What is your favorite hobby besides writing?

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  1. JamiJay profile image71
    JamiJayposted 11 years ago

    What is your favorite hobby besides writing?

    I love to write, but when I am not writing I have so many hobbies which include: reptile keeping, swimming, exercising, cooking, playing with my toddler (and anything else I need a great imagination for). SO what is your favorite hobby (or hobbies) besides writing?

  2. EJ Lambert profile image68
    EJ Lambertposted 11 years ago

    I have several.  Sadly I'm a typical guy in that I love video games and sports but I also have developed a taste for theater-going with friends.  I also exercise regularly and enjoy shooting hoops.

  3. chef-de-jour profile image100
    chef-de-jourposted 11 years ago

    When I'm not writing hubs and other articles I like to try my hand at poetry and painting which seems to satisfy my artistic side. Poems and watercolours have been hobbies since I was a wee boy.
    I love to travel - short trips, longer trips - to Europe and beyond.
    Keeping fit is important so I do alot of walking, in all weathers, into the hills and through the woods. In my youth I got stuck into sports - strange English sports like cricket and football (ok, soccer!) and tennis and squash, but I've pulled back now that I'm a maturer person!
    There's so much to do and see!
    The favourite would have to be walking (hiking). There's not much to beat that feeling of freedom out in Nature.

    1. JamiJay profile image71
      JamiJayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I love being outside too! Also, I love writing poetry, probably one of my favorite things to do!

  4. Willsummerdreamer profile image64
    Willsummerdreamerposted 11 years ago

    VIdeo games, reading and generally nerdy stuff.

  5. Iammattdoran profile image93
    Iammattdoranposted 11 years ago

    Travelling!  It's what I've recently been doing for a year and it's what I'm constantly thinking about doing for another year.  Too bad work gets in the way!

    I'm also a skyscraper / building geek and I have a hobby of following all building developments in my home city and capturing the progress of new building projects through photography.

  6. LensMan999 profile image58
    LensMan999posted 11 years ago

    I love listening to music. It provides me with a lot of mental peace. While listening to music I also do some gardening. I love to grow vegetables also. Fishing is also one of my hobbies. but I think the favorite among them is listening to music.

  7. Abby Campbell profile image82
    Abby Campbellposted 11 years ago

    Hi JamiJay. I love hiking, kickboxing, weight lifting, gardening, cooking, and reading. I wish my kids were little again. Those were the best years. Enjoy every moment! :-)

    1. JamiJay profile image71
      JamiJayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I really wanted to garden this year, but the rain just won't quit. I love weight lifting too, I wish I had more time to go to the gym. Thanks for commenting Abby!

  8. Infectionstudios profile image60
    Infectionstudiosposted 11 years ago

    Either listening to music or playing video games, although the former just leads to more writing!

  9. Mdisinger profile image60
    Mdisingerposted 11 years ago

    I love draw, paint, design, cook, walk, do craft, jewelry, read  and write. Most the time my mind is pretty busy yesterday, checking some answers on line discovered this site, and when I try to register look like I open three years ago so yesterday decide to update my information, so I’m new here ..

    1. JamiJay profile image71
      JamiJayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      well welcome to HP! making jewelry sounds so fun, but I'm not sure I would have the eye or the patience for it smile

    2. Mdisinger profile image60
      Mdisingerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      thanks JamiJay, is not to bad...you created what you like the most...is good!
      you need to try... why not!

    3. JamiJay profile image71
      JamiJayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I will have to try it, so true, why not give something new a try?!

  10. profile image0
    sheilamyersposted 11 years ago

    I have a lot of hobbies and ways to be entertained. I would say other than writing the two things at the top of the list are researching my family history and reading.

    Learning more about my ancestors is fun and educational. Some things they have done are just hilarious. Other things like their jobs, military service, etc give me a glimpse of history that's more personal and not always discussed in the history books.

    With reading, there's more than the entertainment value which is the main reason I read. As an independent author, I think the best way to learn to write novels is to read those written by the professionals and note their styles and techniques.

  11. Saimima is profile image57
    Saimima isposted 11 years ago

    I love reading, watching movie, and teaching,  it caused my brain still active and made another person appreciate me..

  12. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 11 years ago

    Besides writing?  Well, READING, of course.....don't 98% of writers, start out by being avid readers?  "Word Smiths," are helplessly addicted and only feel complete in a world of printed-word expression......I also enjoy sewing, yard sales & recycling....Suffice it to say, I am NEVER without an activity, project or idea!!

  13. KL Klein profile image68
    KL Kleinposted 11 years ago

    My hobbies, aside from writing, are drawing, traveling, rock-collecting, hiking, kayaking, photography, reading, cooking, gardening, and foraging wild foods.

  14. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 11 years ago

    I have been an avid RV traveler for more than 50 years.  I have camped in everything from a tent to a large, luxury motor home over the years and have traveled across the US countless times.  I have written many articles about this lifestyle and even after all of these years, I still love it.

  15. Krista Schnee profile image73
    Krista Schneeposted 11 years ago

    I love watching and reading science fiction and post-apocalyptic literature. I've always been attracted to these two genres, and they provide an escape as well as something to think about afterwards. I have to admit too that I play Facebook games. They're sort of an escape as well.

  16. The Examiner-1 profile image62
    The Examiner-1posted 11 years ago

    Bird watching. I love watching them when I am at home, away from home, or anywhere. I may stop what I am doing to watch - luckily I do not drive. Even listening to their sounds and guessing which bird is making the sounds.

  17. Globetrekkermel profile image65
    Globetrekkermelposted 11 years ago

    Travelling,that's for sure. Some of my hubs are inspired by my travels.Love learning languages too and volunteering as well.

  18. myefforts profile image59
    myeffortsposted 11 years ago

    When I am not writing, I try to read some good book, particularly on humor or watch a movie. These days internet surfing has also added much on how to utilize our spare time.

  19. DDE profile image45
    DDEposted 11 years ago

    I exercise regularly but enjoy  gardening, one of my best apart from out door life, adventure is so fascinating

  20. Cardia profile image67
    Cardiaposted 11 years ago

    I generally like creating or making things, and I especially enjoy drawing, using both traditional and digital media. I also love painting.
    Sometimes I crochet, but I haven't done so in quite a bit.

    I also enjoy reading almost any genre of book.
    I'm a beginner photographer and I want to improve my photography and editing skills for sure.

  21. liesl5858 profile image85
    liesl5858posted 11 years ago

    Gardening is another hobby I enjoy doing, growing my own vegetables and flowers. I also love to crochet and like traveling as well as photography.


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