Is anyone else being plagiarized by free article websites?

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  1. M. T. Dremer profile image80
    M. T. Dremerposted 13 years ago

    Is anyone else being plagiarized by free article websites?

    I recently discovered multiple 'free article' websites that have been copying my articles and pasting them to their own site. They give the web address to the original, but that doesn't make it okay when the entire article is right there. Has anyone else encountered this? Some of these sites provide a link to reach the administrators, but I found one that was entirely in a different language, so I have no idea how to contact them in order to tell them to take it down. Any help/advice would be appreciated!

  2. stayingalivemoma profile image84
    stayingalivemomaposted 13 years ago

    I haven't noticed anything...yet anyway.

  3. Deborah-Diane profile image84
    Deborah-Dianeposted 13 years ago

    Yes, it seems that every few weeks someone on the InfoBarrel forum has reported finding their article plagerized on another site.  I have given up trying to stop it.  Google will have to get a handle on it one of these days.

  4. cardelean profile image86
    cardeleanposted 13 years ago

    What are the sites specifically?  Often times they will copy and paste more than one hubbers's articles.  I did have this happen a while ago.  If they have google ads, you can contact google's DMCA department and ask them to remove it.  When I did this for material copied from Flixya it was removed within hours.

  5. whoisbid profile image61
    whoisbidposted 13 years ago

    My website *not my Hub .. is being plagiarized all the time by lots of people. Sometimes they do it only hours after I have uploaded a new page. I can see this going on in several ways and the first method is to check my statistics to see unusual numbers of visits from certain IP addresses and the second way is to spend several hours searching for paragraphs (not keywords) of your text in Google. Some sites are even copying my whole website and using a cloaking technique to show the website content to search engines while delivering different pages to the public (one of them is a supposed charity website)
    The most popular plagiarists are people who are bi-lingual or multi-lingual. What they do is translate your pages and use them for material on a website in another language.
    I see some people start whole new websites by copying my content on sacrificial websites which are straight copies of pages from my site. They do this because they want to see which pages are becoming popular. Once they have found this out they will close down that website and use the research data material (plagiarized and modified) to start a new website that has unique content but it is actually copied and modified from my site but Google will see it as unique content.

    Most people don't know how to identify this activity because they are unfamiliar with how to use web statistics /analysis programs. Believe me, the people are copying stuff from anything that is good so my policy right now on new websites is to upload low quality material for 6 months to a year and see if it can get out of the google sandbox (the sandbox is a program that quarantines your site and does not allow it to be popular for a while)  If you are uploading your best stuff all the time I wish you luck because you will need it.

    Once your site is out of the sandbox and you see that Google spiders are visiting your pages much more frequently you can then start updating with higher quality material because you might be lucky and see Google spider your new pages before the cheaters have copied it and uploaded it to their other site that has higher page rank.

    The moral is "Don't upload your best stuff to your site until you have a lot of Page Rank and can see that Google is spidering your site more frequently"

  6. ThePracticalMommy profile image89
    ThePracticalMommyposted 13 years ago

    It happened to me awhile ago, and I know it happens to others as well. You need to file a DMCA complaint with the site. I too hope Google can figure out a way to stop it...

  7. vox vocis profile image80
    vox vocisposted 13 years ago

    File a DMCA complaint. I did that directly with Google last week for one of my articles which was copied to (free directory). The user changed the title and copied my content word by word. Google removed the copied content in a matter of a few days. I also filed a complaint regarding one of my copied articles on The Blogger Team responded quickly and removed the copied content. You can learn how to file a DMCA complaint in the learning center here on HubPages.

    Unfortunately, these things happen every day to all online article writers. I still deal with my other copyright violations sad

    You just have to check your hubs for copyright violations frequently and file complaints . A smart thing would be to write your articles in Word and email the document to yourself before publishing (putting your name, date and title of the article) - it's unbeatable evidence that the content is yours.

  8. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
    LuisEGonzalezposted 13 years ago

    It would be helpful if you listed the sites so that other may browse them for copied content and take action, a combined effort may deter some sites form allowing copied content.

  9. Maria Cecilia profile image82
    Maria Ceciliaposted 12 years ago

    it's my problem now with my "types of article writing for magazine", two sites copied it and they don't have email addresses. They copied everything even the magazine which only published in the Philippines.... I filed a DMCA complaint but looks like the sites were not under their list... and I really don't know what to do...shall I file a DMCA complaint directly to google? and how are we going to protect our article.... I am a bit proud of my hub Article writing for magazine because it was really based on my own personal experience and observation and I can imagine the feeling when I saw people posting them in their site as if they own it...


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