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Get Yourself Some Instant Karma

Updated on December 21, 2012

Get Yourself Some Instant Karma

HubKarma rocks the HubWorld. HubWriters rewrite otherwise mostly readable HubArticles in search of HubKarma points, which may or may not boost their HubRanking and increase their HubEarnings. HubHappiness remains elusive.

How does a HubAuthor attain HubNirvana through increased karma? Linking to fellow Hubbers offers opportunities at HubMortality heretofore only achievable by publishing HubTreatises with Bollywood Bathing Beauties. Simply peppering hubs with links to generically related hubs published by other HubDenizens will pump up the HubVolume.

Conside This Hubbariffic Karma Kicker

"The naked mole rat can be found in naked mole rat holes throughout grasslands in tropical climates of some African countries. This disgusting animal eats tubers (potatoes) and also their own poop, which somehow seems appropriate for an animal with the words 'naked' and 'rat' in its' name.

Very few naked mole rats are sold in pet stores throughout the United States. A popular cartoon on the Disney Channel, Kim Possible , featured a naked mole rat character called Rufus. Rufus lived in his owner's pocket and shared his owner's fondness for Mexican food."

Can this loser text be improved through HubKarma?

Perhaps a liberal dose of HubKarma can improve a sorry screed on the naked mole rat...

The naked mole rat can be found in naked mole rat holes throughout grasslands in tropical climates of some African countries. This disgusting animal eats tubers (potatoes) and also their own poop, which somehow seems appropriate for an animal with the words 'naked' and 'rat' in its' name.

Very few naked mole rats are sold in pet stores throughout the United States. A popular cartoon on the Disney Channel, Kim Possible , featured a naked mole rat character called Rufus. Rufus lived in his owner's pocket and shared his owner's fondness for Mexican food.

How'd We Do?

In search of HubKarma, we acquired 3 links:

  • We linked the word 'rat' to this:
    This is the HubPages repository for "articles about mice, ferrets, chinchillas, rats, and other small furry creatures." Certainly our article provided little useful information for running the Double Jeopardy 'rat' category, therefore a little focused browsing in the HubPages 'rat' category could only help.

  • We linked the word 'mole' to this:
    This link takes us to "The Truth About Wart and Mole Removal" by a Hubber called hublishing (18 followers, 9 hubs, joined 2 years ago). Our mole resides a burrow beneath the veldt and their mole exists as a parasitic virus on subcutaneous human flesh, but they share a level of disgustingness that we must recognize.

  • We linked the word 'Rufus' to this:
    This link points to a "Overview of Common Cajun Instruments -- Part II -- The Cajun Fiddle", a treatise penned by hubber Jerilee Wei. Rufus the fiddle player may not be a direct descendant of Rufus the naked mole rat, but we have answered questions surrounding people named Rufus on HubPages.


HubKarma is very cool. Unlike actual Karma, it can be realized through manual processes. It produces palpable results in the form of increased HubKarma points. Your friends will like you better and you might get invited to appear on Wheel of Fortune.


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