Hubbers who inspire you?

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  1. Drew Breezzy profile image62
    Drew Breezzyposted 15 years ago

    Which Hubbers inspire you?

    1. brohhma profile image58
      brohhmaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      nobody inspired me yet....................seeking

    2. Davinagirl3 profile image60
      Davinagirl3posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Marinealways24 inspires me to be a better person and respect humanity.
      Fierycj inspires me to write for fun.  Car chases and blowing things up...
      Kmackey32 inspires me with her candor and her ability to be so personable. 
      There are countless more... but I haven't been here that long.  I am looking forward to more inspiration.

    3. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I wrote about this months ago, hubbers who inspired me and guided me. smile

  2. Cam Anju profile image68
    Cam Anjuposted 15 years ago


    Some of my hubbers I go look at for inspiration include Waynet, Shirley Anderson, Robertsloan, Princessa, B.T. Evil Plants, Sparkle Chi, Rvsource and a few others too. big_smile

  3. Pete Maida profile image61
    Pete Maidaposted 15 years ago

    I have been inspired by many hubbers but I have to acknowledge Teresa McGurk, Lady_E, dineane, Peggy W, and Brite Edwards for asking me to continue my Graytech story.  This was a project I left for dead and now I am working on it again.  Because they have encouraged me, every word of the Graytech story will be on HubPages free to all.

  4. profile image49
    badcompany99posted 15 years ago

    Lissie and Wordplay, both women and both very clever ladies !

  5. Inspirepub profile image71
    Inspirepubposted 15 years ago

    Mark Knowles, Relache, Lissie, Misha, and anyone else making more than pocket change online.

    Hope Alexander, Cristoph Reilly, B.T. Evilpants, Shadesbreath, and anyone else making people laugh.

    Maddie Ruud, Marisa Wright, Zsuzsy Bee, and anyone else pouring oil on troubled waters in the forums.

    And everyone who writes intelligently and well - there are too many of you to name individually, but needless to say all the abovementioned Hubbers are included in this category as well.


  6. Ultimate Hubber profile image69
    Ultimate Hubberposted 15 years ago

    Myself big_smile

  7. metaphysician profile image64
    metaphysicianposted 15 years ago

    I think Tatjana-Mihaela will be the one that inspires me with her wisdom and knowledge. Real deal!

  8. packerpack profile image61
    packerpackposted 15 years ago

    There are so many great Hubbers here but there have some who have impressed me to the core of my heart. Each have their own especiallity.

    pgrundy : For her positive attitude. I read one Hub from her where she wrote about how she lost job, had difficult time but still she kept her cool and now she is doing so well on online writing. She has some very good knowledge on investment related issues.

    Jerilee Wei : She has great qualification and great experience. Her writing style is incredible and I am pretty much sure that she is the best here on Hubpages when it comes to writing about environment or flaura & fauna. The details she provides in her Hub is just amazing.

    Tatjana-Mihaela : This pretty lady from Croatia is a fantastic writer on relationship issues. Recently she also started writing some stuffs on nature, health issues etc. She is very philosophical and the best part of her Hub is that it makes you feel good!

    LondonGirl : She is a lawyer from London and has good taste on history and politics though she also wrote some very good Hubs that can work as a good guide for a tourist to London. Apart that she has been a very good friend, she has really helped me on a number of occasion. I would like to thank her for that!

    St.James : He is one another fabulous writer who writes on some topics that is completely unknown. He is completely different in choosing the topic for his Hub. He writes on topics that are completely off-beat. I like him for that!

  9. soni2006 profile image71
    soni2006posted 15 years ago

    Maddie and Pricessa have inspired me at lot.

  10. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 15 years ago

    Pete Maida just inspired me as I was reading the previous posts on this thread!  Went and checked out some of his Graytech Hubs.  Yup.  Telling a story, sure 'nuff...well, see, there's this science fiction / fantasy writer currently putting stuff out there on HP under the handle of Ghost32, and he's got a bunch of unpublished manuscripts out in the storage trailer just collecting mold, and...hmmm...  The Seeder, a full length novel based on his prize winning short story (expanded version written with Pam)... or maybe The Strathian Influence...

    Now to figure out how to pic pics to illustrate the story line....AH!  DRAW MY OWN! 

    Yup. Yup.  That Pete is one inspirational guy.

  11. profile image0
    wordscribe41posted 15 years ago

    Sufidreamer, Mythbuster, KCC Big Country, and Pearldiver.  I always walk away from their hubs feeling emotional in some way.  Mythbuster and Pearldiver create wonderful, vivid imagery, tell marvelous tales and pull me into their surreal stories.  KCC Big Country also accomplishes this, but I walk away feeling something I didn't feel before.  I've learned quite a bit from KCC.  Sufidreamer just always makes me smile and feel like I'm floating around in Greece.  His great character shines through in his writing.


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