Adsense ads.text files on Hubpages

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  1. NateB11 profile image84
    NateB11posted 6 years ago

    Adsense sent me a message that says that my publisher ID is not in my Hubpages and HowTheyPlay ads.text files.

    My earnings are fine generally, not too concerned, just wanted to bring the issue to your attention.

    1. Venkatachari M profile image84
      Venkatachari Mposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I think it is the problem of HP staff. Not for us as we are not empowered to do this. You will be simply adding your AdSense code.

    2. liesl5858 profile image85
      liesl5858posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I have seen this funny enough on my adsense account. I don't understand it.

    3. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
      Matt Wellsposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      When you sign up for AdSense through HubPages or associate a new AdSense Publisher ID with your account, it may take 2-3 hours for the publisher ID to be added to the ads.txt file on HubPages and HubPages Network Sites. Once the ads.txt is updated, it may take up to 24 hours for Google to recognize the changes to ads.txt. You must have at least one published article to get added to HubPages ads.txt

      This issue also applies to existing AdSense publisher ID's. You can ignore the ads.txt warning because Google will eventually recognize it. It could take 24 hours or possibly longer.

      Visit this link and search for your AdSense Publisher ID. If it appears in the list that means your AdSense ID has been added to HubPages ads.txt.

      If you are interested you can learn more about ads.txt and AdSense and the purpose behind it, which is combat fraud in online advertising.

      1. NateB11 profile image84
        NateB11posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Okay, thanks Matt. I'll just wait it out.

      2. Sabre1000 profile image70
        Sabre1000posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Well we are at 48 hours now.
        So I guess we just keep waiting.
        UPDATE: I just noticed that now Hubpages has vanished from the list and has been replaced by a niche site.
        So maybe Google is actually working on it.

        1. HoneyBB profile image59
          HoneyBBposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Mine's been giving me the message for a week. I wrote the hubpages team and it's a problem on adsense's part. They suggest we give google a chance to correct it. It doesn't appear to be affecting earnings but not sure.

      3. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
        TIMETRAVELER2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Well, this is day 3.  It caused me to lose my April payout and yesterday I earned a whopping total of 18 cents!  Really?  Each time I look at the warning, the list of hubs mentioned increases.  This is going to cost all of us a good deal of money, and I don't understand why the team isn't doing more than just telling us to wait and not worry.  There's a lot at stake here, and I know all of us would like to see this issue resolved.

        What I don't get is why this is happening now.  My hubs and niche site articles have been earning all along without any problems.  My Pub ID has been there all this time (you even verified this for me) there must be something that has changed.   You can apologize for the inconvenience, but everybody is losing money...some not so much, but some, like me, quite a bit.

        Please see if there isn't something we can do other than just "wait and not worry".  This is already day 3 for this mess.

        1. Colin Quartermain profile image90
          Colin Quartermainposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          if you are earning via adsense then it means your Pub ID is working.

          I have the same warnings as most others, but my pub ID is present on the ads.txt, and earnings on Hubpages and Adsense are in line with what I would expect

          1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
            TIMETRAVELER2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I've heard that before, but when earnings drop below dollars a day down to small cents a day, something is terribly wrong.

  2. Teresa Schultz profile image67
    Teresa Schultzposted 6 years ago

    I got that same message that my publisher ID is not in my HubPages ads.text.files

  3. carolynkaye profile image86
    carolynkayeposted 6 years ago

    I also have this on my account.

  4. rajan jolly profile image95
    rajan jollyposted 6 years ago

    I received this message from Adsense some hours back

    "One or more of your ads.txt files doesn't contain your AdSense publisher ID. Fix this now to avoid severe impact to your revenue"

    What am I supposed to do? Will the Hubpages technical staff please guide?


    1. Jean Bakula profile image86
      Jean Bakulaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I got it too. It looks like they want us to add code to certain files? I don't  know how.

      Here's a list of all your sites. We recommend you keep it up to date. Verify sites you know are yours, and add new ones manually. Learn more
      Sites with ads.txt issues
      Publisher ID missing from ads.txt files
      You need to add your publisher ID to the following ads.txt files:
      This will prevent a potentially severe impact on your earnings. Copy and paste the following code snippet into each ads.txt file:, (Took out my personal number so it's not on the forum, but it's on the A/C page), DIRECT
      If you've already done this, please allow our systems up to 24 hours to reflect the changes.

      What am I supposed to do? It also lists sites or blogs I don't write on anymore. And there's a big, yellow square over the text when I go to my a/c page to try to do something, so the text can't be reached under that yellow thing which won't move.

      It also lists,,, Paired, Reel, and any other site niche sites I have hubs on. MY A/C number is on there. But I no longer write on,,, or The HP niches site look correct as far as the site names, but I can't fix this myself, I can't even get the picture off the main page to see what's underneath it, except for what I can put here. I can't get to it on my A/C pages at HP.

      I hope the administration is doing something about it. I was having a sea of blue arrows for about 5 days, and have more red ones today in spite of this message. I don't have time to code this stuff too.

  5. HoneyBB profile image59
    HoneyBBposted 6 years ago

    I got the same message so I emailed the hubpages team and they replied to my email with this.  When I clicked on the FAQ there was a link that brought up all the publisher id numbers and it said I needed to go through them to see if mine was in there. I haven't been able to find mine and I've gone through it a few times in case I missed it.

    1. Venkatachari M profile image84
      Venkatachari Mposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I just checked for my publisher id in the page referred to above by you. And, I could spot mine in it.
      It is a very long list of publisher ids. And, I was scrolling down searching for mine for 30 minutes. My son came and asked me what I was doing. I told him that I was searching for my AdSense publisher id in that sea. He asked me to type control F (the Ctrl button + F) and a search box came in front of me. Then, I typed my number and it immediately highlighted my number from that list. I was astonished at that magic of my son.

      So, you may check that way to confirm again.

      1. Jean Bakula profile image86
        Jean Bakulaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Since it's affecting all of us, the administration should look into it. The Ad is blocking me and I don't use Adsense anyway, I use the HP payment plan. Is this why our hubs took such a big hit last week?

        1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
          TIMETRAVELER2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, you are using have to in order to use the HP payment plan.  It's just a minor part of your earnings, but it's there and you do get a bit of money from it each month.

      2. HoneyBB profile image59
        HoneyBBposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        That's awesome! Thanks for sharing that trick. I have gone through that list multiple times and my eyes hurt. I tried this and my number was highlighted right away. Thank your son for me too. My eyes can rest now.

        1. Venkatachari M profile image84
          Venkatachari Mposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          My son is happy that he was of help to some more also. I conveyed your thanks.
          It helped NateB11 also.

    2. NateB11 profile image84
      NateB11posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Wow. I have to go to work soon, can't really spend my morning looking through that list of IDs. Maybe I'll save that for the weekend.

      Meantime, am I supposed to verify the Hubpages sites through my Adsense account? I did it with my own sites because it asked me to, but wasn't sure if that's something I'm supposed to do for the Hubpages sites on my end.

      Edit: Tried Venkat's trick of jumping to my pub id, worked like a charm. My ID is on the list so that's fine and dandy.

      Edit Part 2, Wrath of Khan: They answered the second question about verifying sites over here. … erify-site Thanks.

  6. Michael Kismet profile image88
    Michael Kismetposted 6 years ago

    Yep, finally got it too!

    Also Amazon earnings delayed, then HP ad earnings program delayed. Editorial queue has stalled.

    Perhaps, under the Maven umbrella, the HP staff has mentally “checked out”. big_smile

  7. Resolver2009 profile image59
    Resolver2009posted 6 years ago


    Its been almost a day since the last reply of a HubPages staff member, Matt Wells.

    Is Hubpages dealing with this problem - or can they in fact confirm that the problem will "solve itself"?

    I am experiencing the following message on AdSense (in regards to OWLCATION):

    "Publisher ID missing from ads.txt files
    You need to add your publisher ID to the following ads.txt files:
    This will prevent a potentially severe impact on your earnings. Copy and paste the following code snippet into each ads.txt file:"

    1. Marketing Merit profile image83
      Marketing Meritposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I read on the thread below that Matt believes it to be a false-positive on Adsense's part. … oughnickel

      1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
        TIMETRAVELER2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        It may be a "false positive" but it is severely affecting my Adsense income.

        1. HoneyBB profile image59
          HoneyBBposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          When you're in adsense click on  the 3 dots in upper right hand corner of Balance and then click View Payments...see if April 1st through April 30th shows the money you're missing as the balance shown on landing page doesn't show April's earnings but it will show on this next step.


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