term ,make it worthless.

The Germans ,found this out when their government printed money,without value and a loaf of bread eventually cost a wheel barrel full of worthless paper.

The same thing happened in America during the civil war when the confederate dollar became worthless.

How ,many times does the game have to be played before everyone realizes the truth behind Interest payments ?

Maybe they know already,and don't care ,because they get interest too!

The smart ones know that any interest they get pales in comparison to the banks,both small and large.

The casinos are like banks,they take in a fortune,and it's all funded by the suckers,who think they are going to make it big someday,through luck.

Superstition works the same way.We,are told what is purported to be the truth,by various groups,including Religons.They may,have some truth to them.I have to admit that at least.

However, hucksters and flim flam artists and ,so called employment agencies,that charge you for a list,of jobs,that you could have found yourself,for nothing.and,fortune tellers all promise something if you'll give them a dollar,more likely a hundred or a thousand .

So,much for MONOPOLY!

How about "REAL" life? Even that ,is getting harder for people to believe in anymore.Because they can't tell the difference.HOLLYWOOD has made people deny reality in exchange for fantasy.Unfortunately they also use real life characters that come from real life,or story lines taken from real life and use them in hollywood films,as if they were fantasy in what are supposed to be fictional stories,but are not.


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