eBay Affiliate Going to Shut Me Down

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  1. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
    Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years ago

    Ebay sent me an email today, if I dont remove the ebay ads from my lens, they will close my eBay Partner account????

    These are some examples, and not a complete list. We recommend you remove all your links from any site which you do not own. Thank you for your cooperation.


    eBay Partner Network Quality Team

    WTF??? They say I can not have links for ebay here anymore, so how do we promote ebay links, do we cancel and just do all Amazon???

    Thanks for any help.


    1. paradigmsearch profile image61
      paradigmsearchposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yours is not the first post I’ve seen indicating that apparently ebay is now being run by a bunch of dorks.

      If it was me, I’d get ebay out of my life forthwith.smile

      If/when they get themselves straightened out, you can readdress the issue.

    2. sarovai profile image78
      sarovaiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am not using ebay products at all. I use only Amazon.

    3. nell79 profile image79
      nell79posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That's just crazy. A lot like shooting themselves in the foot.

  2. sunforged profile image77
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    If the email said 'remove ebay from lens" then it has nothing to do with hubpages.

    1. lakeerieartists profile image64
      lakeerieartistsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, lenses are Squidoo, and you are no longer allowed to have direct Ebay links from Squidoo lenses to Ebay.  You CAN use Squidoo modules to sell Ebay stuff.

  3. frogdropping profile image74
    frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

    If the email is copied here as it was sent - the OP used the word 'lens', not Ebay. Which makes the words 'We recommend you remove all your links from any site which you do not own' the more worrying for those that use Ebay.

    But - he's not clear whether he means he only has articles here or on other sites similar to this one.

  4. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
    Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years ago

    I said lens, I meant Hub, thought that would be obvious.

    Here's is the email, where eBay clearly says they want the ebay links OFF of HubPages immediately!

    Dear Jeffrey Tymczak

    Examples of your links found on third party sites are:


    http://hubpages.com/hub/Avoid-Fake-Prad … r-Handbags


    http://hubpages.com/hub/Simple-Tricks-f … Golf-Slice

    http://hubpages.com/hub/Beware-of-Desig … -List-Scam

    http://hubpages.com/hub/Proper-Techniqu … -Dogs-Ears

    These are some examples, and not a complete list. We recommend you remove all your links from any site which you do not own. Thank you for your cooperation.


    eBay Partner Network Quality Team

  5. frogdropping profile image74
    frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

    Seriously Jeffery, I would advise you rethink your partnership with them. Ebay are clearly going too far in the way that they treat their affiliates. It's beginning to appear as though it's the worlds worst affiliation partnership.

    The high handed manner, lack of communication and demands are nothing short of disgusting. Further, if the reason that they've asked you to remove yours and, I assume from the email, it relates to the Ebay links not being on a site you own - then Hubpages and hubbers that affiliate are in for an earnings loss. Why would they target one hubber for that reason and no other?

    For those that have already lost or will lose Amazon due to the new tax laws in certain states in the US - this could become a heavy blow indeed.

    I hope that there is an alternate reason and that this is a mistake.

  6. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
    Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years ago

    I emailed them, expecting the usual CANNED reply, asking why would you want a revenue stream deleted from a highly visable site. Then I asked , WHY does Hubpages have the eBay module, IF I CANT USE IT! This was the response I received. I am not a physics major, so if you can decipher the code, let me know what they are trying to tell me, other than they don't want business from Hubpages! I realize I don't OWN Hubpages like they said, so if I don't own it I can not put eBay ads there?????? Here's the email I got back.


    During a recent review, we noticed that you are placing your links on Hubpages. As of August 1, 2009, the eBay Partner Network no longer allows publisher to place links on third party sites. You must own your own domain, and since you do not own Hubpages.com, you are violating our terms of service. We are sending you this message as a warning. Please remove all of your links or you risk the expiry of your account.

    As stated in our code of conduct, section (D) (1), you will not place affiliate links on websites you do not own.

    D.Unacceptable Placements.
    (1)You will only place Links or Promotional Content on sites you own.You will not place Links or Promotional Content on third-party sites, including classifieds sites (including but not limited to Craigslist, Netlog, MySpace), newsgroups, message boards, blogs, comments, link farms, forums, classified ad services, counters, chatrooms or guestbooks.

    Kindly reply to this e-mail once the violation is resolved.
    The eBay Partner Network Quality Team

    1. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
      Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      ps. I am still trying to figure out how to reply, since if I remove the so-called violation, I don't need an eBay account. So, I am sitting here deciding how to dumb my reply down.

  7. Misha profile image66
    Mishaposted 14 years ago

    Did you validate hubpages.com domain on your ebay account?


    1. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
      Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Absolutely, I've had the partner account for 3 years. Using it on my websites, I just starting using it here after I validated it. I thought I was being singles out, but they have NO problem with the ads on all my websites. It's just Hubpages they have a beef with.

      I'm dumbfounded, liking FROGS advice of dumping eBay anyway. If they do not want the business from Hubpages, then I'll give it to Amazon.

    2. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
      Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I wanted to double check, and yes, its validated.

      http://www.hubpages.com    Confirmed    October 15, 2009 4:40:02 PM MST    October 15, 2009 4:39:20 PM MST

  8. frogdropping profile image74
    frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

    Hmmmmm. I suppose that Ebay's reply clears up the reason then. Not good. It would be better if they'd expand on why they no longer allow links on third party sites.

    I don't know what to say. Other than Ebay must have their reasons and beyond that - this, if it it what it appears to be, is going to hit the pockets of those that successfully use Ebay here, plus the site will lose out hmm

    1. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
      Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Right, I'm clueless, they gave me the OK with the validation last October. Now they would rather NOT compete with Amazon ads, they want Amazon to have exclusive Hubpage rights, thats a great business decision if the case.

      I sent them an email if they want the ads OFF Hubpages, I will take it a step further and drop them from all my domains as well, and let Amazon have the whole pie. If I get a reply, I will continue to post updates here.

      ps. Just a note, I have never violated or received any emails concerning a single violation in 3 years with the Partner Program, this was 1st correspondence, so, they isn't anything going on that would warrant a closure, its the very 1st time Ive interacted with the Partner network employees.

  9. sunforged profile image77
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    The why, is often said to be a response to two issues.

    1. Massive affiliate fraud against the ebay partner network, mostly involving cookie stuffing and spamming of aff links at places like craigslist, myspace , comments, etc.

    http://www.searchengineoptimisation.org … -stuffing/

    2.Feeling as if they dont actual need affiliates to promote their brand.(ie. They are a household name in good standing)

    From ebays standpoint, I could see less of a need for affiliates who promote say ipods and laptops, but the real niche affiliates like various collectibles should still be very valuable.

    I was under the impression that both squidoo and HP had been grandfathered. Perhaps a new hire or intern doesnt know that and was just following the letter of the rules during a random compliance test.

    1. frogdropping profile image74
      frogdroppingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I hope you're right sunforged. If not, I'd imagine we'd soon find out as the simplest way for Ebay to enforce the code is to have HP do a site wide clean up and inform hubbers that they no longer have Ebay as a partner affiliate.

      1. sunforged profile image77
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Well, HP is still an ebay aff and they do own the domain. I would rather squeek by for as long as possible then have any massive organized "clean out' !

        The link I provided shows only one side of the case against Shawn, he wrote a very long response to the allegations and explained his relationship with past versions of ePn - he was very detailed ion how compliance worked at that time. If what he explained was true - many ebay using hubbers could get by for quite a long time

  10. frogdropping profile image74
    frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

    @ sunforged and Jeffery - ok, I get it. From what you've said Ebay won't be allowing affiliate links on HP at all then, the code of conduct says what it says. So hubbers that use Ebay on here are kinda stuffed. And it's fine for them to hand the plate to Amazon ... but what about hubbers that can't use Amazon neutral

  11. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
    Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years ago

    I've been getting paid by Partner Network for years, never put there ads on sites with spammy links. I don't think I will be receiving a concise or detailed legible reply, and I have no problem giving Amazon the business. With holidays here, just seems like a brilliant business decision to have eBay products taken off 31 Hubpages.

    I was grandfathered in last year, and have exhausted all the possible reasons as to why they would ask me to take the eBay links off Hubpages.

    I'll begin the switch to Amazon tonight, and keep a look out for some sort of reply and post it here if i do receive one.

    1. lakeerieartists profile image64
      lakeerieartistsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Just curious, have you tried contacting the Hubpages team to see what the official stance is?  Like sunforged said, maybe this is an overzealous new staffer at Ebay.

      1. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
        Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I received the email hours ago, I came here first, usually get advice quick here, Ive contacted Hub and eBay for a better explanation.

  12. lrohner profile image68
    lrohnerposted 14 years ago

    This may sound stupid, but since I don't buy or sell eBay I need to ask. Unless Jeffrey paraphrased the email, I'm a bit surprised at the term "expiry." That's definitely a Brit term that's really not common here in the US. And eBay is US-based. Is there a different division of eBay for the UK that may have gone rogue?

    1. sunforged profile image77
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      thats a good point!

      eBay partners do specifically use geo targetting within campaigns, perhaps the UK ePn branch is enforcing their rules differently than the US team.

      The OP woul dhave to be using direct links that are from a UK campaign for that to happen though - the capsules are probably all US, just like amazon.

    2. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
      Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Definitely NOT paraphrasing. You see the email exactly like I saw it. I have nothing to hide. Just looking for advice.

      1. lrohner profile image68
        lrohnerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry. I wasn't trying to imply that you had anything to hide.

        1. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
          Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          No need to apologize, I just wanted to just clear things up.

  13. Len Cannon profile image85
    Len Cannonposted 14 years ago

    There are a lot of reasons why eBay is problematic, but I looked at some of the Hubs they complained about.  It is worth considering you are placing large, large blocks of eBay capsules in Hubs not dedicated to selling. As you are aware, you get paid per click with EPN so if you are generating one or two sales a week while getting a fair number of clicks from other sources, eBay is going to lose money on the deal.

    This is only really an issue for people who generate enough clicks to fall below the threshold for EPC changes.

  14. Hope Alexander profile image62
    Hope Alexanderposted 14 years ago

    I got the same email.

    As I recall, Hub Pages negotiated (or maybe I am just dreaming this) a truce of sorts for hubbers and ebayers. Perhaps the ceasefire is over.

    Hopefully this is some kind of mistake. It's not that I'm particularly attached to ebay, they make up a very small percentage of my income and to be quite honest, their attitude is irksome, but I have over 1,300 hubs and going through all of them to kill the ebay ad capsules is going to be annoying.

    1. Hope Alexander profile image62
      Hope Alexanderposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I know I'm replying to myself, but I guess  I could just remove my ebay ID from the interface and that would probably take care of the issue.

      1. Ultimate Hubber profile image69
        Ultimate Hubberposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I am afraid that won't help and you'll have to remove the links manually.

        1. Hope Alexander profile image62
          Hope Alexanderposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Why is that? If my ID is not associated with the capsules anymore, then it will be Hub Pages who gets the revenue.

          Surely it's the same as if I removed my AdSense ID, the ads would still be there, but I wouldn't get credit for clicks.

          Anyway, I guess we'll wait for an official announcement, this looks like it has blown up very suddenly indeed.

          1. Ultimate Hubber profile image69
            Ultimate Hubberposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I know that. Previously I thought that you might also want to get the EBay capsules removed from your hubs. You can remove the EBay ID for now to get yourself disassociated with those capsules, but you might want to remove them from your hubs at a later stage so that Adsense can somewhat compensate the losses of Ebay.

            1. Hope Alexander profile image62
              Hope Alexanderposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Oh I definitely will be removing the capsules too. Just as a short term measure, I figured removing the affiliate ID would sort the problem out.

    2. relache profile image67
      relacheposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Unfortunately it would appear you are dreaming for the present moment. 

      In the below post from Paul Edmondson dated four weeks ago, he mentions an upcoming meeting with eBay, but nothing has been definitively reported in regards as to how those discussions resolved.

      http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/55784?p … ost1269155

      1. Hope Alexander profile image62
        Hope Alexanderposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and remove my ID and go about removing all the capsules too. Regardless of the outcome, I don't want to send any more money EBay's way, this to-ing and fro-ing on policy and essentially treating people as if they're disposable doesn't sit well with me.

  15. Susana S profile image93
    Susana Sposted 14 years ago

    @ Jeffrey. I suggest droppping Paul Edmondson an email and letting him know about this.

    1. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
      Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I found Paul, and did send him an email, thanks Susana

  16. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    I really thought that ebay decided that links on HP was okay last year. It's also curious out of the many Hubbers using ebay, only one has reported receiving an email. (This isn't a questioning of your business model at all Jeffrey.) And that this came about after HP and ebay had a meeting. So it isn't a surpise to them that there are Hubbers with ebay links. If any other Hubbers have received such an email, I'd appreciate hearing about it. And please let us know what Paul has to say about this.

    This is very frightening news and I'm very concerned about it.  I have to admit that I haven't written a hub in awhile, because I felt that I was getting too involved with a limited number of revenue streams, and this seems to imply I was right.

  17. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
    Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years ago

    Nelle, I just received an email from Paul, and he assured me he is reaching out to eBay and will get back to me with any news, so, as I get ANY info, I will continue posting here.

    If eBay or HubPages contacts me, I will be sure to keep you guys in the loop.


  18. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    Thanks Jeff, I just visited the ebay discussion boards, and there's several postings about accounts being terminated and investigated. Seems something is going on.

    Good luck with your account and Hubpages

  19. profile image0
    awesome77posted 14 years ago

    Just a question of time, ebay will go the way of myspace. Why do you think amazon is growing like wildfire? because of we affiliates. If not for paypal, they would be losing money. If the ban sticks, all hubbers should just dump ebay and spread the bad news on twitter to make it go viral!

  20. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
    Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years ago

    Part of the reason I came to the forum first, is I get at least some feedback. Still no word from Hub or eBay as of this morning. I'll keep you posted as the information gets to me.

    1. lakeerieartists profile image64
      lakeerieartistsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You probably won't hear anything during the weekend.

  21. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    Jeff I understand your need for company while you wait it out. If I had got that email, I'd be a basket case waiting - in fact, I've got over 1,000 ebay hubs, and I'm worried about this spreading to other hubbers.

    On the bright side, they didn't terminate your account or suspend you.

  22. IzzyM profile image82
    IzzyMposted 14 years ago

    This is worrying news indeed. While not an ebay affiliate, I had planned to get my own domain solely in order to apply for one. But if I can't use it on Hubpages,there's not much point is there?
    I'll be watching this thread with interest.

    1. rebekahELLE profile image83
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Izzy, you can link to your own domain from your hubs. If I were you, I would still try it on your own site.

      1. IzzyM profile image82
        IzzyMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, thanks for that Rebekah smile
        Don't actually have a domain yet, but its sorta in the planning.

        1. Kidgas profile image61
          Kidgasposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I wish you the best if you do decide to pull the trigger on your own domain.  I would certainly advise it if you have the inclination.  I don't feel as if I have the skills yet, but maybe someday.

  23. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    Oh, Izzy of course there's a reason to become a member of ebay - even if you can't use it here. There's a lot of money to be made with your own website. Take what you've learned here and have your own site. It's necessary to diversify in your online marketing.

    1. Kidgas profile image61
      Kidgasposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Nice to see you out and about.

  24. IzzyM profile image82
    IzzyMposted 14 years ago

    Thanks for that Nelle smile
    I've learned a lot from you, you know. Amazon is finally working well for me (it took a long time) and yes you are so right, diversification is so important. Not having all my eggs in one basket so to speak.

  25. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 14 years ago

    Dependency on other business entities sucks…smile

    The only option is to attain non-dependency of such.

    I still have not been able to obtain that; but I am still d@mn well trying.smile

  26. adrienne2 profile image65
    adrienne2posted 14 years ago

    This is totally wild I can't understand Ebay's reasonsing behind a move such as this.  It is financially dumb, I only use amazon, but this only hurts Ebay's bottom line figures. Perhaps they have other plans for Ebay's future.

  27. Maddie Ruud profile image71
    Maddie Ruudposted 14 years ago

    We did hear back from EBay, and they are working to stop these messages while we negotiate a larger agreement with them.

  28. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
    Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years ago

    Hi Guys!!! I just received an email from eBay Partner Network. Thanks for everyone for all your input while I waiting for this reply...........

    Here's the email in its entirety.

    Dear Jeffrey Tymczak,

    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention; we apologize for the confusion and will reach out to Hubpages directly. You are not required to take any actions regarding this issue at this time, and we will be in touch with you if we have additional requests. We apologize for any inconvenience.


    eBay Partner Network Quality Team

    1. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
      Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If I receive any further info from eBay or HubPages I will be sure to continue the updates.  Jeff

      1. lakeerieartists profile image64
        lakeerieartistsposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  29. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 14 years ago

    I'm glad they reached out to you Jeff.

    They are working on making sure they don't send notices for having an ebay id on HubPages. 

    It's possible that you get one, if you do, let us know.  We hope that we have a full ebay plan in the next month.  It may take a bit to roll it out.

    1. Jeffrey Tymczak profile image60
      Jeffrey Tymczakposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Paul, thank you, and the Hubpages team for jumping on this over the weekend, and getting me answers lightning fast. I appreciate all your help, and the rest of the Hubpages team that emailed me.

      Amazing to see how fast you guys got me answers, and how fast eBay replied.

      Thanks again for helping me with this issue!!!


    2. lakeerieartists profile image64
      lakeerieartistsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am very glad to hear this Paul.  I have been doing quite well with Ebay, and one of my niches was developed specifically for Ebay sales, so I was starting to get a little worried.

      It is always great to see the Hubpages Staff at work,and how responsive you guys are to these sensitive issues.  It is hard to build an income or career when you always have to be worried about covering the crumbling back end. 

      Thanks again.

  30. okmom23 profile image67
    okmom23posted 14 years ago

    I will be following this thread as I was just about to apply to e-bay! I am glad everything has been worked out.

  31. Hope Alexander profile image62
    Hope Alexanderposted 14 years ago

    I also got that 'oops, sorry' email from EBay. Hurray.

  32. profile image0
    bluetiger1520posted 14 years ago

    I also been having trouble with ebay.

  33. Susana S profile image93
    Susana Sposted 14 years ago

    Nice one Paul! I'm hoping that someday soon I will be able to get an epn account.

    Great to hear that you got a positive message from Ebay Jeff smile

  34. profile image0
    shazwellynposted 14 years ago

    Ebay are definately in trouble and it seems that this is an affiliate cost cutting exercise.

    1. lakeerieartists profile image64
      lakeerieartistsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Do you have any evidence of Ebay being in trouble?

  35. Dale Mazurek profile image63
    Dale Mazurekposted 14 years ago

    Oh the wonderful world of EBay

    Hello everyone, long time no talk.  I see eBay may just be at it again.

    Funny thing is it is about a year ago that eBay cancelled my account.  No warning, nothing.  Just couldnt log in one day.  Funny thing is that month they owed us about ten grand.

    There was no explanation or anything.  Many of you were around during that episode and I am sorry now I have nothing good to say about eBay.  Hell they still owe us money and I cant even imagine how well we would be doing if we werent kicked to the curb.

    Just be careful and dont get too dependant on eBay money because it will get snatched away.


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