Calling all Comics......Both male and female

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  1. Cardisa profile image92
    Cardisaposted 13 years ago

    Will all the humorists sign in here with a link to one of your funniest hubs so all who wish for a laugh could read?

    1. Rochelle Frank profile image92
      Rochelle Frankposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I have a few-- but am thinking that posting a link would be self promotional. Maybe we could post a subject or two, like "purseless", "mop" or "In your bra" and people could search under our profile for hubs. I don't know, that may be promotional, too.

      1. Cardisa profile image92
        Cardisaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Rochelle, I have read a couple of your less serious work. You forgot to mention "ways to save on gas"

        Thanks for posting will check you out.

  2. Greg Sage profile image39
    Greg Sageposted 13 years ago

    And while you're at it, could seekers of good old-fashioned practical career advice PLEASE stop hitting the "funny" button after reading … h-Hubpages

    It's getting ridiculous.

    Thank you.

    1. Cardisa profile image92
      Cardisaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Greg...heard about you....will definitely check out your hub.

    2. theherbivorehippi profile image65
      theherbivorehippiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps you may want to read the forum rules

      @ Cardisa...definitely not a good idea to suggest others to offer one of their own links. New Hubbers may not be aware that this violates forum rules. smile

      1. mega1 profile image80
        mega1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I don't interpret the rules that way - you are asked not to post a thread with the intent to promote your own hubs, but we have asked others for their hub contributions to subject matter several times and no problem from HP staff about doing so.  We've often suggested that other hubbers read a hub of ours when it pertains to the subject being discussed, the distinction is just not to post a thread for that purpose.

        1. theherbivorehippi profile image65
          theherbivorehippiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Your interpretation doesn't make it right....why do you think links are snipped so often? If Hubbers want a Hub read, the link should be posted in Extreme Makeover. Starting these threads for the sole purpose of self-promoting is well....self-promoting. Not sure why you don't understand this or how you see that it's different?

          I also think there is a huge difference of providing a link if it is important or meaningful to the topic at hand. Simply posting links for no apparent reason is completely different.

          1. mega1 profile image80
            mega1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I see what you mean, I know the moderators do snip away at hub links - and even when the person posting it didn't start the thread themselves - so I stand corrected.  You'll never catch me being all self-promoting! except in forum correct ways, of course.  big_smile

  3. mega1 profile image80
    mega1posted 13 years ago

    One of my favorite subjects is the language, or especially slang - so I've written a couple on slang I refuse to use anymore and slang I must stop using - etc.

    oh, and I like being called a "funny woman" but I'm not a "comic" because to me a comic is a comic book like Marvel comics - superman, batman, wonderwoman, etc.  so I'm not technically a comic, although some do think I'm funny. 

    I have also written hubs about nagging and ways to deal with romantic rejection.  But I think my very funniest hub is about turkeys - and there is a video where they do the funny things - I'm just along for the ride.

  4. profile image0
    Sherlock221bposted 13 years ago

    I haven't written a comedy hub yet, but am intending to write one about my favourite comedienne - Victoria Wood, so here are some links to her work.

    1. theherbivorehippi profile image65
      theherbivorehippiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This is a great idea for a topic! I don't think it's been covered at all so it would be an original here for sure!

    2. earnestshub profile image71
      earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Sherlock, I watched them all.
      Hilarious!!! lol lol lol

  5. Cardisa profile image92
    Cardisaposted 13 years ago

    I really hope I am not breaking any rules here...

    A couple of months ago I saw a post calling all poets...I am a poet but really love comedy so I thought of calling all the comics so we could read and have some fun.

    1. mega1 profile image80
      mega1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I know, that thread is quite successful, and I think the moderators approve this kind of thread which is why I defend the idea, even if I am afraid to get a link snipped.  I could really use a good laugh today.

      1. Cardisa profile image92
        Cardisaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Have you read any thing form Shadesbreath, Greg Sage, Rochelle Frank, Mark Ewbie or The Greek One?

        Check them out, they're good, guaranteed to crack you up.

        1. Greg Sage profile image39
          Greg Sageposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Shade's bedpan one cracks me up.

          I haven't read the "saving on gas" one mentioned, but I will.

        2. mega1 profile image80
          mega1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I fell in love with the Greek One because of his Elmer Fudd series - and I've read some of the others you mentioned too - comedy is a life-saver.

  6. Greg Sage profile image39
    Greg Sageposted 13 years ago

    I find it laughable that anyone would fault Cardisa in this situation.

    Surely there are more relevant beans to count elsewhere.

    1. theherbivorehippi profile image65
      theherbivorehippiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You would find this laughable.....still not a bad idea to familiarize yourself with forum rules.

      1. Greg Sage profile image39
        Greg Sageposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I won't bother responding to what you wrote due to the fact that you just changed your post to delete your usual personal insult.

        In the half dozen threads I've seen you in recently, you've managed to insult 5 HP members personally, and be consistently patronizing throughout.

        So... kudos.  You had something nice to toss into the mix this time abut sherlock's idea.

        Baby steps.

        It even took you three whole posts to toss out your usual personal insult.

        ... and then edit it.

        Fortunately as usual, we have you to point out how stupid we all are.

        1. Cardisa profile image92
          Cardisaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Cool it guys, this forum is about fun.......we find fun hubs to laugh about.

        2. theherbivorehippi profile image65
          theherbivorehippiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You're right...I did change my reply because I was trying to be polite. I never try to make anyone feel stupid. I go out of my way on these forums to help people..sorry you may not visit the same threads as I do. I certainly did not insult you in my first response here..I simply pointed you in the right direction of the reading the forum rules. If you find that insulting, you need to grow some thicker skin or grow up or something. Seriously, this isn't elementary school.

          Even after reading your reply I left a cordial response. I don't know who you think you are but Hubbers here know me and they know that I am not the insulting or rude type of person. I get along with nearly everyone on here....except you. If you continue with your rude remarks toward me, I will simply report you. No big deal.

          1. Greg Sage profile image39
            Greg Sageposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Apologies, Cardisa, but it's happened multiple times lately, and I just didn't appreciate reading yet another unprovoked personal attack form someone who then quickly deletes it to cover their tracks.

            Attacking someone personally who is not attempting to converse with you in any way is not "stating the obvious.

            It's just obnoxious.

            Realizing your hostility is misdirected because you misunderstood something, and reacting by becoming more hostile isn't standing firm.

            It's just immature.

            Doing so again in another thread just days later and then deleting it to cover your tracks isn't taking the high road.

            It's just dishonest.

            Threatening to report someone for being "rude" by pointing out those facts isn't protecting HP's virtue.

            It's just childish.

            If a stranger kicks me in the balls while I'm minding my own business then pretends they didn't do it, am I being "rude" by saying "ouch?"

            So be it.

            Assuming hipi isn't busy trying to save us all from our stupidity by reporting us all to shut down this thread, I will add that I find Ewbie's tone to be pretty consistently funny on just about any topic.

  7. earnestshub profile image71
    earnestshubposted 13 years ago

    I have written a few hubs that I think are funny. Some intentionally! lol

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