The Official HubPages Contest 30 Day Challenge

Jump to Last Post 101-119 of 119 discussions (242 posts)
  1. BigSeanR profile image76
    BigSeanRposted 13 years ago

    Hi Everyone!

    I am new and challenging myself to do this. I published my 1st hub yesterday so I am amped to do more.

    1. daffodil2010 profile image71
      daffodil2010posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      welcome to the hubpages!

  2. Cameron Dean profile image60
    Cameron Deanposted 13 years ago

    I love HubPages, I recently joined count me in!

  3. daffodil2010 profile image71
    daffodil2010posted 13 years ago

    i am also excited for the contest! looking forward the winners!

  4. workingmomwm profile image77
    workingmomwmposted 13 years ago

    Okay. I just wanted to say that this is really, really hard! So far, I'm at a grand total of 8 hubs published this month. I'm going to try to publish two more today ... That'll only leave me one behind on the count. Then maybe I can get back on track.

  5. skellie profile image71
    skellieposted 13 years ago

    I did not want to do this but I have to pull out of the 30 challenge. I am sitting here very sick, having trouble even writing this. My whole house is sick, including my 1 year old.

    I just can't sit here and get number 11 typed up. Thanks for the challenge though, it has been great fun.

    Good luck everyone big_smile

    Cheers skellie

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, get well soon, skellie!!  And best wishes to your family!

  6. Simone Smith profile image82
    Simone Smithposted 13 years ago

    Hey y'all! How you holding up?  We're getting pretty close to halfway through- any strategies working particularly well for you?  I've started working my way through niches to help me keep publishing.  ^_^

  7. Cardisa profile image90
    Cardisaposted 13 years ago

    I am now laughing at myself for leaving out the Aprilchalenge tag for the last 11 hubs I published. Well so much for trying!

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hahaa, you can always add them retroactively big_smile

  8. mcimicata profile image61
    mcimicataposted 13 years ago

    I will admit that I used to solely use Hubpages for backlinks to my InfoBarrel articles, but seeing how profitable they are makes me want to write hubs for the purpose of making money along with writing articles for InfoBarrel. I am currently publishing 2 hubs/day with long tail keywords, so I think I will begin participating in this challenge!

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, nice!!

  9. mcdevices profile image61
    mcdevicesposted 13 years ago

    hah it is great

  10. MisterTruffle profile image70
    MisterTruffleposted 13 years ago

    I've just entered the challenge, after realising it's 30 in total rather than 1 every day.  It's pretty late in the month, so I'm not sure I'll be able to do it, but I'll give it a go!

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Eh, you could always switch it up to one a day for the rest of the month, or 18 by the end of the month, or whatever seems reasonable big_smile

  11. tenaciousgui profile image60
    tenaciousguiposted 13 years ago

    wow this sounds awesome! it's like a retreat but wayyyy better

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah! A retreat-marathon!

  12. BethanRose profile image57
    BethanRoseposted 13 years ago

    I'm really enjoying Hubpages and think this writing contest is a great way to motivate everyone to make new hubs! I won the daily drawing last week and I am very grateful for it! Really loving Hubpages!!!smile

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats again on that Daily Drawing win!

  13. Simone Smith profile image82
    Simone Smithposted 13 years ago

    For those of you still in the challenge, way to go!  We're in the home stretch - don't give up yet! big_smile

  14. Londonlady profile image89
    Londonladyposted 13 years ago

    The contest is great! I'd never thought I'd win, I guess it really is about writing something in a specific niche!

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, totally.  And congrats on the win!

  15. Glamorously Jacob profile image60
    Glamorously Jacobposted 13 years ago

    I'm in. I'm currently on Hub 27 this month. smile

    1. AEvans profile image72
      AEvansposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I am so happy for you! big_smile Go for 50! smile

      1. Glamorously Jacob profile image60
        Glamorously Jacobposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you Julianna! The goal is 500 by the end of the year!

        1. Simone Smith profile image82
          Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Hooooly cow- that's impressive!! Way to go!

  16. SimeyC profile image81
    SimeyCposted 13 years ago

    Well I didn't actually go for the 30 challenge as I didn't feel that I could create 30 quality hubs in 30 days - I did manage to create 16 hubs though that I consider up there with my best - pretty pleased with that, and amazed how the competition has made me focus on quality, research, content and Twinkies *grin* - great competition, shame it's about to end - look forward to the next one!

  17. pranav k profile image57
    pranav kposted 13 years ago

    when does the next 30 days challenge start? and what do i have to do to join in?

  18. txngalMT profile image60
    txngalMTposted 13 years ago

    What will happen if I don't take the 30 days challenge?  I got an e-mail challenge two days later when I signed up for hubpages.  I couldn't be online all day 24/7 and I am trying my best to post articles consistently.  I am hoping that not participating with the 30 days challenge affect my hubscores.

    1. txngalMT profile image60
      txngalMTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      To add to my last comment, I have been out of town/vacation.

  19. wendi_w profile image61
    wendi_wposted 13 years ago

    Does the 30 day challenge start over every month, and can anyone join. I started out loving hubpages but then life got out of control for about a year. I'm back and have decided to do this on my own, but if I was entered in a challenge that would really keep me honest .. so does it start over every month and can anyone participate.

    1. earner profile image83
      earnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It runs forever.  You can start on any date you want.  There's no start/stop date.  It's 30 days from when you decide to start.


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