I wrote my first hub a few days ago. To my surprise, it was labelled duplicate content. I contacted Team HubPages about the matter because this was my original work. Now it turns out someone actually posted the full content on their Blogger account. I am now following up the issue and considering filing a dmca complaint. In the meantime, I have requested the plagiarist to remove my content through the comment section as i ponder my next move. It is very painful for me considering the amount of work I put into it.
Dav, sorry for the theft of your original work. I'm wondering if ya can type? Otherwise, it could not occur. That you lost the originality of your creative story is very telling on soul, mind, and body. That being said, don't ever give your draft articles to any copy typist for fairing.
What do you mean if I can type? Does it mean people who have their hubs stolen don't know how to type? What solution are you offering exactly? I am finding it increasingly difficult conversing with you because you don't make sense. Are you sure you are not a bot?
Dav, I'm sipping a cup of warm coffee. Good for me. It picks me up! Sure, my words don't make sense to you? Every creative writer here on Hubpages has had a work or two plagiarized, after the initial publication. Seriously, when you hit publish on HubPages, it was brand 'duplicate content.' That infers someone else somewhere(online and first ever)has publish the article on Blogger's blogspot before you! How can you prove the copyright originality online? D'you have a link for that? Please do have a re-think on the issue. Honestly, if you can type you can. Majority of the writers here do. No joking. I would not rush to offer you a DMCA(Digital Milinium Copyright Act) solution at the moment. What would ya do if Google ask you to provide a link https//xyz.com where you originally publish the article? It's not on hubpages,com or blogspot.com But where? And thanks.
They don't make sense to me.
Have you read David's (not Dav) bio? He's a freelance writer. I'm pretty sure he can use a keyboard.
Bev, I've re-affirm that he can. But how did he got a duplicate content notice from hubpages? My user name Miebakagh57 at times show up as Mieba, Mie, or Mieb on hubpages. Only the second is the local short form. I don't see offense one is addressing me Mieba. Let's assume he typed his article on his laptop or desktop and save same. Then David let another user have a go at his device. Agreed from that hour it was stolen? Still don't make any sense? In that case, no dmca solution from me. I can't imagine that. Honestly, I've a friend by name David and I call him Dav. Still don't make sense? No problem. Bev, much thanks.
'Dav' is not a shortened form of David. It's sometimes 'Dave'. But if someone doesn't introduce themselves as 'Dave', then you should use their full name.
Bev, again no problem. The DMCA is the issue not names here. We're getting to to that as to when David publish is articles and what happen on and thereafter.
Hi theraggededge, I was also wondering why he is asking such a question. Of course I am here because I can type and provide quality content for this reason.
I published my work about 24 hours before it was labeled duplicate content. Usually, new hubbers have their content checked for quality assessment purposes. I believe that is when they realized that my work is found elsewhere on the web. They first assumed maybe I shared it on the plagiarist blogger account. I informed them it was shared without my consent. In fact, the plagiarist even shared my URL as the original source. So whatever you are insinuating about copy typist is all wrong.
Okay, you publish your article 24 hours before it was labeled duplicate content, right? Few seconds to that or almost immediately, a short or long link would have been given to you by hubpages. That's normal. Did you retained it? It's like in the form of https//hub.me/... (short link) to be shared on social media. Does that make sense now?
Good morning David. Perhaps, they will pay you after they return it. Have a great day.
I do not know whether that is possible but thank you. Have a great day as well.
Hi David, it's awful when this happens and yes, it is painful. I had a couple of hubs stolen a few years ago so I filled in a dmca complaint. The stolen content was taken down eventually, but I still felt violated that my work could be taken so easily. Good luck with sorting this out.
Hi MPG Narratives, thank you for the best wishes. It feels good knowing your issue was sorted. I am now more hopeful my issue will be resolved.
Hi Titia, I really do not know the process. It would be of great help if you guide me regarding the same.
David, Blogger is one of the easiest to get plagiarized content taken down because it’s owned by Google. So they have direct control over it.
Go to https://support.google.com/legal/troubl … 4905?hl=en
And select Blogger/Blogspot, which is the second item. Then follow the steps to report the plagiarism.
For future reference, it’s best to not waste time contacting the person who stole your article. I always file a takedown request directly with the domain hosting company. By law, according to the DMCA, they need to take down the content upon receipt of a proper report.
I know it’s a nuisance, I deal with it often myself. Good luck.
Thank you Glenn, I appreciate your guidance on the matter.
You can also file a DMCA through the author view of the article that has been stolen. When you look at your account, that article should have a red copyright symbol near the title. Click on the title. When the article comes up, click on the duplicate warning that appears at the top of the page. There HP gives you the address where the duplication appears, and the verbiage to use when filing your complaint.
The only problem here is, since HP has unfeatured your article, there's no online proof that your article appeared before the duplicate.
Thank you very much for the suggestion. My article has been published after arguing my case with Team HubPages. I will now proceed with filing a DMCA complaint.
It is a chronic issue (I feel like I am filing DMCA requests every week). Removing stolen content from google isn't very difficult, but does take time for each stolen hub.
1) Go to https://support.google.com/legal/troubl … 4905?hl=en and select "Google Search" as the product the request relates to.
2) Select "Google Search."
3) Select "Intellectual Property Issuex"
4) Select "Copyright Infringement."
After this, you will need to certify you are the copyright owner by selecting the tick box, and then select "other" (the first option is for image/video). After this, click "create request."
An online form will open. Fill out the relevant information including the title/text that has been infringed. Include a link to the original source material. Provide the link to the infringing material in the appropriate box. Complete the sworn statements, verify you are not a robot, and click submit. It will take a little while, but you should get verification when the stolen work is removed from Google.
Hi Leah Lefler, I will follow your instructions and file a DMCA complaint as soon as possible.
I'm a bit confused as to how and why your hub was "labelled duplicate content"
I believe that others are assuming that it wasn't "labelled duplicate content", and you actually meant that you got the "copied by someone else" symbol?
I went to your profile page and it doesn't show any featured articles, which confused me even more.
Where is the (your) original article?
Hi Paul Goodman, my article was apparently unpublished yet it is another person who copied it. It is very confusing for me as well because the plagiarist even included a link at the bottom of the content. My copyright info is also present in the copied article so i am wondering why Team Hubpages would unpublish my original work in the first place. It is so clear my copyright was violated.
It seems David has not a laptop. Or he submit his draft article to a copy typer or typist for typing. That said, it's easy for the content theft to immediately make the first post on Blogger's blogspot. Then Dav's later post results in duplicate content. Seriously, I always hit my draft article(s) on my laptop or a hire computer keyboard. Then be the first to publish same. So I could retain the original copyright liscense.
Miebakagh57, what are you even saying? I don't get your joke. This is a serious matter and you are talking nonsense. If you can't help, just back off.
Paul, you are confused. I was too.
According to the author's profile activity, he hasn't published anything yet.
Misbah, you might assume so because you're not in my position. You should probably read everything I posted here before commenting such.
Several of my articles have been copied elsewhere, and I understand how it feels. If you have published anything, it should be visible on your activity. I believe the authors here understand what I mean.
Blessings to you!
Hi there,
Just curious, when did you publish your article? I'm asking because I just looked at your profile and it says you joined 5 days ago, yet your activity shows you haven't published anything. Could you please elaborate?
I published my article on 7 Aug. It was unpublished about a day later even though I am the one whose copyright has been infringed on. It is actually very weird. How is it my fault someone copied my work? Hubpages team should at least have checked whether I am the one who posted it there before unpublishing my content.
I see your question was answered by theraggededge. It is unpublished so it is not on my profile at the moment. Opening the link leads to a 404 but I can still access the article on my end under author's view.
Yes, I understand. I apologize for the misunderstanding and I am sorry for what happened with you. Please file a DMCA and keep writing. Best of luck for your future writings.
Blessings to you
Thank you! I am glad you now understand my case. Of course i will keep writing but right now I have to deal with the issue at hand.
To be honest, we (the writers here) deal with such issues very frequently, so I can tell you that this issue will take some time. Furthermore, filing a DMCA does not guarantee a quick response. It takes a long time, particularly in these Covid times.
Meanwhile, Continue to write more hubs. (Just a suggestion)
I hope things will get in a better direction for you very soon
Blessings and Peace!
Thank you for the suggest. I believe things have already started getting better. My article is back online. I am now proceeding with filing a DMCA complaint against the plagiarist.
Articles are visible straight away. As soon as you hit publish, you get a link that can be shared. It's why you will get comments before it passes QAP. There's a short window when they can be seen by anyone.
Then QAP happens and, if appropriate, the article is unpublished. It's been the same for years and is why we sometimes see a 404 error.
It's during that 24hr period that a new article can be copied. It's unusual but it could happen.
David needs to contact team@hubpages.com for help.
Yes, that is exactly what happened. I am following up with team@hubpages.com about this issue. Thank you for the suggestion.
"that is exactly what happened"
May I say that for someone who has only been at HP for a matter of a few days and only (apparently) written one article, you do seem to have an excellent understanding of the inner workings of the site, David.
My approach would be to explore more likely explanations, before turning to the very unlikely ones.
But Bev is right, this won't be resolved in the forums. You'll have to take it to HP, who will look into it and I'm sure advise you accordingly.
HubPages Team have published my article because I was following up on the matter via email. I believe I can now proceed with the DMCA compliant.
The article wasn’t also published on your health and wellness blog was it? If so, that is why you would have been hit with a duplicate tag.
No, it was not published on my health and wellness blog. I am 100% someone copy-pasted it to their blogger blog without my permission. In fact, the article is now live on my profile after working with Team Hubpages to resolve my case.
Things are better now. A few years back almost all of the content on Hubpages was hi-jacked by someone in India. Hundreds of articles... it was a mess! He didn't even bother to change our names. So glad tech has improved!
I am glad everything has improved. However, the quality assessment team also not just label content duplicate and unpublish it without hearing your view.
It made it to Discover, which I suppose is a kind of progress. You may get a few views there.
To be brutally honest, I find it difficult to see it getting on the (topic-orientated) niches with that degree of keyword-stuffing going on.
I will be sure to inform you when it makes it to a niche site. Thank you!
You seem to be very confident about what you are doing. Well that’s a good thing. Let’s see and best of luck to you
Yes, I am very confident about everything I do. I don't think it is a bad thing. I always like to stay positive.
Keyword-stuffing became easily detectable by software years ago. Yours is so blatant, I couldn't help but notice with just a glance.
My advice would be to put your confidence about everything on hold for a while, swallow a humility pill, and work your way through the stuff in the HP learning center. Whoever told you that keyword-stuffing was a good idea was misleading you. HP will tell you how to use SEO effectively and get work accepted.
But I fully expect you to ignore my advice.
I know about keyword stuffing. There is no way I would intentionally hurt my chances of ranking well. But at the back of your mind, you already believe I am using such as a SEO tactic. Even though you want to help, you don't need to assume you are right about everything. I know you rank well but try not to be so condescending. Have a good day and life!
Hi, David. I'm glad you got the copied article problem sorted out.
If you read your article aloud, you might see the problem that Paul is referring to. You've used the word "sleep" and variations of it many times in the article. The word is in every subtitle and is repeated in the text itself, especially in certain sections.
If you edited the article to eliminate some of the repetition, your chance of the article being switched to a niche site would probably increase.
Thank you! I will surely look into the issue and edit the article to improve it further. My problem with Paul is how he communicates it. Your approach is completely different. I like that you even provide examples. You also use a positive tone that is encouraging to a beginner like myself.
Please allow me to learn slowly. No one came here knowing everything, yourself included. We all have to start from somewhere and work our way to the top. If you hope to help someone else in the future, please do it politely without being so negative or assuming they should know everything.
Of course, I will look into the issue you highlighted. Thank you!
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