Is hubpages methods of scoring and scaling Subjective on purpose?

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  1. Pipcast profile image60
    Pipcastposted 19 months ago

    Joined hubpages a long time ago (over 10 years). But wasn't really active . Came back and discovered my details were no longer in the system so I had to sign up again recently.

    I have been writing elsewhere, Wrote some articles only to have them rejected over and over. The last one I rote I read through the requirements,visited related articles and made serious efforts to see that I followed the recommended format. Only to have my article rejected without even so much as specifying what needs to be changed. The whole thing looked shady and I feel someone is being deliberately nebulous and subjective to push me away because of where I come from. Please what have been your experiences so far? do you get your articles rejected without even so much as an explanation on what needs to be amended?

    1. Khanmaria12 profile image44
      Khanmaria12posted 19 months agoin reply to this

      Try try again. I didn't give up on my rejected articles. Edited them even two or three times until featured. Yes, it's frustrating, we are not told specifically. But sometimes they emailed about some articles that images should be attributed etc. Check grammar, structure , images and sometimes if repeated content is rejected. Keep on trying, best of luck

      1. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
        Matt Wellsposted 19 months agoin reply to this

        We do give reasons why an article may have failed the Quality Assessment Process. Review the possible reasons in the email, then review your article. If your article matches one or more of the reasons then that is most likely why the article didn't pass.

        1. Khanmaria12 profile image44
          Khanmaria12posted 19 months agoin reply to this

          Okay, thanks. But sometimes, we don't get it. I want to know the problem in this story

          1. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
            Matt Wellsposted 19 months agoin reply to this

            That article didn't pass the QAP because it's a personal blog type post.

      2. Pipcast profile image60
        Pipcastposted 19 months agoin reply to this

        Thanks Khanmaria

    2. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
      Matt Wellsposted 19 months agoin reply to this

      Your articles did not pass the Quality Assessment Process because of promotional links and organization issues. When an article fails the QAP an email is sent with possible reasons.

    3. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 19 months agoin reply to this

      Your bio suggests you are trying to use HubPages to promote your business. It's not permitted. HubPages is a platform for writers.

      So any articles you write about currency trading have to be informative and non-promotional. Any links to your own business will prevent it from being featured.

      My advice: if you are here to write with no intention to market, then change your bio to reflect that. If you want to self-promote, then HubPages is not the platform for you.

      1. Pipcast profile image60
        Pipcastposted 19 months agoin reply to this

        To be frank I have no means of earning from from hubpages as I do not have access to paypal (the only payment option). I added my twitter link to my bio because I Saw someone do it on his article. is that not allowed? also please be specific like what in my bio do you thinks needs changing? thanks

  2. profile image0
    yourrandombrotherposted 19 months ago

    The first time I joined HubPages, I was also facing the same thing, had my articles rejected so many times, trust me I was feeling the same thing, but it's not like that. Hubpages follow a certain set of rules and regulations on what type of articles can be deemed to be featured. It depends on the article you’re writing about and if it is SEO-friendly or not and does your article follow the HubPages recommended style and fonts or not. Yes, sometimes it feels a bit problematic when you're not told what is the issue with your article for which it's being rejected and there should be a way to know this as well, until then it's like a trial and error for new writers. But when you get a hang of it, it becomes easy. After the first rejection, I faced with my first-ever article, I tried to stick to their fonts and style as much as I could and even did my SEO research and prayed for the best and then my article got featured, and then it has never been a problem since then.

    1. Pipcast profile image60
      Pipcastposted 19 months agoin reply to this

      Thanks  Random brother

  3. EricDockett profile image97
    EricDockettposted 19 months ago

    I've been here for over ten years and I have hundreds of articles accepted and on the niche sites. Even so, there are occasionally times when I have an article moderated and no reason is given to the issues. Most recently this happened when they were auditing Owlcation. You are left to puzzle it out, which is indeed very frustrating.

    It is something we all encounter from time to time. Unfortunately, that's how it has to be. HP editors can't personally respond to the problems in every single article they come across. They just don't have the time. There is nothing deliberately shady about it.

    I'll assume you read the Learning Center. If not, you should. This might help: … -standards

    Without seeing an example of your writing it is impossible to guess why you are having problems. I see you are interested in finance. Some topics in that realm are sort of "off limits" since they have a spammy history on the internet. You'll also want to use a real name or real-sounding pen name if you write about money.

    Otherwise, getting articles accepted really isn't that hard. Make sure your articles make sense, which should go without saying, and are completely original, which should also go without saying. Make sure they are readable, which means the proper use of headings and no big blocks of text. Use a program like Grammarly to help find and fix typos and grammar errors.

    If you do those simple things and avoid anything sketchy you should be fine. If you want to focus more on SEO that is helpful for traffic, but it really has nothing to do with whether or not you get accepted.

    Once again, if you can show an example of a rejected article people may be able to give better advice. When your article is rejected it should give you an opportunity to ask for help in the forum.

    1. Matt Wells profile imageSTAFF
      Matt Wellsposted 19 months agoin reply to this

      If you ever have a question about why an article was moderated, please send an email to

    2. Pipcast profile image60
      Pipcastposted 19 months agoin reply to this

      Thanks a million Eric. I'm not sure if its okay to post the article here. before I get hammered.


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