If you delete most of or all your hubs what will happen? Details plz!!

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  1. danicole profile image68
    danicoleposted 10 years ago

    I am thinking about deleting most and almost all my hubs and moving them to another hub account but I have a couple of questions. Please can you try to answer most if not all of the questions I asked... Thank You soo much for whatever help you can give me smile

    If you delete all your hubs, will you stop earning from them? (dumb question just gotta ask)
    If you delete all your hubs will your uncollected hubs money go with the deleted hubs (i have been on hub pages for over a year/almost two years and didn't meet the $50 threshold) will all the money I earned disappear?
    Will your hubscore decrease? Cease to exist?
    Will I face google duplication of content violatons? (even if I deleted the content from my hub account)

    1. Cardisa profile image90
      Cardisaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Can I ask why you would want to move your hubs from one account to the next? Is there a problem with this account? Maybe it can be fixed.

      Sorry about the questions. I have this penchant for fixing old stuff rather than trading for the new.

      1. danicole profile image68
        danicoleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        There are no problems. I just want to use one sole account. I don't really use this account as much and I have been using my other account way more recently. So I thought combining my content into one. I won't delete this account (just yet) but I am not sure, what to with it, since I am on the other account more. I will definitely get more traffic with more hubs and I am building deeper relationships in the other hub account. That's why I want to do it. Thank You for asking the question and your response so far smile

        1. Cardisa profile image90
          Cardisaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I understand. smile

          Well, you've already gotten the answers to your questions so no need for me to repeat them. I hope everything works out well. Just remember to wait a while before republishing the hubs. You can also use your Google webmaster tools to remove the old URLs from search so you can republish faster.

      2. deecoleworld profile image62
        deecoleworldposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        heyy this danicole using my other hubpages account, deecoleworld if you check this hub account out you can see what I am talking about smile

    2. Writer Fox profile image42
      Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The $50 threshold applies separately to each account you have.  So, if you delete all of your Hubs from one account and never write any more Hubs on that account, you will never reach the $50 threshold to be paid on the old account and must start from zero on the new account.

      Your author score will go way down on the account with no Hubs.

      If you put your old Hub on a new account, the Hub Score is re-evaluated and goes through QAP again.  Your account will be hand-reviewed until you have published five Hubs on the new account.

      You must delete the Hub, remove the URL from Google and Bing on your webmaster accounts, then delete the cache versions on those search engines, and wait a week to ten days before publishing it on a new account.  BEFORE you delete, be sure to check to make sure that your Hubs have not been stolen and that no part of the content appears anywhere online.

      Remove all links to the Hubs on Facebook, Google+, etc.

      Why do you want to do this?

      1. danicole profile image68
        danicoleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I have another hub that is a bit younger than this one (this is over a year old and will be approaching 2 yrs in June? and the other one is 9 months old). I just want to use one sole account. I don't really use this account as much and I have been using my other account way more frequently and recently.
        So I thought combining my content into one main entity. I won't delete this account (just yet) but I am not sure, what to with it, since I am on the other account more. This other account has 31 hubs (way more than this) and I feel more rejuvenated, motivated, and engaged with the other one. Also its logically seems like the right move. I will definitely get more traffic with more hubs and I am can continue to build deeper relationships in the other hub account. My hub score is also higher in my other account than this one.  That's why I want to do it.

        This seems like a lot of work. What if there is some link you forgot about and didn't remove. What will happen? What if you change the hub a bit?

        Thank You for asking questions and your response so far smile

        1. Marisa Wright profile image85
          Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I can understand why you want to do it, and as you don't have many Hubs on your danicole account, it wouldn't be too painful to remove.

          The only problem you'll have is that you'll never be able to collect whatever money is sitting in that account.  If you can live with that, I can't see any other problems.

    3. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The money won't disappear, but you'll never be able to collect it because the money will be stuck in that account.  The account won't earn anything because there are no Hubs, so you'll never reach the threshold. 

      Unless there is a very strong reason for wanting to move your Hubs, I wouldn't do it.  Your Hubs will lose all their age and reputation with Google so you'll lose whatever traffic you have.

      1. danicole profile image68
        danicoleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I have two hub accounts and the other one has more hubs and gets more traffic than this. I don't mind losing traffic. I don't think I will completely get rid of this hub account or all of the hubs just thinking of options. Thank You for your response so far smile

  2. psycheskinner profile image79
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    If a hub is not live, it is not earning.  the earned money stays in the account.  And if you re-upload it immediately it will probably get flagged at duplicate.

    1. danicole profile image68
      danicoleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Ok I see Thank You for your response so far smile

  3. Glenn Stok profile image94
    Glenn Stokposted 10 years ago

    First of all, to answer your questions, if you delete all your hubs, you will not lose the money already earned. But on the other hand, you may never get your hands on it. Without any hubs earning money, you will not add to what is being held in your account. So you'll never make it reach the $50 threshold.

    More importantly, I have to ask why you want to move your hubs. It sounds like you are saying to move them to another hub account. But that makes no sense. I'm guessing you mean to move them elsewhere.

    In any case, moving them will bring up all sorts of problems with duplication. You'll have to wait until they are no longer indexed in search engines. And you'll have to be sure they don't exist anywhere else. If they were copied, at least  you have proof you were first.  Delete them and you lose that.

    I would rather want to convince you to be patient. You started off well. I read one of your hubs. However, you  really don't have too many yet. If you keep writing and keep growing your following (which comes naturally), you will get somewhere.

    1. danicole profile image68
      danicoleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I have two hub accounts. The other hub is a bit younger than this one (this is over a year old and will be approaching 2 yrs in June? and the other one is 9 months old). I just want to use the younger one as a sole account. I don't really use this account as much and I have been using my other account way more frequently and recently.
      So I thought combining my content into one main entity. I won't delete this account (just yet) but I am not sure, what to with it, since I am on the other account more. Also I don't I will delete all the hubs. This other account has 31 hubs (way more than this) and I feel more rejuvenated, motivated, and engaged with my other one.
      Also its logically seems like the right move. I will definitely get more traffic with more hubs and I can continue to build deeper relationships in the other hub account. My hub score is also higher and I get more traffic with my other account than this one.  AKA Super Traffic!! That's why I want to do it.
      This seems like a lot of work, but this could be a tangible option. I don't think I will completely get rid of this hub account or all of the hubs just thinking of options. What if there is some link you forgot about and didn't remove. What will happen? What if you change the hub a bit?

      Thank You for asking questions, your advice and your response smile

    2. deecoleworld profile image62
      deecoleworldposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      heyyy this danicole using my other account, deecoleworld if you check my hub pages out you can see what I am talking about

  4. word55 profile image74
    word55posted 10 years ago

    I did that. It wasn't the best idea. 1st of all, It takes 24 hrs. before they are deleted from the 1st account. One must be completely deleted before it can be featured on another account. For some reason they may not get featured or published on the 2nd acct. You will lose your counted traffic and comments . You're best to start another account with new and different hubs. I was advised afterward that I should not have moved my old hubs but to upgrade them. It's a lot of work anyway. I know you don't care to work that long and hard. Hope that helps.

    1. danicole profile image68
      danicoleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I have two hub accounts. The other account is younger than this one (9 months old vs this one is 1 /2 years old) has more hubs (31 hubs), more traffic, a better hub score (my other hub has a score of 88 and this one 82). Also with my other hub I have a better experience (creatively and motivational-ly (don't think that is a word but whatever). In one week's time on my other hub account I wrote, uploaded and created 10 hubs (which is psycho crazy). My hubscore increased within days. I just have a renewed sense of energy and purpose with this other account smile
      I don't mind the wait if I decide to delete hubs, the only thing I am concerned about is whether I can use the hubs in my other account and if Google will penalize me for it. I don't mind the work because I do work hard on my hubs (its takes me a long time to write and edit).

      This does help a lot actually, thanks for your response soo far smile

    2. deecoleworld profile image62
      deecoleworldposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      heyy this danicole using my other account, deecoleworld if you check this hubpages account out you can see what I am talking about

  5. Sue Adams profile image90
    Sue Adamsposted 10 years ago

    I would not move your hubs for the reasons already mentioned. Why not keep both accounts and use each one for two different niches as so many people do here. For example, write all new hubs on say, health and related issues in one account and all new hubs related to say finance, internet knowledge etc in the other.

    By keeping both accounts you can build  up expert reputations in two different topic areas using two distinct accounts. Also remember that it can take up to 2 years for a hub to suddenly gain decent views. So do nothing for now other than tweaking what you've already got. Instead allocate future subject matter appropriately to each account from now on.

    This strategy gives you no extra work to do, more chances of getting better expert reputation, more views in the future, and no loss of already gained income.

    1. danicole profile image68
      danicoleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I really don't think I could do that. I originally made two hub accounts to do that, one was for astrology and the other was for everything else. Astrology is a very specialized topic that not everyone believes in and I don't want to alienate potential readers by just doing astrology hubs. I decided to open my hub open a bit. That is why I have been putting my energy to that hub account and it has paid off. I can't divide my energy and time into two different accounts. It does seem like a lot of work to move/delete hubs, so perhaps I'll leave them alone for now.

      Thanks for your input and advice!

      1. danicole profile image68
        danicoleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I mean I try it again, but its seems like too much work/hassle to manage two hubs if you get my drift. I don't mind working hard and every hub I write takes me at least 2 hours (at least 2 hours, usually more) to complete. I am thinking of giving this hub another chance. Thanks again smile .... btw I just was awarded the Engaging Content accolade on my other hub account!! My hard work is paying off smile Maybe I can try it for this hub too..... hmmm... Thanks for the idea!!!!!

      2. Sue Adams profile image90
        Sue Adamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You could perhaps expand the scope of that account from just astrology to other alternative disciplines around non-mainstream topics. Then every time you write a new hub/article it's just a question of deciding which account it fits better into.

      3. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I can understand that, but there's no need to!   Just make a decision that you're not going to worry about your other account from now on.   There is absolutely no need to check on it, or to be active under that Hubber name.  You can even set your comments to "vacation".   That way you can simply forget it exists, and focus all your energies on your main account. 

        The other account will manage very well without you.  It may earn no more than pennies, but does that really matter?  At least it will be earning, and will gradually work its way towards that magic threshold.

        1. danicole profile image68
          danicoleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Ok Thanks!!!


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