How do you provide comments on hubs? Do you write them immediately or come back

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  1. EyesStraightAhead profile image76
    EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years ago

    How do you provide comments on hubs? Do you write them immediately or come back after thinking?

    When I comment on hubs, I typically visit at least twice. The first time when I find it and decide I want to read it, and the second time when I leave a comment. I usually set aside a day to read many hubs and a day or two to provide comments on them. What do you do?

  2. bankscottage profile image88
    bankscottageposted 12 years ago

    Usually, I make the comment immediately.  I often don't have the time to go back.

    1. EyesStraightAhead profile image76
      EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for responding bankscottage. This is what I expect most people will say, as I usually see a good amount of time between posts on others' Hubtivity. Whereas on mine, they are usually one right after the other because of my practice.

  3. prektjr.dc profile image73
    prektjr.dcposted 12 years ago

    I comment on them at the time I read them.  I don't want to miss the opportunity to interact as quickly as possible.

    1. EyesStraightAhead profile image76
      EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is very true. I hadn't thought of it that way. This is why I asked the question - to learn! By interacting quickly, you let them know sooner that you appreciate the work. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Traci21 profile image60
    Traci21posted 12 years ago

    I try to comment as soon as I am finished but sometimes I have to go tend to the little  ones before I can.

    1. EyesStraightAhead profile image76
      EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I totally understand this comment! Thanks for sharing. Our little ones always know the right time to need us to help them, don't they?!

  5. LillyGrillzit profile image78
    LillyGrillzitposted 12 years ago

    I usually comment immediately. There are a few that I will come back to after giving it a lot of thought.

    There are Hubs that I follow comments on, and will sometimes return to join in the conversation.

    Thanks for asking.

    1. EyesStraightAhead profile image76
      EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is a great idea, to only follow the comments when you are interested in seeing what others have to say! I typically always follow comments because I like to support Hubbers who engage with their fans and will read/comment on other hubs of theirs

  6. carol7777 profile image72
    carol7777posted 12 years ago

    I try to read hubs about topics that interest me---which can be quite a lot.  I comment immediately with my first feelings.  I find so many of the hubs superbly written..I am amazed at the talent on hubpages.  Read what you can and comment from your hear as you should not have to think about it.

    1. EyesStraightAhead profile image76
      EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Carol, As a writer I want people to stop and think. If I write mindless posts, I think it is time to stop posting. So I don't mind if people stop and think and also choose to do so myself.

  7. Jlbowden profile image90
    Jlbowdenposted 12 years ago

    It's not a bad idea to put a day aside and read various other writer's hubs. And then revisit at a later time and provide your comments, or feedback the second time around. It all depends on the individuals preference of providing comments on a particular hub, or article. I usually read two to three others hubs that I find of interest, than I comment at the end, upon finishing those other writer's articles.


    1. EyesStraightAhead profile image76
      EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am happy to see another Hubber who reads a few before commenting! My boat was getting lonely. I am interested in the many comments. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Sherry Hewins profile image88
    Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years ago

    I usually just comment, immediately, off the top of my head.

  9. mio cid profile image60
    mio cidposted 12 years ago

    I usually comment on the hub as soon as i finish reading it. sometimes i leave a brief comment and than come back for a longer one.

  10. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    I comment after reading the hub one time and if necessary a second time, if I did not understand something. I comment on Hubs close to when they arrive because I am near the computer most of the day. It has just been my training to process information quickly and respond quickly, so I do the same with Hubs. As I noted, a few that are very technical or complicated, I will read over a second time. Finally, sometimes I just do not comment. If I know a comment is going to start and back and forth exchange with only one other hubber I will not comment. I will wait to see if other people are commenting and are not getting into protracted debates. I do not mind one or two exchanges with another person, but I do not want to do it all day.

  11. DS Duby profile image73
    DS Dubyposted 12 years ago

    If I read the hub on my laptop I usually leave a comment immediately while their hub is still fresh in my mind, but when I read then on my iphone I prefer to come back and leave a comment when I'm back at my computer so I don't make so many typos.

    1. EyesStraightAhead profile image76
      EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is a great point. I often only go on computer once ot twice a week... But read from phone often. My errors on the phone are awful! (Or I take forever, as with this comment, trying not to make errors!)

  12. WD Curry 111 profile image59
    WD Curry 111posted 12 years ago

    Hey, I am a wild man. I just let it fly. Please don't flag me!

  13. purnimamoh1982 profile image73
    purnimamoh1982posted 12 years ago

    When I find some hub interesting, I comment immediately. I also follow the hub "by default". I often come back again and again to participate in the comments section. There are some hubs where I have commented more than thrice.

  14. Marsei profile image92
    Marseiposted 12 years ago

    I read start to finish, then comment.   My favorites are the ones where someone just writes and lets the imagination play.  I love reading those and always vote them up.   I notice they are the least popular with other members, but I love them.  But if we all liked the same things, it would be boring,

    1. DS Duby profile image73
      DS Dubyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I couldn't agree more.

    2. EyesStraightAhead profile image76
      EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing. I too enjoy the fiction hubs.

  15. mizjo profile image66
    mizjoposted 12 years ago

    I always comment right after reading from start to finish, while the content is fresh in my mind.
    I also read a few of the other comments and if they are interesting, I find their hubbers' hubs to read as well.

    1. Thelma Alberts profile image92
      Thelma Albertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I do the same as you do.

    2. EyesStraightAhead profile image76
      EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I also will read through comments from time to time and see the hubs of people who provide great comments.

  16. CrazedNovelist profile image83
    CrazedNovelistposted 12 years ago

    I write my comments immediately so that I can maintain whatever emotion I was feeling directly after reading the piece. It's just easier that way....

  17. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 12 years ago

    I usually tend to speak off of the cuff.............

    sometimes, I do wish that I had taken more time to reflect............but in honesty........I don't.

  18. zanaworld profile image59
    zanaworldposted 12 years ago

    I comment immediately after reading the respective hubpage.  If I a like a hubpage, decide to provide feedback, then, I have to comment impromptu.

    This should be the norm.

  19. alvairs profile image60
    alvairsposted 12 years ago

    Thinking about the comments you are about to make on posted questions or post should be thought about first. When you decide to respond to a post is totally up to you. As long as the question isn't closed.

    1. EyesStraightAhead profile image76
      EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am not sure what you mean about the question being closed, but thank you for your sentiments on thought.

    2. alvairs profile image60
      alvairsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What i mean if you should post a question and then decide to close the question , the question cannot be answered or commented on. The question will be seen by others but cannot be commented on or  answered.

  20. kellyteam profile image60
    kellyteamposted 12 years ago

    Depends on the hub. Some I comment right away because I totally agree with the message and the presentation of it. Some I may need to think about the formulation of my comment because i don't agree or got lost in the presentation of the message. Sometimes it may just be a time thing. In any case I try to get back and respond to all the hubs i read.

  21. skgrao profile image67
    skgraoposted 12 years ago

    I will write only good things on any HUB so the author writes more.After all why do they write.Why cant they read etc,etc

  22. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 12 years ago

    I reply as soon as I see a comment on a hub with a prompt response.

  23. remaniki profile image78
    remanikiposted 12 years ago

    My response on a fellow hubber's hub is spontaneous. As soon as I read the hub I respond with my feedback as coming back later for me is impossible. The content of the hub being fresh in your mind, it is better to give your opinion instantly. This is my idea of commenting on hubs. Cheers, Rema.

  24. christin53 profile image87
    christin53posted 12 years ago

    I usually comment at the time I read it but there have been times when I am not sure what to say and have gone back to it later and left my comment.

  25. simpy63 profile image72
    simpy63posted 12 years ago

    I usually comment after my second reading... not necessarily on the same day..  Because when you do that.. you think from a different perspective other than the author's  and come up with comments that are unique and even makes the author think tongue

    The immediate comments are usually praises/ complements to the author's article tongue

    1. EyesStraightAhead profile image76
      EyesStraightAheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is a nice way of looking at it. I will issue short "insightful!" or "very nice!" type comments right away. But ones I like to type more than a few sentences, I like to wait until I read on computer!

    2. simpy63 profile image72
      simpy63posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      good.. smile

  26. Vitallani profile image81
    Vitallaniposted 12 years ago

    I will write them immediately. By the time I've come back to Hubpages later, then there are new hubs to read and comment on, so I don't go back to the other ones.

  27. profile image0
    danielabramposted 12 years ago

    I write a comment the second a thought comes into my head.

  28. Richard Perazzo profile image60
    Richard Perazzoposted 12 years ago

    I normally come back after thinking for a little while.


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