My Hub didn't make it past the QAP again:(

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  1. Trihorus profile image69
    Trihorusposted 7 years ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my Hub Possibility of life beyond earth (must be signed in to view). What can I do to improve? Thanks!

    Please go through this hub and point out my mistakes. Also tell me the ways to improve my hub so that i gets published this time.

    I had the following message : " Please proofread your hubs"
    Thanks again!

    1. theraggededge profile image89
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi there,

      Sorry to hear you are having trouble.

      There are several issues with your hub, and yes, it does need proofreading.

      Your title and sub-headings should be written in title case: Possibility of Life Beyond Earth

      "Our day to day life is as busy as we hate to admit it." What does that mean? No-one hates admitting they are busy - it's nothing to be ashamed of. That sentence is what we call 'waffle'. It has no bearing on the topic and is just generic fluff. You don't need it.

      You put your 'thinking cap' on when you need to solve a problem. It doesn't work in this context.

      Your whole introduction is mostly 'waffle', I'm afraid. It can be reduced to one sentence/question, "Does life exist beyond Earth?

      You have some odd instances of capitalisation - 'sustain' in the first paragraph, for example. Here's another, "Being an Universal solvent". That sentence should read "As a universal solvent..."

      "Life Can't thrive on a planet which gets continuously bombarded by outer space debris - asteroids, comets and various other objects that will potentially wipe out any life that has thrived and then it will take a sufficient amount of time for life to thrive back."

      You used 'thrive' three times in that very long sentence. Do you think you could rework it? How about "A planet which is continually bombarded by space debris, such as asteroids and meteors, cannot realistically support life for any length of time."

      Sorry I haven't got time to go through the whole article. You could try using Grammarly and Hemingway to tidy up the writing.

      As far as content is concerned, you need to go through the whole article and pinpoint what you need to do to present your ideas in a concise way. Get rid of all the unnecessary words that are mere 'filler'.

      Also be careful of all those assumptions you are making; as Wilderness notes in the comments, life may not always be carbon-based.

      There is a lot of work there to clean it up, but I'm sure you can do it.

      Good luck.

      1. Trihorus profile image69
        Trihorusposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks a lot for your feedback, I have realised where I have fallen short. I will make sure I edit everything again and polish the overall article more removing those fluffs.

    2. profile image0
      RTalloniposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Very often people who ask others to point out their mistakes become offended with honest responses, but since you ask so pointedly I'll mention that I could only read through the first paragraph because it is rife with error and is too long.  You should proofread your work and study up on how to write paragraphs for online writing.

      That said, I did scan the remainder of your post and it is difficult to read for many reasons.  You feel passionately about this subject but are trying to use theory and supposition as facts.  That life on earth is unique is no issue but you have dismissed what life is after death on this earth and how its Designer has communicated what we need to know about it at this point.

      Reason and Wonder: Why Science and Faith Need Each Other states that "Oxford scholar C. S. Lewis wrote about the possibility of life beyond Earth and its implications in his works of both theology and science fiction" in its coverage of the topic. Reading his work, as well as others, such as Escape from Reason by Francis A. Schaeffer would be a huge help in understanding the subject you are exploring.

      1. Trihorus profile image69
        Trihorusposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Hello RTalloni,
        I'm glad that you provided me with your feedback, and no you can get brutally honest with me. I appreciate that you took some time to read my hub and let me knew why it fell short. In the end, I want to improve, and your feedback is highest in my regard that helps me to get better. thanks!
        Please, could you tell me what you intended to say by "That life on earth is unique is no issue but you have dismissed what life is after death on this earth and how its Designer has communicated what we need to know about it at this point." I couldn't quite follow it.

        1. profile image0
          RTalloniposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          I can see that saying you "'dismissed' what life after death is..." was not fair to you for I don't know that you've dismissed it.  I should have seen that you may simply not yet know and I should have responded more fairly to you.  Please accept my apology.

          To answer your question about what I meant by the statement you quoted requires a two-fold answer.  To be more clear on "life on earth is unique..." I meant that it is established fact that no other known-by-us planet or universe is set up similarly, and that your post reiterates that established information. 

          On the second part of the statement the reference to Designer refers to our Creator.  One of the references to the concept that is useful to a heart and mind wanting to understand is John 1:3.  He is our Author and in spite of efforts to disprove the facts and color the data with man's theories, creation continues to prove His Word on the topic as researchers continue to uncover its mysteries.   

          A person who will humbly ask God for help to read and understand His Word to us will gain His help to see what He is showing us.  He wants us to share our questions and concerns with Him.  He wants the relationship with us that takes us through this life and into life beyond this one that we now experience.  He desires us to trust Him so we can have abundant life no matter our circumstances in this world and belong to Him in Christ so that we can be with him after death as eternity unfolds.

          Anyone can begin reading His Word and I recommend starting with either a NAS or an ESV Bible. You might like to note that a scientifically inclined mind might appreciate beginning with the book of Mark.  Just find a quiet place and talk to God like you would a friend who cares for you. Ask Him to help you read and understand what He has to say to you. Ask Him to help you seek Him. Let Him surprise you.

          That said, reading what others have studied about the created world and universe we live in would be of help as you explore what you are looking at in your hub.  "Why God Created the World" from Desiring God, "The Created World, A Creationist Perspective: Part 1" from Answers in Genesis, CRI's "The Creation Story: How Old is the Earth?", and "The Creation Answer Book" from CMI could all be useful even if you only want to balance your thinking on the topic. 

          Each of these resources offer more if you explore their websites, and other resources include … n-carson/, … on-part-1, … sts-past/,,, and … olumes_1_3

          There are plenty of resources refuting the positions that these scientists and authors present but they all leave us unsatisfied in this life or at least at the point of death. A Biblical world view directly opposes a Godless world view, obviously, but anyone exploring the topic you ask about in your hub can at the very least embrace the opportunity to thoroughly explore both opposing sides in the way they are intended to be explored.  "Mere Christianity" from C. S. Lewis and "The Language of God" by Francis S. Collins would be helpful if you pursue the chance to do so.


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