SEO question regarding tags

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  1. EYEAM4ANARCHY profile image62
    EYEAM4ANARCHYposted 15 years ago

    When doing tags, is it better to do tags as singular words or to split each word within a phrase or term up as a seperate tag or even both?

    For example, if I'm doing a hub on small green apples should the tabs be:

    small green appples




    small green apples
    small green
    small apples
    green apples

    Basically, the question involves how exactly google uses the tags. Does it search just for individual words or for the entire phrase/term as a whole?



    1. profile image53
      seo_specialistposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      If you go to Google directory or DMOZ directory, you will observe various categories.

      These categories can be specifically used as TAGS if your entire focus in on SEO.

      Take for example, if I am publishing an article on SEO, I would use following tags :-

      internet ( dmoz category)
      business ( dmoz category)
      SEO  ( within dmoz category)

      Therefore if you are worried about SEO rankings, then you must include tags which correspond with the actual categories of the DMOZ directory.

      However, you should not include non-related tags as it will dilute the SEO Power.

      1. Misha profile image66
        Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        And what tests did you do to prove this?

  2. Lissie profile image78
    Lissieposted 15 years ago

    The multi word phrase in general is better - but google doesnt use the tags in HP _ theyarent metatags in the html - have a look at the source code of a hub - they are purely used within hp for searching

  3. EYEAM4ANARCHY profile image62
    EYEAM4ANARCHYposted 15 years ago

    I see, so google bases it off the actual content?

    I much prefer the multi-word version, without all the repetition, anyway. Just didn't know if it was necessary for search purposes.


    1. profile image0
      terrygposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Totally agree with Lissie on this. Look at the meta tag small. A search for small will bring back heaps of stuff but possibly not apples.

      Your meta tags are exactly the long tail keyword, small green apples and variations such as green small apples and apples small green.

      You search and you know what you put into a search engine. Think just like that, what will the visitor be typing into the search engine. Searchers often use more then one word as they are now becoming savvy to be more accurate in their searches to narrow the results down to a possible hit without too much searching in the results.

  4. profile image57
    panah100posted 15 years ago

    Agree with the above. Long tail tags bring more targeted traffic.

  5. johnr54 profile image48
    johnr54posted 15 years ago

    Short answer - longer (multiple words) is better, because it will rank for the actual term.

    On Hubpages, just like on a Wordpress blog, adding a tag will actually create a page for that tag that contains all the hubs (or at least the first 10 or so) that have that tag. Click on one and you'll see what I mean. So  Google indexes and can rank the tag page.  In fact I've had the tag page outrank my hub more than once for some long tail (multiple word) phrase.

    As for adding keyword metatags in the HTML, I don't think any of the big 3 even look at those any more, as keyword stuffing those was about the first form of search engine spamming many years ago.

    1. gbrgn profile image60
      gbrgnposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      using alt and title attributes for images should help.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I didn't think that was possible on HubPages?

  6. RDHayes profile image68
    RDHayesposted 15 years ago

    Basically, the question involves how exactly google uses the tags. Does it search just for individual words or for the entire phrase/term as a whole?

    I think Google will search for both depending on the search parameters you specify.

    Exact word or phrasing should be encased in quotes. But how many people searching take the time to use quotes. right?

    Then they can search for, One or More of these words by typing "OR" between each word your searching for.

    A regular Google search which I mean by just typing in what your looking for, which is what I believe most people do will bring you results that have pages with each word you typed in the search bar. Weather it be a phrase or not.

    Do a search for improve your golf swing. You'll get results for just golf, golf swing, improve golf swing, improve swing, improve golf, etc. etc.

    So google will bring you single word results and phrase results.
    Use both single words and phrases. = )

    Don't forget to include your keyword or keyword phrase in your heading and sprinked throughout in your conent.

    Hope this helps, if not sorry. tongue

  7. Bucro profile image60
    Bucroposted 15 years ago

    I agree the longer and more descriptive tag is the better route.

  8. jeffwend profile image44
    jeffwendposted 15 years ago

    I have been a member of HubPages for a while now but I am really starting to get more interested in it over the past week.

    Are the tags on HubPages the same as Meta tags on other websites?  And if so, do they really help with SEO?  There is much debate on meta tags and SEO and many believe that Google and the major SE's don't pay them any mind.

  9. spirtual.being profile image61
    spirtual.beingposted 15 years ago

    Out of small green apples

    small alone does not make any sence
    green alone does not make any sence

    but apples alone does specify what ur website is about.

    If i were to make combinations i would use following:-

    small green apples
    green apples
    small apples

    I hope this gives some idea about the tag selection.

  10. profile image0
    multimasteryposted 15 years ago

    It is fine to use short or long-tail tags/keywords as long as they are relevant to your Hub.  In general long-tail terms usually rank easier and faster.  And yes search engines like Google do in fact find hubs through tags as well as keywords.  I've seen it multiple time in search engines  To simplify all of this it is best to just look as tags the same as keywords.  I use laser-targeted keywords for all of my tags and it works! … t-keywords

  11. EYEAM4ANARCHY profile image62
    EYEAM4ANARCHYposted 15 years ago

    Thanks alot guys, I really appreciate the info.

  12. ocbill profile image53
    ocbillposted 15 years ago

    I like long tail as well  .  "green apples" or just apples, green , could land your theme as a supermarket, putting fruits in a dessert, a painting with apples on the green grass etc.


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