I'd like feedback on my article: Time To Accept Compliments

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  1. pallavirao profile image61
    pallaviraoposted 7 years ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my article Time To Accept Compliments (must be signed in to view). What can I do to improve? Thanks!

    1. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi there,

      Good idea for an article smile However, there are several issues that need fixing.

      Do you think many people are searching for your title? Perhaps, 'How to Accept a Compliment' might work better?

      I'd suggest beginning the hub with a proper introduction - why you wrote it, why people should read it, that sort of thing. Then the photo. Move the poll further down the page.  Make your article look beautiful.

      Reduce the exclamation points and the 'in-your-face' kind of sentences. They are a little bit 'too much'. Exclamation points don't make your writing better. They should only be used after an actual exclamation, such as "Whoops!" or "Hey!" Just quieten it down a little.

      There are a lot of grammatical errors. You could try using Grammarly, or get someone to proofread. Try reading the text out loud. That often picks up a lot of mistakes.


      You don't mention the book in the Amazon capsule in the text, therefore, it shouldn't be there smile

      I quite like your conversational approach. It makes sense. You just need to make them into conversations and not screamy, girly shouts big_smile

      Hope that helps.

      1. pallavirao profile image61
        pallaviraoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Wow!!!! Thanks so much for such precise points and a detailed explanation theraggededge.
        Yes, the heading, the Amazon capsule, spelling errors (hides her face), grammatical errors (home my mom isn't reading this one!) and going overboard with the exclamation marks. True. True True. See I am already reducing the use of them. Teee...
        Jokes apart, invigorated to relook at the piece and publish.
        Many many thanks theraggededge.

        1. theraggededge profile image87
          theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          You're welcome smile nice to see someone willing to try. I hope it gets accepted and featured.

          1. pallavirao profile image61
            pallaviraoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            As I reply to you, I am already subbing. And yes, downloaded Grammarly too!

  2. profile image0
    pen promulgatesposted 7 years ago

    Hi Pallavi

    Welcome to Hubpages.

    Your article is lovely. It has a great potential if you worked on some issues.

    The Amazon add in your article must relate to the the title of your hub.
    Your article is about accepting compliments, but the book is irrelevant to your topic. Theraggededge has given the rest of the advice.

    The images you have used, are those legal? Do you have permission? Well, if you downloaded from Google (without permission), you might face penalty.
    Use website websites like pixabay and pexels. Images must have creative common license (Cco) for commercial or publishing use.

    Mistakes in the sentences

    'it extends to the men to too.' It should be it extends to the men too.

    Very long sentence: the sentence is difficult to understand. Grammatically incorrect too.
    It's not understood when you say, 'only basis.'
    See how you have defended (?) yourself time and again or explained your position in detail when someone commented on the commendable manner in which you handled a family crisis or how you achieved so much in your professional graph only basis your enterprising personality.

    Reword, 'is then time to, well, start'

    In the sentence 'Not because you are bask in glory unabashedly.' the verb are is grammatically incorrect. It's either, you have basked in glory or you bask in glory (I believe you meant this)

    And as theraggededge said, the title needs reworking. HP is an online site for magazine-style, media-rich articles. Yours looks more like a blog post. If you worked on it, you would succeed well.

    Your style is good. I liked it. Just work in making the sentence easy to read.

    Hope these help.
    Good luck.

    1. pallavirao profile image61
      pallaviraoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Good Lord!!! Am I embarrassed at my own silly mistakes. I surely did not read the article myself carefully. Long sentences. Hell. Corrrecting all that you have mentioned esp the amazon link not related. The relation was in my head. Heee....about increasing self confidence. Got the point.
      Can't thank you enough.
      If this one gets featured it would be because of you and theraggededge.

  3. profile image0
    pen promulgatesposted 7 years ago

    Good luck. Let us know when the arrive gets featured smile
    It any which ways is a good piece of work!

  4. profile image0
    pen promulgatesposted 7 years ago

    Good luck. Let us know when the article gets featured.
    It any which ways is a good piece of work!


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