I am just getting started here and am really liking it. I hope it pays off eventually.
I write for examiner.com and have a shop on etsy.com.
my hope is that all these sites and others I add will make me $3000 a month. It will take awhile but I believe in the secret
ask, believe, receive
how about you?
Do you just want to build a freelance writing income or do you want to develop a passive income from advertising revenue from your sites?
I like infobarrel http://lissowerbutts.com/what-is-infoba … ve-income/ but more important than the site or the writing - you need to
a) find terms people want information for but which don't have too many competing sites
b) write content which helps the reader and points them to products or advertising which solves their problem
c) build anchored backlinks to promote your content to the from page of the search engines
Forget the pseudo-pschy of the Secrete - there is no secrete except you need to learn a bit and work a lot and not quit
You can try to bid in eLance, oDesk or Guru. I have writing projects from eLance and some hubbers are writing for either oDesk or Guru or even all three. Also, you may want to check these hubs I bookmarked - they're from other hubbers.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Ten-Online-Writ … ave-Missed (by pgrundy)
http://hubpages.com/hub/Get-Paid-To-Write (by karhubpages)
I'm curious about examiner.com as I recently received an email invite from them. I wonder if they are accepting non-US residents for writers. Helium.com unfortunately does not accept non-US residents.
Not anymore. I joined like during the first three months of this year. After just one week, I was blocked from entering the site because my IP address is not from the US. I received an email about this new policy. Since I wrote only one article prior to being blocked, I didn't mind. I tried again after a few months to go in, and again no luck. Too bad though, I like Helium's format.
Has Helium changed their policy? I am Canadian and was with them.
OOPS - DISREGARD, I just caught up with the posts that I missed and found the answer, sorry.
Honestly, Emie, you are better off!
Caveat: I've only received one actual paycheck thus far from online writing. That one arrived in February via GoogleAdSense and HubPages, maybe a few pennies (if that) from my own website. Started writing more regularly around May 1 '09 and will see another AdSense check in August (whew! pant! pant!).
Just signed up at ifreelance.com a few days ago. Have not yet succeeded in winning a "proposal war", i.e. get any actual contracted work, but it looks reasonably promising. Finding an average of one project a day to bid on that seems to honestly match my writing qualifications. Lots of competitors for the relatively few "top jobs", but that's the way of the world.
I don't know how good this site is...but have just now joined...its BUKISA.com......let me see if it works out..
I have a few sites based on the "Build A Niche Store" (BANS) platform which earn me money through ebay auctions. It's not an article site like Hubpages but the ability to write good content is necessary. But it is a little technical to set up.
As it looks like the ebay capsule on Hubpages will breach ebays terms of service in a few days time (because they're changing their rules) I may be investing more time in BANS for ebay income.
I write a few articles on Helium every now and then. Have earned more there that at Hubpages by placing in a contest. But, I like the finished product here better because of pictures, videos and comments. I think Hubpages is better long term as well because in the long term the earning capacity is better.
thanks so much for the responses. some of them are interesting
especially the ebay issue and bans(?)
I am going to go snooping now
I earn about $3 a week so far from Howtodothings.com and I only have 9 articles published. I'm working on getting that number much higher. It gets more traffic than every other site I write on. Currently, it is tied with HubPages in terms of earnings.
Just gave your plagiarism article a SU thumb up, Susan.
I was just looking at their FAQ page and think I've figured out what they're basically about. How do you like working with their site? Do they have a platform similar to HP or is one of those...what are they - CSS or something like that? I can't remember what the right initials are but it starts with a C and ends with an S and is frustratingly difficult for me.
They are quite easy. They have a template set up with an introduction, and then a capsule for each step in which you can add pictures, then a conclusion. You can also make and upload videos. I like it. I just wrote my first article there in over 6 months tonight. What I like about it is that they will check your article and suggest fixes. What I don't like is that they have occasionally changed the text without telling me. However, only small fixes.
Oh, and thanks for the thumbs up
I love writing 'how tos'....do you know if you can use a pen name on that site?
I REALLY want to write celeb news for examiner.com but I have to use my real name and for professional reasons offline, I do not want my name coming up with celeb news! lol
update: Howtodothings.com FAQ was actually helpful....you CAN use a pen name! Yay...I'm off to sign up.
wow - never knew about howtodothings.com
will have to check it out
I got accepted there last week, but haven't written yet. Keep your fingers crossed!
Good luck, let us know your username so we can check out your writing
Me neither. I must check it out. Have you heard of Infobarrel? I heard its good too. Signed up but havent written articles yet. HP takes up so much of my time.LOL
Another blog, Lissie? You're everywhere, I don't know how you do it all!
"I like infobarrel http://lissowerbutts.com/what-is-infoba … ve-income/"
Those really cool ads that you have on the upper right - where do those come from?
LOL I do do this full-time but I have way too many sites/blogs - about 50 domains I own - not all updated or even live though!
The pretty little ads - on the right hand side are basically just standard 125x125 banners which many sites use. I am using a paid theme on the site called Thesis a new theme it has some really nice stuff on it like - that is my default set of ads but on some pages I can change it to be more appropriate e.g. on a site build it review post I change it do show a different affiliate.
I've seen those before and I just love them, think they're really nice. Your new site looks just great, by the way!
thanks lissie
I think I need to do abit of keyword analysis. I haven't really approached my writing that way, but it definitely can help online
also, I would also like to do some freelancing. I am working with a local print mag here, so I am getting some offline experience as well.
keep the post coming -- I am luvin it
I have a name of the editor over the entertainment area at examiner. I will send it to you through the hb system so look for it
he would be who you would need to discuss this with -- it is quite possible that they may accept you with a pen name
I have earned about $21 through Helium. But with the changes I don't know when I'm going to reach payout.
Something to be aware of, Ajcor - Helium keeps your articles forever, you can't take them off or ever get them back.
I used to write for Helium, and then wound up leaving them and hiring one of their editors. They are going downhill, and fast,and for lots of reasons. Their business model, simply put, is flawed. To make $ on Helium, you had to have one of your articles either win a contest or be purchased from a publisher. Problem is, they saw dollar signs and got rid of their experienced sales staff and filled it with college-wannabes, so the paid writing "contests" are few and far between -- and pretty weak.
Well, the good news for me is that my articles will be free to find new homes, then.
Thanks Shirley & that is exactly the reason I don't contribute my articles to Helium anymore - rude i call it..
I agree! In fact, don't get me started, they are not one of my favourites.
You're right. I have lots of articles up on Helium, make very little money on them now I'm no longer really active on the site, and can't delete them. However, I learned a lot writing for them and got my first ever (well-paid) writing job for a print magazine by pitching the editor and sending links to a couple of Helium articles. You can also re-sell them as long as you only sell usage rights. I've now joined constant content and started submitting articles published on helium to them for usage rights. We'll see how it goes. Now I try to only write for up-front payments plus Hubpages which is just a great community to be involved in. Sites I write for that pay upfront:
BootsnAll.com, Matador.org, CopiaMagazine.com.
I make about half my income from HubPages and the other half from Squidoo.
I have a Squidoo account but have never figured out how to use it.
It's very similar to HubPages. Being familiar with HubPages will mean you'll understand Squidoo more quickly than if you were starting cold. Even where the differences are vast it's easy to understand when you compare them side by side.
Me too. It seems so much more confusing than Hubpages Or maybe that is just me...
I have been at hubpages for six months and is scheduled for a second payoff and I have started working for my third payoff. Examiner.com must be a great site to write if you expect to make 3,000 a month coming to hubpages. I am a member of eHow that payoff at $10.00 and have had three payoffs so I think I will stay there instead of trying Howtodothings.com that pays $3.00 a week. Once you write for Hubpages, you will realize that the site is more about people writing for the joy of writing with people adding fans instead of Adsense dollars. I was surprised the way you entered he forum with a salary goal as this site is more about creative writing. Welcome to hubpages, I appreciate your enthusiasm for monetizing.
This site can be about creative writing - but its also about making money. I am here to make money and I am not ashamed of it. If you want pure non-commercial have a blog over at wordpress.com which you aren't allowed to monetize, both HP and I make money off my hubs and that's just fine by me :-)
If you want to make serious money on HP its entirely possible - for those who want to be inspired check out Ben's latest figures:
http://www.makemoneyonlinewithseo.com/h … line-fast/ but its all about focus and hard work.
Personally by not working quite as hard a Ben I have seen my Hubpage earnings triple from just over $100 in April to $370 in June - looking towards $500 in July all Adsense almost all HP - it works but its hard work!
$500 is already enough in my country for a decent living. What's your secret? Maybe if I can earn this much, I can quit my day job and just write the whole day .
I do write and work online the whole day! My secret is that I didn't quit - i have been trying to make a go of this for 18 months. I write on boring commercial subjects (not under my lissie ID) - I build backlinks, and most importantly I write a lot - 100 hubs + in the last month. If you read Ben's blog you will see him say the same thing - in fact he's not answering any more questions about making money on hubpages for people with less than 150 hubs ....
Learn how to do basic keyword research to pick a topic with a good adsense CPC but not too much competition
Write a good enough article/hub
Build backlinks to the hub
repeat - a lot - when you have some winners build more similar hubs - repeat - a lot
Very interesting article, Lissie. You are a wealth of information. Something that Ben mentioned will now have me doing something you did a long time ago - print off copies of my hubs.
Thanks for the info.
thanks Lissie for the reply. I like that you are not ashamed to write and make money.
I want to go check out the link -- and thanks for your own $ info
also, 50 websites? when I read that my head exploded. you are definitely someone I can learn from
Of course, it depends on the traffic you get as to how much money you will earn. But I get good traffic through howtodothings without publicizing my articles anywhere.
sorry linda
I wasn't trying to make it about monetizing. I do want to make some money and I hope hb is part of the mix of things I am doing. examiner is up and coming and I plan on writing another column soon if approved. there are some examiners who are do very very well financially. they pay $10 for every impression not by a click on an ad so you just have to get a person to your page which is nice -- also, because they are a news site, they get streamed into google news immediately
I realize that it may take a very very very long time (if ever) to get to such a high goal but I needed something to strive for. I have some opportunity selling on etsy and off to help with this number.
I do like to write and have done blogs/articles just for the sake of sharing without compensation --
didn't mean to offend
I don't think that you were offensive, at all.
Being able to work from home and earn enough income that you can relax and enjoy it is a wonderful goal, I think.
thx herald
I know that if I didn't want to write and share (I get told I share too much sometimes ) that I would be here but if I can add a bit to my bottom line now and in the future that would be wonderful as well. I am trying to do it with a variety of methods and online and offline opportunities so the bigger number will (hopefully) be made up of alot of little numbers
I have a feeling that many of my hubs will just be about sharing info, but I am totally ok with that I love trading pins at disney and want to write a hub about it and I can't imagine that it will get any clicks but maybe more happy traders in the long run
sorry - I went abit smiley crazy
I had no idea that it would turn into yellow round things
try to keep in mind I am a newbie and still learning the ropes
No worries, 3bagsfull.
Re the Disney pins, you may be very surprised at how much traffic it will get, hopefully tons.
Very best of luck with all your activities!
I wrote a hub on how to get more traffic to your hubs, by publishing at other sites.
Some of those sites I've mentioned do have revenue share models.
Thx, Darkside! I'm off to read both of your links, now.
thx darkside too!!!
I am off to read your articles. I too am bit confused about squidoo.
I'm going to have my Squidoo account and your hub open at the same time so I can check your article as I go. You answered a question that I had too, about whether or not a person can have more than one account there. Not that I likely ever will, I just wondered about it.
I have never heard of a couple of the sites that you mention in your HubPages Traffic Bonus hub. Very interesting info that I MUST check out. It's almost my bedtime, but I will be back tomorrow to do the follow-up and look into all of this.
Great Julius Caesar article on Knol, by the way! I gave you a SU review.
Thanks so much, Darkside. I don't know why it's taken me so long to get around to this stuff!
Nice dialog going on on this thread.
Well I earn major part of my income from my websites but due to some kind of penalty and not getting good traffic anymore I am trying different things now. I made some blogspot blogs and I have started writing here on Hub Pages. My new blogs are performing much better than hubs here in terms of organic traffic.
what do you mean by penalty? your account was disabled?
No being penalized is different from account being disabled. I have written a hub on it http://hubpages.com/hub/How-and-Why-I-joined-Hub-Pages
Stay far away from Helium.com. They booted me and kept all 109 of my articles for exposing the lie that their stewards were not volunteers but were paid every month. Now, one of my mystery stories is for sale on Amazon and I receive nothing. They seem to be failing rapidly and they deserve to. There are some good members there but the main stewards are obnoxious, arrogant people.
That's a great question! I have had the most success with my sites that I own. It's a ton of work though. argh!
So you are the one putting up all those ads
Nooooo UW I am just pulling their legs.Whether they be human legs or chicken legs.. Нет это не не я....
A thought just occurred to me...not for the first time, but I seem to forget it once I dig in and start working. I work from the time I get up til the time I go to bed, usually. Love what I do but get tired sometimes. In my case, I can't work any harder so I need to work smarter.
Speaking of which, I need to go read Darkside's hubs again.
Hubpages is my favorite site for writing and earning online, but I also do well with ehow.com and examiner.com. I stopped working on my Squidoo page because I just see far greater results on my other sites.
I found this site quite useful though im not sure whether all the sites shown on the article allow adsense.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Free-Blog-Hosts … un-Adsense
Love that sign on your site, "Cowboy Parking". Where is that? I'd like to see the cowboys.
LOL, my first thought was, Texan cowboys are probably nice, then my mind went to the fact that cowboys 'drive' horses - they need defensive driving for that?
Sure they need defense - they got to many Mexicans on one side, and too much Federal government on another
Hi Emie
I tried howtodothings.com last week. (Uninvited Writer kindly shared it on her profile - thought I'd give it a go).
They accepted me but the article I submitted days ago still hasn't been approved. I think the downside of it is you can't publish anything - they have to maybe make amendments to it but it seems to work for some people. Good Luck if you try it.
I use Xomba.com with hubpages. this site offers 50% adsense page impression.
Your article shown at the main page in recent post category
If your article got more plus point for that week then it will shown at the main page in top xombytes of the week category
The site has good page rank in google
you can also share links, pics and videos
A good news is that now xomba.com old fashioned and slow version xomba 2.0 is over, they are going to launch xomba 3.0 so the site is offline now
Slow speed
I don't discuss more cons as the old site version is over now and new version is coming. So hope it would be improved from it previous version
I too make my money on sites that I own. While I'm embarassed by them, I probably make the most on my adult sites. On the same token, I make a decent chunk of change on affiliate review sites, video sites, and my blogs.
My latest project = http://quickvideooptinx.com/
It's working it's way up my list to being a very profitable site.
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I'm exploring to this whole hub concept... is it really worth all the hassle and uncertainty of writing/working for yourself online or do you think it's better to just get a real brick-and-mortar job?
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Recently, I am trying to figure out leading revenue sharing article writing sites. One of my friend suggested me Triond-do you have any idea about this site? Please share your experience about the top article writing sites.
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Curious what forums, sites, podcasts and other content you really like and frequent.What is your favorite writing site?What is your favorite writing forum other than HubPages (includes forums, Yahoo groups, Facebook groups. etc.)?What are you favorite writing podcasts or YouTube channels?Look...
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