Getting No Followers Despite Being an Active Publisher

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  1. Laudemhir Jan profile image68
    Laudemhir Janposted 10 years ago

    I have been wondering, I have published 11 featured hubs in the span of 4 days yet I only have 2 followers? Do you guys have any secret recipe to have a success in getting more followers?

    1. relache profile image64
      relacheposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Don't write more Hubs in which you discuss earning money on HubPages, but where you then talk about how you haven't earned a single cent from HubPages, because you've just started and don't even have an AdSense account yet, and thus HubPages isn't a very good online learning option.

      I'm pretty sure more of those sorts of Hubs will not help you get followers.

    2. bethperry profile image80
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      First of all, HELLO! and welcome to HP's.
      I won't pretend to be the ultimate word on how to be successful here, but I've been here three years and can offer a few suggestions based on personal experiences: 1. let potential readers know what you write about via Twitter and Facebook; MySpace and Pinterest if you have pages there, too. 2. Spend a little time each week commenting on other Hubs and in the forums (this lets folks know you are an active member). 3. Write articles about subjects you are knowledgeable in and refrain from talking about stuff you have no true knowledge on. I know a trending subject may be tempting to post about, but lack of knowledge shows. As an example, I don't listen to rap music, so will never write recommendation Hub on the genre. 4. Never fall into the temptation to be a troll or play sock puppet theater. 5. Don't worry so much about scores, followers and how many "featured" Hubs as you do to the quality of your writing. A Hub title may sound absolutely fascinating, and the Hubber may fill the article with stunning photos...but if the quality of the writing is sucky, I very well may just ignore future Hubs from that writer.

      Good luck and I'm off to check out some of your Hubs smile

    3. Brie Hoffman profile image61
      Brie Hoffmanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I just took a look at your hubs.  You need to write hubs that answer a question that someone might google.  That's how you get traffic and traffic is all that matters on HP, the rest is just coffee and donuts.

  2. LindaSmith1 profile image61
    LindaSmith1posted 10 years ago

    I am on Bubblews as well.  Having people that are followers does not mean that they are going to read every hub you write here.  You do not earn for every follower, every hubber that reads your hub.  There are no likes that you earn from.  Comments do not earn you one penny. 

    Not to sound accusatory, but what you have asked here, is what Bubblews writers do when they try to skirt the rules at Bubblews about asking people to read their posts and like them. It won't work here. In fact, it is a good way to get banned from forums,as well as HP.  As to followers, if people are not interested in your topics, etc, they are not going to follow you.  Some people simply don't like to leave comments. 

    You need organic traffic, not in house traffic. Organic traffic comes from the search engines.

  3. profile image47
    princessdeokman24posted 10 years ago

    Hey am new here,so i will say i don't know,really

  4. LindaSmith1 profile image61
    LindaSmith1posted 10 years ago

    Princessdeokman24: First of all you need hubs to be written, published and then featured after they are reviewed by HP QAP.

  5. ChristinS profile image37
    ChristinSposted 10 years ago

    You've been here for 4 days.  Patience.  Keep publishing good hubs and if you really want followers, then engage with the community.  Spend time reading hubs of others, commenting and socializing.  Having a lot of followers isn't how you earn money though.  A lot of successful hubbers don't spend a lot of time socializing and more time writing high quality useful hubs.  Followers come naturally over time when you have a lot of amazing hubs.

  6. electronician profile image70
    electronicianposted 10 years ago

    I've been here 10 months and have also been a little disappointed to have only got up to 90 odd followers in all that time, but I do at least get a decent amount of readers so large follower numbers aren't really necessary to be successful.

    1. Laudemhir Jan profile image68
      Laudemhir Janposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for this! Now I understand that not everyone is bothered they only have small followers! smile

  7. KarenHC profile image76
    KarenHCposted 10 years ago

    I agree with ChristinS -- you've been here for just a short time.  Have you been interacting with others on HubPages, through reading and responding to hubs and forums?  People get to know you better that way, and are more likely to check out your profile and hubs.

    It's not like the Bubblews platform on which many people will follow you in just a short time.   As you know, on Bubblews the major way to earn money is to have other Bubblers visit and comment on your posts.  It doesn't work that way on Hubpages.   It's a longer term effort that hopefully builds over time.

  8. pateluday profile image46
    pateludayposted 10 years ago

    As you produce more work followers will come. This is an indication that you have created attractive hubs.

  9. LadyFiddler profile image75
    LadyFiddlerposted 10 years ago

    Huh! I've wondered about that myself to me the people who aren't active or write weird stuff is more popular but i guess if we love writing. We'll still do it no matter what i don't have a clue what causes that though. Great question smile

  10. Rhonda Lytle profile image66
    Rhonda Lytleposted 10 years ago

    Don't worry about followers.  Write good articles with useful information, original content and photographs being sure to use key words sparingly and deliberately to gain outside traffic. 
    Followers are great.  It's an in house community of very supportive people which is an awesome perk but won't do you any good at all other than friendships and a maybe confidence boost.
    You need traffic from Google and that has nothing to do with followers.  To best increase traffic from Google, you need about 50 hubs, niches are nice, and a driving determination to keep at it.  You will not see immediate results but over time you will see traffic.  Followers will come.  Traffic is what you really need.

  11. profile image0
    Colin323posted 10 years ago

    I agree with ChristinS.  People will follow when they get to know your work.

    You have a strong music theme emerging in your articles, and music lovers - if they like what they read - will follow you to be alerted on new posts.

    Perhaps you could raise a music related discussion on the forum?

  12. BritFlorida profile image71
    BritFloridaposted 10 years ago

    A better alternative to worrying about followers here is to concentrate on growing your social media followers. Post your articles for them and you'll get outside traffic.

  13. ecogranny profile image84
    ecogrannyposted 10 years ago

    I'm new to HubPages too, and I can't help wondering if more people would follow you if you used a photograph of yourself for your avatar, or at the very least one that grabbed the eye and held it.

  14. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 10 years ago

    Followers are not important on HubPages.   The social side of HubPages is a nice motivator but it does not help you earn money.

    You will make money when 90% of your traffic is coming from outside HubPages - from Google, Yahoo, Bing, and social networks.  So it makes sense that your promotional efforts should be directed outside HubPages, not inside. 

    LiveWithRichard has proved that point - you can read about his other account here - in particular, note the last paragraph of his opening post


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