Why do some hubbers just insult you?

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  1. Michele Travis profile image68
    Michele Travisposted 12 years ago

    It is strange, but some hubbers jus seem to insult other hubbers, no matter what the subject is.  What would they do if they met the same person face to face?  Would they be as rude?  Has any hubber done this on a regular basis?

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
      prettydarkhorseposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      oh don't be affected by it. What matters most is how you see yourself. Maybe they have a problem.

    2. paradigmsearch profile image61
      paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Rudeness is usually a strong indicator that the person is currently living a miserable life.

      1. MelissaBarrett profile image58
        MelissaBarrettposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You would say that... y'mamma wears blue swirly cosmos thingies.

        1. paradigmsearch profile image61
          paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      2. chamilj profile image58
        chamiljposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        paradigmsearch you are 100% correct.

    3. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good writers are always very sensitive folks who see rudeness in everything others say.  Congratulations!     (joking)  smile

      1. Michele Travis profile image68
        Michele Travisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        lol,  I am not hubbing about me,  just about what I have been reading.  I am not a good writer at all!

    4. rbe0 profile image59
      rbe0posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think when most people feel insulted it is just misunderstanding.

    5. A Troubled Man profile image58
      A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Absolutely, the forums have hubbers who insult our intelligence with almost every post they make. It's difficult to say whether they do it in real life or not, but it would stand to reason that they probably do.

      1. Pcunix profile image83
        Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I certainly TRY to insult people's intelligence.  Unfortunately, sometimes there is just too little material to work with and the recipient will plainly not be able to truly appreciate what I'd like to offer.   It's frustrating for both of us when the little birdie flies right over their little head. 

        On the other hand, a slightly misplaced sense of humor has caused people to think they were viciously maligned when nothing of the sort was intended.  This can lead to the "rebound insult" - not initially intended, but since they seem to be expecting abuse, perhaps it is deserved after all.

        1. A Troubled Man profile image58
          A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this


  2. calpol25 profile image60
    calpol25posted 12 years ago

    You get used to people doing that Michele, but the best thing is to know that if they insult you its because they are insecure and unable to face what ever was said on an adult level. smile

    1. Cardia profile image69
      Cardiaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I completely agree!

  3. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 12 years ago

    No manners.

  4. profile image0
    The Writers Dogposted 12 years ago

    They are jealous of other people, their talent and abilites. Rather than put in the time and effort to get themselves up to the same level as the person they are insulting, they would rather try and bring them down to their own level.

    1. calpol25 profile image60
      calpol25posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well said TWD glad to see you about smile

      1. profile image0
        The Writers Dogposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        HI calpol... The time zones do allow for the odd almost real time interaction smile

        1. calpol25 profile image60
          calpol25posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I know what you mean there hun, its 1am here x

  5. mega1 profile image78
    mega1posted 12 years ago

    I'm sure there have been a few insults intended toward me, but I'm so thick I probably didn't absorb them!  I'm blissfully unaware - although I have witnessed some scabby remarks aimed at others -  I think the phenomenon of talking to people on very personal opinions without actually seeing them is what does it.  It's like when I was a receptionist and people would be really rude on the phone, but if they ever showed up at the office to my face they'd be nice as pie!  People pass on the stress the get.  It's too bad.  Best to ignore those ones - they're usually sock puppets anyway!  big_smile

    1. Michele Travis profile image68
      Michele Travisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That makes a lot of sense, by the way, you have a very cute cat.

      1. profile image0
        The Writers Dogposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Newbie question... What is a sock puppet?

        1. calpol25 profile image60
          calpol25posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Here in britain its a toy and also an insult toward some one as if refering that they are like a piece of the male anatomy smile

        2. Randy Godwin profile image59
          Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Someone who uses an alternate account to hide their identity when posting in the forums.  They may also be referred to as chickens**ts.  But not by me, of course! lol

          1. calpol25 profile image60
            calpol25posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            lol I did not know that smile

        3. Michele Travis profile image68
          Michele Travisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Sorry,  I did not know what the answer was, so I looked it up.  Randy was right.  There are a few,  not a lot.  Being a newbie it made me courious.

        4. rbe0 profile image59
          rbe0posted 12 years agoin reply to this


          Pay no attention to the man behind the puppet...

          1. calpol25 profile image60
            calpol25posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I still prefer it as a british insult lol lol lol

            1. profile image0
              The Writers Dogposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks everyone!  I am with calpol25.

              1. calpol25 profile image60
                calpol25posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                lol I knew you would, your as bad as me  lol

    2. Michele Travis profile image68
      Michele Travisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      And how you put smiley faces on your posts?  I am still learning how to hub.

      1. mega1 profile image78
        mega1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        the cat is an internet cat (purloined from a funny pictures site) not mine!  But I love it.

        there are all kinds of formatting tricks including smiley faces - click on the bold face formatting button at the bottom right of the post a reply window - to see how to make formatting changes and also how to add images and stuff.  If you want to add one of your own photos - click the add photo (blue) button.


        I know its too early for valentines - but I love this!  Consider it your christmas present.  big_smile

        1. Michele Travis profile image68
          Michele Travisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          ok smile

    3. schoolgirlforreal profile image75
      schoolgirlforrealposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't do it, but that's just me.

  6. Michele Travis profile image68
    Michele Travisposted 12 years ago


    hope this works!

  7. yui lockhart profile image60
    yui lockhartposted 12 years ago

    What I do to that cynics is I just take their criticism at a better perspective. You can't force anyone to think what you want to, but you can always control your thoughts. If someone tends to be rude, don't be offended by it. Maybe they don't mean it, or maybe it has other meaning to you. smile

    1. Michele Travis profile image68
      Michele Travisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you,  what I have noticed however, it is only a few who do this.  Interesting....

      1. yui lockhart profile image60
        yui lockhartposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I will make a hub about this to help you more. Thanks for the feedback! smile

  8. profile image53
    mame8posted 12 years ago

    they're probably bored or they're just envy

    1. schoolgirlforreal profile image75
      schoolgirlforrealposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      childish and stupid.

  9. ThoughtPolice profile image60
    ThoughtPoliceposted 12 years ago

    Everyone keep calm... I am here to help. I will be making pre-emptive arrest from now on. This should not be happeneing ever again.

  10. Chuck Bluestein profile image64
    Chuck Bluesteinposted 12 years ago

    I have a hub that says that all relationships are based on a saying. The saying is "Misery loves company." So like someone mentioned, the miserable people are trying to you miserable. There is even a song about this by Taylor Swift: Mean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYa1eI1hpDE&ob=av2e

    So I am giving you an entertaining video so what does that tell you about me?

    1. ThoughtPolice profile image60
      ThoughtPoliceposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry guys I have to put myself in jail after watching that video...
      Your all on your own now.

  11. skyfire profile image74
    skyfireposted 12 years ago

    I don't know if you noticed this or not but in political and religious forums people comment about something that they're not aware of purely based on their perception of things in the world. Take example of astrology thread in forums where OP thinks anyone who is not in agreement with astrology is either not aware of astrology being science or if they know it then they should agree that it is science. WTF is that? We're not in medieval age to accept any random hippy coming out of the blue and claiming something by relating it with religion and tells us what is for real and what isn't. I take that as insult and would love to refute it in more aggressive manner as this type of 'pseudo intellectual religious' mental disease is killing people and progress of our society. Take another example, If any bible lover talks about biology and particle physics by relating it with bible and not with the real facts then hey, that guy or gal needs to take insult for this type of stupidity. Sorry we don't live in fantasy world.

    1. Pcunix profile image83
      Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      But isn't that part of it too?

      When the theist or astrologist is told that their belief is utterly ridiculous and irrational, they feel insulted.

      We are supposed to say "Oh, sure, that COULD be true and it's perfectly reasonable that you believe that". 

      When we don't, we insult simply by being realistic.

      1. MelissaBarrett profile image58
        MelissaBarrettposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I thought you were a liberal... Aren't we all about tolerance and acceptance?

        1. Jane Bovary profile image87
          Jane Bovaryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Being liberal is about supporting people's right to believe what they want but it's NOT about insulating those beliefs from criticism. At least, it shouldn't be...

          1. skyfire profile image74
            skyfireposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        2. Pcunix profile image83
          Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Tolerance?  I tolerate everyone's right to believe whatever fool thing they want.  I'm not going to pretend it isn't foolish, though.

      2. skyfire profile image74
        skyfireposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        At the end of the day, reality wins.

  12. MelissaBarrett profile image58
    MelissaBarrettposted 12 years ago

    Wow, no one can take a joke this morning smile  Think I'll go pick up the wrapping paper.

    1. Pcunix profile image83
      Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      But it is not a joke to many.  They think that we have to show respect for their beliefs.

  13. mega1 profile image78
    mega1posted 12 years ago

    I read this in a Saul Bellow book and it fits in here:

    Q: What is the difference between intelligence and indifference?

    A: I don't know, and I don't care!

    Have a happy holiday everyone!

  14. yui lockhart profile image60
    yui lockhartposted 12 years ago

    hi fellow hubbers! I wrote a hub about this and it might help you.
    <snipped - no promotional links in the forums>

    1. FalconSays profile image60
      FalconSaysposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What a lame thread.
      Ha!  My turn.  Insult me back.  I need a good spank'n

  15. Cardia profile image69
    Cardiaposted 12 years ago

    I think I experienced that for the first time yesterday, while making a post in the Forums. Someone replied to my topic, not really answering my initial question, but they worded it in such a way that I couldn't tell if they were just being 'wordy' or were trying to make me sound like I'm lazy and I don't know what I'm doing. I can't help but feel that I was being snubbed though.


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