Say I am not a good writer, artist, or photographer - how can I make money onlin

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  1. thranax profile image72
    thranaxposted 14 years ago

    Say I am not a good writer, artist, or photographer - how can I make money online?

  2. wealthseeker profile image60
    wealthseekerposted 14 years ago


    Tough question! What a warm welcome and I take this challenge as best as I can. Hope you approve.

    One does not need to be Pulitzer price winner quality to make money, yes good copy writing and writing skills helps. I have noticed when you are passionate about something truly, it shows up when you talk, or write and people are drawn to it.

    One of the best way to get started is Hubpages site, where one can learn to master writing, learning keywords and see what works from experts here.

    There is no quick earning online, it takes time and patience but it is possible.

    You do not need to know how to fix a car to drive it, same way you do not need to know how to paint or photograph to sell art supplies or cameras. The key is do ethically and what you are passionate about.

    I guess I suppose I can write a hub about it, it is getting large enough. Thanks for the challenge at my 1st hub and 1st question!

  3. Article Magick profile image61
    Article Magickposted 14 years ago

    Begin by listing the things you CAN do and start from there..

  4. wytegarillaz profile image62
    wytegarillazposted 14 years ago

    I make money on kooday every week buying keywords, linking them to my hubs to get more viewers, did hub about it, some sell things online, work out what you are good at or enjoy !

  5. profile image0
    Helpful Hannaposted 14 years ago

    You can sell things on ebay for yourself or for other people.  It's pretty easy and some people can even make a living from selling things online.

  6. C.V.Rajan profile image61
    C.V.Rajanposted 14 years ago

    Who told you that the "good" writers, artists and photographers are making money?

  7. ArefinShams profile image61
    ArefinShamsposted 14 years ago

    You can earn money by learning some freelance jobs. There are so many-data entry, editing, programming, seo, etc etc and so on.

  8. simeonvisser profile image64
    simeonvisserposted 14 years ago

    Persistence is more important than talent. It reminds me of the following quote:

    "Sometimes your greatest asset is simply your ability to stay with it longer than anyone else."

    You don't need to be a good writer when you start out on HubPages. If you keep at it, you will be one soon enough. You don't need the Nobel Price for Literature, you simply need clear writing skills to earn money online.

  9. Hideki-ryuga profile image67
    Hideki-ryugaposted 14 years ago

    To start with, you can learn from others. Not everybody making online money is a writer, or an artist or a photographer. Find your area of interest and see how others exploit it on the net to generate money then do the same.

  10. Wayne K. WIlkins profile image67
    Wayne K. WIlkinsposted 14 years ago

    There really is no quick fix to making money online. Sometimes it can take years, sometimes you can just get lucky and make without trying. Think about what you are good at and get creative with it.

  11. Karonher profile image61
    Karonherposted 14 years ago

    You may not think you are good, but your work may appeal to other people.

  12. profile image0
    Butch Newsposted 14 years ago

    There is no easy answer.  Persistence helps.

    I've noticed that most who make money from YouTube or places like this (HubPages) don't make progress for about 2-3 years.

    You need traffic and that is the hard part to get.  Good content brings traffic.  On YouTube you need a niche so you need to be an entertainer and a good video editor and post a new video every week that has content that advertisers will like.

    You can make a website and put ads on it.  Finding a good affiliate program and line is difficult but you still have to have a site that attracts visitors.  Many have found success with vlogs but you can't fake it and it still takes content that will attract people.  You have to build an audience either by paying for ads on sites like facebook, or finding a way to let people know you exist through social networks.  It isn't easy.  Paying for ads is the fastest way so that means investing in yourself until it starts to pay off.  If you don't have an interesting site it will never work.

    YouTube is a good way if you like making video and can find a niche. Just making funny videos of your cat or dog can work but you have to make them interesting.  You have to avoid using any music that is not royalty free.  You don't need tons of views to become an AdSense partner.  If YouTube likes your advertiser friendly videos they will ask you.  They asked me... that's why I know.

    Becoming a partner requires a larger number of visitors but if you are getting at least 200 visitors a day, every day, they will likely approve you as a partner.  Making videos with zillions of views is not necessary.  They want regular traffic with advertiser friendly videos.

    You don't have to be a great writer... just write the way you talk about things you know about or about your daily life... make a blog about your daily ups and downs.  Some may find it interesting.  Some people will read anything.

    Just be persistent.  It takes time.  And study people who are successful online.

  13. profile image49
    Bangaloreanposted 14 years ago

    Speak from your heart about a topic that you are really passionate about and it will flow. All of us have topics that we can be eloquent about. For me it is my kids, health, nutrition, books and so on. Good luck, my friend.

  14. TheRaptorClaw profile image60
    TheRaptorClawposted 14 years ago

    Here's a link to a hub that can help.

  15. drvosjeca profile image61
    drvosjecaposted 14 years ago

    in that case best way to make some money is to ask your parrents for it  smile

  16. 123chri123 profile image37
    123chri123posted 14 years ago

    Read books that are related to what you intent to do Online,Ask questions when necessary and ask other hubbers to view your work.

  17. MoneyCreator24 profile image57
    MoneyCreator24posted 14 years ago

    Have you ever thought about the meaning of the item "Bestseller" ? It does not mean its best written.

    Do you know someone who makes better Hamburger than Mc Donalds? And does Mc Donalds make money because he makes the best Hamburgers ever?

    If you wanna earn money you need to think like an entrepreneur. - You got the idea. You got your goal. But someone else does the job.

    Everything you canĀ“t do on your own you should outsource to someone who can. You pay for the done job but the profit is yours.

  18. Sullen91 profile image70
    Sullen91posted 14 years ago

    Honestly, it is exceedingly difficult to make money online outside of web oriented jobs such as design, graphics, etc.

    Some of the answers are right in that you don't need to be exceptional at anything if you're industrious, patient, and persistent.

  19. little yankee profile image69
    little yankeeposted 14 years ago

    its just a total crapshoot.  Not all "good" creative people are successful.  Not all really horrible authors, photographers, and artists fail at making money on the internet.  Just publish and see where you can get.

  20. profile image52
    mystudymylifeposted 14 years ago

    Hi Buddy ,

    Good Day to You !

    That s a Good Question which u asked i have an answer for !!!
    join power internet based biz... along with me and make handsome money in your free time call me on +91 9880062666

    i will give u more details , am sure it can change your life 180 Degree ,

    Thanks & Regards

  21. Melanie Shearer profile image58
    Melanie Shearerposted 14 years ago

    I have found that even those that aren't the best writers can make money writing for online venues.  The trick is to pick just one or two online writing sites and stick with them.  The more that you practice, the better you will get.

    Don't plan on making a living with this right away.  It takes hundreds, if not thousands, of articles just to build your base.

  22. Mavis Nong profile image59
    Mavis Nongposted 14 years ago

    Focus on your strong points and acquire new skills so you can master them.

    You don't have to be good at everything. You can outsource some of the things wink

  23. ave212 profile image60
    ave212posted 13 years ago

    Promoting affiliate products is a big earner and its easy to get started as a beginner, but as you will probably already know, traffic is the key to earning money online. One quick and easy solution that I have discovered is by promoting on Youtube and using a piece of software to automate some of tasks that get you lots of exposure. I wrote a hub about my successful experiment to make money on youtube, you can see it here:

  24. Liza  Brown profile image60
    Liza Brownposted 11 years ago

    I think one of the greatest feature of internet is to "share". It's necessary for you to be some kind of expert in area, just be yourself. Real and love to share your daily interesting things online. For example, you may notice there are multiple mommy bloggers around, as i know, they can make batch of money monthly just through honest review about some product. It's unnecessary for them to write with beautiful words, because that's their real feeling and personal site. Be yourself and do the necessary research, you can make your money dream true.


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