can't please

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  1. john guilfoyle profile image60
    john guilfoyleposted 15 years ago


    1. john guilfoyle profile image60
      john guilfoyleposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      am i talking 2 myself?

  2. Shirley Anderson profile image74
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    What, exactly, is the issue?

    1. john guilfoyle profile image60
      john guilfoyleposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      u r a kind soul..i appreciate that...i have written a blog but it tells me it lacks content...this is my first seems i need a hand being walked through..i am truly humbled here...yet i will persist..what is my alternative?...tin pan alley is that valley i guess...i digress...perhaps i need 2 renew my poetic license?  just would b kindful and appreciated...

    2. john guilfoyle profile image60
      john guilfoyleposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      did i lose u?  says u r elusive on your website...thanks 4 attempting...i am sure my errors are increasing exponentialy...i will laugh or cry or merely sigh and wonder why my friend jack the dog gazes at me expectantly....actually he is sleeping..lulled by the tapping of these keys..


      1. Shirley Anderson profile image74
        Shirley Andersonposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        smile  My elusiveness is due to my going from publishing under my own name to ghostwriting.

        If you have enough content, you should be able to get rid of the low content warning on your hub.

        You're new, John, so try to write a great hub, make it an attractive layout and a pic or two (or video) and you just may be chosen as a potential HubNugget.

        1. john guilfoyle profile image60
          john guilfoyleposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          back again...word count at least 75..
          i am amazed at my own idiocy...
          struggle...write...can't seem 2 upload...words r not lacking..they flow without surcease...i snatch them from within the air with the deftness of a wizard's care..yet i am technically inadequate it would seem...

          again...i thank u 4 your kindnesses...i hope i waste not your time...we r here to learn and collect experience...i weary...i lag..i hope..i try...i sigh...

  3. Shirley Anderson profile image74
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    What is your word count?  Maybe you need to add some more text.

    1. john guilfoyle profile image60
      john guilfoyleposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      word count?  i'll check..

  4. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    Hi JG, smile welcome to the world of HubPages. Try to aim your word count for a minimum of 300 and end it with inviting people to join your fanclub, hubpages, make comments, etc. Hope that helps.

  5. Shirley Anderson profile image74
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    Dame's right, John.  You should have at least 300 words to get rid of the low content warning.

    You can do it!  Maybe take a little break and come back to it?

  6. john guilfoyle profile image60
    john guilfoyleposted 15 years ago

    it's raining here...dark and dreary...poe wrote the raven near where i write a child i constantly snuck into the confines of the tower where he penned this poem...a brilliant mind much maligned...found dead on a street...a mystery unsolved...who really and cigarettes...bartleby the scrivener perishing in the's sad that he gave up...he was so humble and cool...

  7. Shirley Anderson profile image74
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    I love Poe! 

    Be careful not to become as morose as he was!  smile  He had a very unhappy life and a bad end.

  8. john guilfoyle profile image60
    john guilfoyleposted 15 years ago

    i thank u 4 the encouragements...perhaps a break would b 4 the best...reassess and repossess my certainly is beautiful atop this spent on half finished self built house with borrowed tools...will i make it?

    quien sabe...i ride the winds of change...frequently stumbling...taxes...wood stove...long hard winter...stilll here...i can only try...believe u me i am a stubborn beast...if i ask 4 assistance i am in dire need..

    u r good people...i am relieved...


  9. Shirley Anderson profile image74
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    We're always glad to help!

    A little break will give you a clear head and let you start again, renewed.  Enjoy.

  10. john guilfoyle profile image60
    john guilfoyleposted 15 years ago

    i also love poe..
    he suffered as do we all..

    he documented this brilliantly....
    leaving us a legacy...
    an artistic display of human potential...
    u recognize this 4 what it is..
    sadly many great writers were unhappy and ended miserably...
    yet with their passing came a blossoming...
    an understanding..
    a release from their bondage of said suffering..
    and a gift for us...
    their writings...
    which serve us well in their stead...


  11. Shirley Anderson profile image74
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    I think Poe's depth of writing came from his misery and I think he relished his gloom.

    I've always remembered something that I read about him once.  He once made a statement that he wished that someone would die and then come back and tell him what it was like.

    Poe embraced his dark, shadow self and used it in his writing.

    As much as I would love to replicate the essence of his writing style, I have decided that I don't want to have to live a depressed life to achieve it.  It may mean that my goals of excellent horror writing may have to change.  sad

  12. john guilfoyle profile image60
    john guilfoyleposted 15 years ago

    u know how it is...i can't let it go...i need to write 2 survive...i feel penned in by the confines..i don't suffer from cramp...i just can't find the medium....i've traded my pen 4 all sorts of proxies i.e., a hammer, a saw, exercise, heroin, steering wheels, relationships etc. etc.

    i've got to laugh at myself here..success is evasive...once again i lift the pen and hope it is mightier than the all conquering sword...

    somehow...the writer will save the estimation isn't haughty it' s humble...i can sense this as readily as anyone who as ever attempted to convey a idea

    rhetoric and a sense of what's right.

    controversy, conflict, duality....

    apocalypse-a lifting of the veil..

    cooperation-what a good thing


  13. john guilfoyle profile image60
    john guilfoyleposted 15 years ago

    i her u shirley 4 shure

    i think happiness is acceptance

    that is what makes it difficult to acquire

  14. Shirley Anderson profile image74
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    Sounds like writing is your reason for being, John.  Life is getting in the way of it for you?  Rather than lamenting the fact, why not use it.  Write about it, use it metaphorically.

    There's no doubt that the written word influences nations and societies.

    1. MagicStarER profile image71
      MagicStarERposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That is really good thinking, Shirley!  Taking a writer difficulty and turning it into something constructive and writing about the problem!  I bet you don't suffer from writer's block very often!  smile

      And I completely understand you, John!  I feel the same way - life does get in the way of writing!  I would rather write than, say for example, walk the dogs, clean my house, wash the dishes, or do laundry!  I would rather write than do mostly anything, except maybe building websites or playing in my garden.  Now, when that writing obsession gets in the way of perhaps, taking a bath, then we might have a problem!  LOL!

      I hope you guys will look at my hubs and leave comments!  One of the things I am thinking is deficient here on HubPages is the scant opportunities for interactions between Hubbers!  (HEY!  That's another good idea for a hub article!)

  15. john guilfoyle profile image60
    john guilfoyleposted 15 years ago

    u r very cool

    i thought u were gone

    i hope u will b rewarded 4 your kindnesses

    your friends and family must benefit greatly from your acquaintance

    i look forward to reading some of your content

    what i have witnessed in this forum display a wisdom of caring

    if u r a mother-your children must surely b fortunate to have incarnated within your kindly realm

  16. Shirley Anderson profile image74
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    Thank-you, John.  And yes, I am a mom and a grandmom.

    You keep alluding to the fact that I am gone.  Never gone, sometimes just visiting elsewhere.  smile

    Speaking of which, I have a freelance deadline that I have to get back to.  Time pays no attention to my preferences.

    I'll be back later today, though.

    Happy hubbing, John!

  17. john guilfoyle profile image60
    john guilfoyleposted 15 years ago

    thanks 4 hanging with me through this rant

    could i use this for content?

    the rain it falls softly upon the forest where i dwell

    literally and figuratively

    i need to cleanse my soul and attain a clean slate

    the spirit of the ghost writer awakens from an unyielding slumber

    i hope u r smiling and attain some great belly laughs from this discourse

    i am humble here now

    do u think if i just keep adding words to my content it will b accepted? 

    just trying to post my first blog and feeling frustrated i guess

    i don't want to fail here...

  18. john guilfoyle profile image60
    john guilfoyleposted 15 years ago

    thanks shirley...i will add more words and see if this will assist me...also thanks for checking in later...if i get accepted...i have u to thank..u r cool and i appreciate it...hopefully i have given u something in return

  19. john guilfoyle profile image60
    john guilfoyleposted 15 years ago

    ha -it worked!!!!!!!!!!

    ty muchly!!!!!!! 

    added words then it published

    i guess i need to figure out how to utilize the site for profit now...if i can feed myself somehow this way...or through other channels also...thanks for advice yours was concise and accurate..

    1. Herald Daily profile image60
      Herald Dailyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hey, John.  Have you signed up for AdSense, Amazon, Ebay...those types of things?  It won't make enough to feed you, at least at first but you can make a few bucks that way over time, I'm told.

      Good luck.

  20. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 15 years ago

    John - It looks like you have published.  Congrats and good luck.  If you have questions, the forums are an excellent place to find help.

  21. Shirley Anderson profile image74
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    Thanks, Magic!  It's one way to write about what you know and I think writing about problems can sometimes help us to figure out the solution or at least options.

    You're right, I don't get writer's block very often but I do have times when my brain just plain gets tired.

    Just became your fan, by the way.


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