Hubbers with really useful names...

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  1. pjdscott profile image69
    pjdscottposted 16 years ago

    I'm always interested in online identify (real or perceived) and have been reviewing the names or tags of various hubbers. Top of my list for the most useful name is:

    Mark Knowles

    You may provide suggestions, except you may not suggest yourself/your own name. I also believe Inspirepub and SunSeven chose really useful tags.

    Why Mark? Well, his surname suggests confidence ("Knowles" = "knows"), beside which his profile picture suggests a pleasant and amiable person (which is also supported by his various postings). I presume it is his real name - therefore he is being upfront and personal as well!

    I think your persona is important on such social bookmarking sites as HubPages.


    1. profile image34
      Creativitaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Hi pjdscott -  Question:  Why would you restrict the flow of "useful names or tags of various hubbers" by ruling out hub names of folks who know their descriptors meet your criteria?  Is this some kind of a contest?  Doesn't make sense to me.  If someone were to send you his or her own name, would he or she go to jail?  What is the penalty you propose for this sin? If you're gathering "names" that meet your criteria, why would you care where that information came from?  I'm baffled.  Helen Borel (a.k.a. Creativita)

      1. pjdscott profile image69
        pjdscottposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Hello Creativita and greetings to you. By suggesting that you can't suggest your own name, I'm trying to limit blatant self-promotion and get hubbers to think about other people other than themselves (I do find that this is a very unselfish community, unlike others to which I belong).

        I like your tag - now I'll have to read a hub by you!


    2. dotchianni profile image60
      dotchianniposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I am not sure about picking a "useful name". I usually look to the articles before I check out the names. I guess I am strange like that. It should show in my name smile

      I picked mine from my nickname and maiden name because the two are the essence of me and, I feel, are who I am as a personality. My real name and married name are just boring to me and scream "little doormat girl".

  2. amy jane profile image66
    amy janeposted 16 years ago

    LOL! Mark does "know,"  doesn't he? 

    I think you are right. Your online persona does have an impact on how people perceive you.  Mine for example, makes me sound like a goodie-goodie.  That was not my intention and is not all that accurate, really. smile

    I like when people use their real name because it establishes trust.

  3. Mark Knowles profile image57
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Well it is nice to know my name is useful smile

    It is of course, my given name, so happenstance. And I went to British public boarding school (read private) so I have heard all the funny versions lol - I will do the honors and suggest "Know-all" "Know-less" and Know-it-all" big_smile

    I will nominate "darkside" as being intriguing enough to warrant a look and un-nominate all the names such as "forexmaster" "daytradingguru" "IMgenius" etc.

    These just put me right off and I never even look at what these people have to say because I already know what they are saying. I don't see the point of doing this other than perhaps a minor amount of SEO value. (I am sure a few IM gurus will put me straight)

    So, I guess I am agreeing with you on the usefulness of names. I was lucky in that case. big_smile

  4. Peter M. Lopez profile image72
    Peter M. Lopezposted 16 years ago

    Kenny Wordsmith

    I must admit, I'm envious of that username.  It is especially suitable for hubbers.

    1. Kenny Wordsmith profile image76
      Kenny Wordsmithposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      thanks! smile)

  5. SweetiePie profile image79
    SweetiePieposted 16 years ago

    It would be nice if we could have the option to change our screename.

    1. pjdscott profile image69
      pjdscottposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I like SweetiePie! Why change it? As Mark notes, sometimes people try too hard...

      1. SweetiePie profile image79
        SweetiePieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks pjdscott!  I like it to some extent.  I just wonder if it would be better to use my real name.

    2. Army Infantry Mom profile image59
      Army Infantry Momposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well if they give you that option in the future, I think you should keep your name as it is,...For the simple fact I think your a sweet person, Always seeing the good side of people and things !!!!

      1. emievil profile image66
        emievilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        AIM's right, you have a great hub name. Don't change it anymore smile. Mine was supposed to be a shortened version of my nickname and married family name but it came out like I'm an evil person or something big_smile.

    3. articleposter profile image60
      articleposterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That would be a great option, I tried my best to change mine by sending few emails, but had no luck.

  6. jimmythejock profile image82
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    My hub name is my real name and it tells people also where I come from, it was rather easy to think up because it was my nick name when I lived in England.....jimmy

  7. SweetiePie profile image79
    SweetiePieposted 16 years ago

    When I am at it, why do they like to take pictures of money and a briefcase?  Not to be disrespectful, but if they are that successful in the businessworld why do they have names like IMguru with a picture of cash?

    1. Eric Graudins profile image61
      Eric Graudinsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Because they are trying to associate themselves with success, while in reality they are most likely sitting in holey underwear on an orange box, after maxing out their credit cards to buy the latest $2997 course from some  GuruWanker who told them that they can become insanely rich by posting "Make Money" affiliate offers on forums and sending out emails.

      I'll have to do a hub on Cialdini and persuasion principles sometime!

      You swine. Beat me to it!

      Well, at least my name is pretty safe from mangling.
      About the only attempt has been "Grow-Dense" smile

      1. SweetiePie profile image79
        SweetiePieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        That is what I was thinking.  It is sort of like that hub where the writer claimed an astrology consultation will help to cure severe clinical depression, but guess what that person does for a living.  My favorite is when the relationshipgurus came back to talk to me on the forum smile.

      2. Maddie Ruud profile image70
        Maddie Ruudposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        My last name is too easy to make fun of (it's pronouced identically to "rude"), so people actually lose smart-points by doing so.

  8. Veronica profile image68
    Veronicaposted 16 years ago

    I love the name G-Ma Johnson.

    The icon photo she uses is exactly what I want to picture as that loving Grandma her writing portrays.

    And I agree, Mark Knowles is a damn good name.

  9. JYOTI KOTHARI profile image59
    JYOTI KOTHARIposted 16 years ago

    I always use my real name only. In all forums, yahoo groups, blogs e-mail everywhere. I can not understand why people do not appear with real name?
    In my opinion hiding name does not create trust.It may atract some traffic somewhere but one will be stay looser in real life.
    This is my personal opinion. One may or may not be agreed.

    1. Gawn Fishin' profile image61
      Gawn Fishin'posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Jyoti, there are Stalkers out there who can cause you a lot of grief just by knowing your real name.  I do trust the people here in the HubPages.  For the first time I have put my real name on something Internet related.  Give those of us that are sceptic time to trust our surroundings.

      1. SweetiePie profile image79
        SweetiePieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        I feel the same way as you.  One of my friend's worked as a prison guard in a small town and never wanted to put his picture or name online because his colleagues printed out everyones' profiles from sites such as myspace as a joke.  Not that he posted anything to be ashamed of, but he liked his privacy and I can understand that.

      2. Dorsi profile image84
        Dorsiposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        I just use my first name on almost everything- and I try to just put "San Francisco Bay Area" instead of my city.
        I've already talked to my husband in depth about this possible scenario of stalking- he is concerned for me and does not want me posting too much information.
        I was especially concerned about this at conspiracy sites which I frequent, as debates can get pretty heated sometimes and you never know who might take it a step further.
        As for names, I like knowing someones real first name at least, but some avatars are really cool like Darksides.

      3. AEvans profile image73
        AEvansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with you I have had one and unfortunately using My middle initial and the last name is which enable him to find me. I will never ever do that again. smile

  10. darkside profile image60
    darksideposted 16 years ago

    At an Adsense forum I frequent there is a user with a name something like "Adsense Master" and the shame of it, he is no where near being a master. In fact all the advice this person gave was wrong. Wrong to the point of if a person was caught following his tactics you'd get yourself warned at best and banned at worst.

  11. Inspirepub profile image73
    Inspirepubposted 16 years ago

    I didn't know that my "username" would be my screen name and would be unable to be changed! Our umbrella business name is Inspire Publishing, so it was a sort of obvious login to use.

    And now I am stuck with it!

    At least someone thinks it was a good choice ...

    But it does mean I have to be in the habit of writing my name at the bottom of every forum post and comment ... sigh.


    1. moifah profile image59
      moifahposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      The same thing happened to me, I just used the first part of our business name of Moifah Corporation Inc.  Ah well, like you said, pretty much stuck with it now.


      1. pjdscott profile image69
        pjdscottposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        But at least it's unpretentious and direct, Matt. Moreover, it is your identity.

        Mark mentions the slight value in using your website name as a tag. Has anybody written a hub on this subject? I would think there is value in doing this.

  12. ProCW profile image80
    ProCWposted 16 years ago

    I like my name on here.
    It has a nice ring to it. smile

    1. rmr profile image70
      rmrposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Does the CW stand for championship wrestling?

  13. pjdscott profile image69
    pjdscottposted 16 years ago

    To summarize:

    Name | Suggested by

    Mark Knowles | pjdscott

    darkside | Mark Knowles

    G-Ma Johnson | Veronica

  14. NateRider profile image61
    NateRiderposted 16 years ago

    My name has been made fun of in the past, but only with friends whom I know. Not the rude ones, real friends who just come up with nicknames like everyone does. Not to mention, where I live, there is also a Pharmacy called "Rider Drug" and everyone asks if we own that company. It's funny at times wink

  15. Stacie Naczelnik profile image64
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    People tend not to make fun of my last name (Naczelnik)...probably because few can pronounce it.

  16. Gawn Fishin' profile image61
    Gawn Fishin'posted 16 years ago

    As a fisherman, the name Keel does get a few comments, but I am still asked how to spell it.

  17. Paraglider profile image88
    Paragliderposted 16 years ago

    I was already blogging as Paraglider so I just brought the name here. The picture is a woodcarving I picked up in Jo'burg years ago.

  18. profile image0
    ArticleWriter101posted 16 years ago


    You all hate me! sad

    I suppose I have one of those horrible names... AND I have an occasional picture of money or computer parts. No suitcases though. 

    I picked it because it's my 'handle' for all my article writing information stuff on the net.  And I have pics of money and keyboards because they match the subject matter.

    I try to give good info, though, and make no secret of my real name.

    It's Melanie.  Hi.

  19. pkmcr profile image79
    pkmcrposted 16 years ago

    Some really interesting insights on this thread.  I use pkmcr on a lot of sites because it's our business name but increasingly I am tending to use my real name - so I share the thoughts on not being able to change our usernames - but for al the benefits we get here I am not too worried about it.

    Take care


  20. gamergirl profile image88
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    Did I misread that people are supposed to be mentioning someone else's name and not their own? 

    I like Zsuzsy Bee's name.  It's very memorable and the Z's give it a likeness to the stereotypical sound bees make. smile

    1. Paraglider profile image88
      Paragliderposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      No, but we're all rebels here. Ask us to do something and we'll do something else...

      Crazyhorsesghost is a good one though.

      1. DJ Funktual profile image67
        DJ Funktualposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Paraglider got my fav too.   Love That.

        Gamergirl's point about Zsuzsy is great.   

        Funktual - is a hybrid of funky intellectual, which I have no business calling myself, considering I never read Nietzche or War and Peace or anything else I'm supposed to. 
        I just wanted a name I could put in front of the word REVOLUTION.   

        Funktual rhymes with Punctual.  Real name is Jamie  (kind of asexual)
        Last name is Freund which means friend in German.   An adopted name.  I'm not German.

        At one point in the development it was    D.J-Me Funktual.    LOL!

        1. pjdscott profile image69
          pjdscottposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Funktual is clever - do you have a website incorporating the name?

    2. pjdscott profile image69
      pjdscottposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Zsuzsy Bee is excellent, agreed! Everyone is welcome to *discuss* their own name but the plan is to *suggest* someone else's, simply in the name of good community. Thanks to everyone for the discussion and suggestions.

      HubPages is a very discerning community and hubbers want to discover the content and personality behind a name, perhaps unlike the rest of the web (which can be very facile/surface). This is where a slick name might really work.

      Perhaps my next project is a posting discussing profile pictures - there is such an interesting and engaging array on HubPages!

  21. profile image0
    ArticleWriter101posted 16 years ago

    Sorry, Gamergirl.  It seemed to have turned into a conversation about names and I jumped in.

  22. gamergirl profile image88
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    big_smile I just thought it was interesting how the conversation deviated. tongue

  23. Inspirepub profile image73
    Inspirepubposted 16 years ago

    And someone should have nominated your name by now, gamergirl!


  24. VioletSun profile image81
    VioletSunposted 16 years ago

    I wrote my first name "Marie" in my profile a few weeks ago,  so those who may read it will know my first name. I see making up user names as being creative and fun, sort of like pen names are used by authors.

  25. profile image0
    vivicaposted 16 years ago

    I'll probably will just go with: Useful_ID
    Not really good with Id names, I just tend to use my own name. Ages ago, when ICQ was still a hype, my nickname was Madam_Shakur (because I used to like Tupac Shakur). I started to get these really weird kinky random messages. Apparently, my friend said that it suggested that I am a lady pimp. I chose to be boring afterwards...

    1. pjdscott profile image69
      pjdscottposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      As a name "vivica" is impressive - a single word with three syllables always catches the attention. Likewise, it suggests vivaciousness and vitality - we expect something lively from your hubs!

  26. lady luck profile image67
    lady luckposted 16 years ago

    i was going to nominated dj funktual because i find his hubs to be both entertaining AND functional, but his EGO seems to have beat me to it.

  27. profile image0
    Sarra Garrettposted 14 years ago

    Well, my last name is Garrett.  A Garrett is old english for 'unfinished room under a roof' (An attic). I have a store which is called Daizies Attic.  So, the name Garrett, coming from the renaissance period is from people who used to live in the attic.

  28. Helen Cater profile image59
    Helen Caterposted 14 years ago

    I just noticed that this post was created 16months ago and Kenny said thanks to someone who mentioned him 16 months ago. Way funny.

    1. profile image48
      BadCoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Coma perhaps ?

      1. Helen Cater profile image59
        Helen Caterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Or maybe they fell down a well.

  29. frogdropping profile image77
    frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

    And I'm glad I wasn't around then BC. Can you imagine an analysis of mine. I wish I hadn't been drinking when I wrote mine into the box hmm

    I guess I should look on the brightside - it could be worse wink

    And hows yerself BTW - working hard on your work? You're up to some more writing are you not? I'm sure I read you were goning to concentrate on a couple of niches.

    1. Helen Cater profile image59
      Helen Caterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Frogdropping is an interesting one any reason why you picked this name?

    2. profile image48
      BadCoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah I have killed the Cabin Girl & Redneckman off, am going to start writing mainly medical stuff but with a bit of humor in it, fed up acting the fool. I have decided to try and make some money from the site instead. So all the pirate crap and stuff is gone, want to show some that there is a serious writer as well behind the mask.

      1. emievil profile image66
        emievilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hey BC, so we were right about *edit* redneckman huh? smile What's this about medical stuff and niche market? Can't wait to read your hubs. But I'll miss the pirate "crap". Maybe you can have CG write those pirate stuff and you concentrate on the more serious ones smile.

        1. profile image48
          BadCoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I am going for two niches, the medical and wildlife. Sure you and FD already helped my new act out, Wildlifelover, tis me smile

          1. emievil profile image66
            emievilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Wow, that's you. Hmmm can't tell the difference (yet) LOL. With redneckman, it was easy to guess. Glad I became Wildlifelover's fan. Will get to check out your hubs when they come out smile.

            Okay, so if your wildlife has a new hub name, where's the medical hub name?

            1. profile image48
              BadCoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              I am writing the medical stuff under BadCo, the other 2 accounts PG & Redneck are basically now redundant !

              1. emievil profile image66
                emievilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Okay. Good luck BC! I'm off to bed now. G'night everyone!

                1. profile image48
                  BadCoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Goodnight my friend, I am off to watch Liverpool vs Chelsea !

          2. frogdropping profile image77
            frogdroppingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Oh wow lol - found you without trying! Was I friendly enough? I was trying to be at least smile

            1. profile image48
              BadCoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Lol I so knew you knew, laters my friend, enjoy yer Sunday x

  30. frogdropping profile image77
    frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

    @ Helen - I was the back end of drunk at the time. So there isn't a reason, or excuse wink

    BC - well, you know what's best for you. But remember what you are matey-bob ... you may struggle to suppress the drama side, which many happen to like, it's ... you! But I like the niche idea, and if you want any help, at all, in any way, just ask smile

    1. profile image48
      BadCoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I will my friend, you must drop me a mail and let me know how your pregnancy hubs got on. Besides you know me well enough to know I can delete 50 hubs and 500 fans in a second. I am a person of many acts, the new act will be a more serious me.

      1. frogdropping profile image77
        frogdroppingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I do BC - crazy but you know, that's you smile

  31. Helen Cater profile image59
    Helen Caterposted 14 years ago

    Badco I hope the serious writer still has time to come and make us laugh in the forums.
    frogdropping that is brill I sometimes wonder wether I made a mistake using my real name. Maybe I should have had a little more practise with my writing skills before I put my name to it.

    1. profile image48
      BadCoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Just the writing will change Helen, the Forum Fool will remain the same smile

      1. Helen Cater profile image59
        Helen Caterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        That's good to know we don't want you to change too much. So when are you going to hit us with all the new hubs?

        1. profile image48
          BadCoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Probably start tomorrow Helen and try and post a hub a day to both accounts but in future I am making them short Hubs with just enough info to get the reader interested so that they will need more info hence an advert exit smile

  32. waynet profile image68
    waynetposted 14 years ago

    It's better to have your name on one hubpage account and then one account with your business name or top keyword phrase and then a couple of other hubpage accounts, if you can be bothered to keep up posting new hubpages in them that is!!

    You can always spot the besttampons4u and the seo experts here on hubpages and their business sense is a load of arse!!


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