by Raymond D Choiniere 14 years ago
Hey Hubberville,Just in case you haven't noticed- Lyricsingray has left HubPages.Her account is no longer active.And, now I've lost a fan. Good Bye Lyricsingray, aka Kimberly Gray!I hope you find what you're looking for.May you receive peace of mind.
by kimberlyslyrics 14 years ago
No more drama I'm anxious to write. I have other accounts but this one is me. I'll be a bit slow to start, but there are no deadlines here.How are you doing?Kimberly
by lyricsingray 11 years ago
I'm not sure when you stop becoming a newbie, but I know being one is tough.Meeting people is even tougher.This forum is for the Newbie, I myself at 4 months still feel like one but also feel a transition to a more comfortable place with some confidence.So here, we can announce a newbie, welcome a...
by earnestshub 13 years ago
Well I'm back in the forums and happy to be saying Hello to my fellow posters. I have missed being a part of the forums, where one can offer unsolicited advice on all subjects without consequences unless you insist on the separation of religion and the state or insist there is no sky fairy.This...
by Colebabie 15 years ago
I just got back from an amazing vacation! I'll definitely be writing a hub (or 2 or 3) sometime soon about it. A lot of things happened...I turned 22! I visited 6 amazing islands! And I got 100 fans here on hubpages! Thanks guys
by \Brenda Scully 15 years ago
Hi just this minute got back on line, it seems like forever and a day...... missed you all soooooooooooooo much. My new home is great Maddison my neice is still with me.... and the world is getting to be a better place, especially now i am back here...