Do you approve or deny negative feedback that includes insulting comments on you

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  1. ChrisJohnsonArt profile image59
    ChrisJohnsonArtposted 13 years ago

    If I get negative feedback on an article, I'll approve it. 
    What I'd deny is comment spam and insults. I'm more likely to deny a simple "great hub... look at mine" since it is just like comment spam than someone disagreeing with something I wrote.

  2. TPSicotte profile image74
    TPSicotteposted 13 years ago

    I would deny comments that were abusive or simply ad hominem attacks that had little to do with the content of the article. However, well marshaled arguments only add to the color of hubpages and authors should be willing to defend their stance especially if they have made a really bold statement. What is the point if someone writes something outrageous but doesn't allow for dissent? But insults? Nah, they get the ejector seat!

  3. Hunbbel Meer profile image76
    Hunbbel Meerposted 13 years ago

    Insulting comments, within limits of course, are welcomed.

    Though, thanks to God, people really liked my work so far and I haven't got any of 'em.

  4. fdoleac profile image59
    fdoleacposted 13 years ago

    If the feedback is relevant yes.  If personal no.

  5. paperer profile image59
    papererposted 13 years ago

    If feedback contain constructive criticism I leave it, if it is written with the aim to abuse me or other users I delete it.

  6. kittythedreamer profile image77
    kittythedreamerposted 13 years ago

    i actually had a troll (someone who wasn't a hubpage member) leave an insulting comment on my hauntings of ybor city hub, which i denied. i would have approved it because he seemed to be an intelligent person, he claimed to be a "concerned historian"; however, i denied it because he called me a "liar" and bashed me. if he simply left his opinion on the subject, i probably would have approved it.

  7. Onyx Fox35 profile image59
    Onyx Fox35posted 13 years ago

    I deny negative feedback, because if the person doesn't like what I wrote then they shouldn't be reading it to begin with.

    Or if they're envious, then they should just get over themselves and stop waisting their time and the writer's!!!

  8. VividImage profile image72
    VividImageposted 13 years ago

    I have a note on my profile that I will approve any post that doesn't get personal. I would like to believe that we are all adults and as such behave as adults - not immature kids

  9. tim-tim profile image82
    tim-timposted 13 years ago

    It all depends. If the feedbacks are constructive, then we should consider that. Sometimes people gave negative feedback for whatever reasons. If it is constuctive, then it gives you no benefit. I never denied any comments. Just remember, everyone is entitled to their opinion. We all do not have to agree with one and other. That makes us interesting individuals!

  10. christoss1959 profile image61
    christoss1959posted 13 years ago

    I don't approve comments if they flame against me. If they are expressing an opinion against my hub or whatever the thing I write is I usually aprove the comments unless the comment is written in a language I wouldn't want my other hub readers to have to suffer.

  11. lotuslove19 profile image71
    lotuslove19posted 13 years ago

    I do answer to such comment ,I am not afraid of them ,its just that people who can't do anything themselves find faults in others ,what we write is not forced to be followed ,its just that you have come across the article when you were searching  for the related topic ,and definitely you are unaware of the related facts of the concerned topic which has made you search on the net  ,so why to pass unhealthy comments when you yourself are unaware of it..It make them appear fools when I answer those comments

  12. malinifreelancer profile image59
    malinifreelancerposted 13 years ago

    Negative feedbacks is always a booster for every writer. For the people who wish to increase traffic would avoid it. However, I would avoid referral links and adult content links on my feedbacks.

    Every writer likes great critics rather than honey comments.

  13. Sarah Writes profile image60
    Sarah Writesposted 13 years ago

    I approve every comment. I can honestly say no one has left me anything shockingly rude, but if someone did I would still approve it. That’s part or posting your work on a public forum, you have to be open to the good and the bad. Also when I read a really rude comment I don’t necessary look at the work it was directed at, but more towards the person that wrote the rude comment. Posting tacky rude comments on hub pages makes you look bad, not the persons work.

  14. vocalcoach profile image94
    vocalcoachposted 13 years ago

    Sooner or later you are certain to receive criticism.  I have provided some steps for responding to negative comments.  Not all criticism is created equally. read more

  15. Dardia profile image62
    Dardiaposted 13 years ago

    I would include it but so far I wouldn't  consider any of the comments I have received as negative.

  16. Dipali Ingle profile image39
    Dipali Ingleposted 5 years ago

    I will not revoke, if there is no abusive words.

    1. Titia profile image95
      Titiaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Dipali Inle, you're commenting on a post from 8 years ago.


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