How to make money without becoming an Internet Marketer or Affiliate Marketer

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  1. gamergirl profile image89
    gamergirlposted 15 years ago

    How to make money without becoming an Internet Marketer or Affiliate Marketer

  2. TAP Profit Funnel profile image56
    TAP Profit Funnelposted 15 years ago

    Hmmm- Well, once I tried SMC from a late night infomercial. You could try that.

    I did it and soon realized they charge a HUG SHIIPPING FEE on you if you don't order at least $500 on your order! Anything less in an order and you get taken to the curb with their absorbently high shipping costs.

    I also noticed that a wholesaler in my community was offering the same products and BETTER SELLING stuff then SMC and I didn't have to pay one red cent because I loaded it in the car after I bought it. HINT: sunglasses and Hats sell MUCH BETTER then WindChimes...LOL!!!

    Just go to your local yellow pages or search online for a local merchandise wholesaler. You will be much happier in the end. You will have better products THAT ACTUALLY SELL FAST and for LESS THEN SMC!!!

    I was paying way too much for my SMC products after I factored in shipping! Thats where they get ya- on the shipping. We all know it doesn't cost $15 to ship a small 10 cent product. Buyer Beware!

    I now run a web marketing business and my passion is online marketing. One of the hottest things online is social media. Here is a recent NO BS Product review I did the other day. It would be worth your time to look into:

    Copy and Paste into your browser:

    I hope this helped and feel free to email me any further questions at

  3. profile image0
    Go Writerposted 15 years ago

    If you're planning to make money via the internet, then I recommend

    --eBay (very reliable for sales)

    --Content Writing (get paid $10 per article you write, maybe more, maybe less. Check out a blog called for some really good sites you can write for)

    --Surveys (I don't have experience with surveys although I hear Cash Crate is good)

    --Get Paid to Click on Ads (Legit but a waste of time in my opinion. They pay in pennies)

    --Sell your own products (Etsy, Cafe Press, Zazzle). These are sites that are easy to set up, but you still need to market it and get people coming to your site to buy.

  4. Arun Pal Singh profile image60
    Arun Pal Singhposted 15 years ago

    Internet marketer is a loosely applied term and the inference depends  on the perception of an individual.

    Let us for a moment forget the term and think about the ways you can make money on the net.

    There are four models to make money on the internet

    1. You sell your product. [May be you applied to internet marketer term to this kind]

    2. You sell others' product through your affiliate link [You do not want this option but I wanted to complete the list]

    3.You sell service. For example you write for other people or websites that would pay you

    4. You build website or pages that receive traffic and you earn by selling or displaying ads

    When you look around all the models revolve around these basic models.

    How you do it depends upon your area of interest and expertise and what model you want to pursue.

    Most of the people I know use a mixture of above.

  5. tools951 profile image38
    tools951posted 14 years ago

    Mostly people who generate revenue online are labeled as internet marketers,because you are on the internet.

  6. profile image56
    imr275posted 14 years ago

    There are also other ways to make money online other than adsense.You make cents with adsense program but you can make dollars with other programs like affiliate programs.For more information visit

  7. profile image48
    flyspyposted 13 years ago

    First of all, what's your reason for not wanting to get into internet marketing, I mean I can think of quite a few but I am just curious to know what yours it. 

    Second, there are many ways to make money online be it through things like affiliate marketing, ghost writing or sites like opinion sites. 

    I have actually wrote quite a bit on sites like cash crate but it's WAY too much info to put on here.  (It's a short article)   
    Anyway, you can find it here:

    This will answer qute few questions you have on this topic


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