Did Google have another "adjustment" today? I was down a few weeks ago and then went way up only to plummet today....This is tiresome.
Nope my views are normal. But, I don't know who pinned one of my hubs and I got 30 views (Its small but this hub used to get just 1 - 2 views a day).
Actually I got increased google traffic yesterday
I am sorry to hear your views have plummeted again Stacie! Still, at least you've been seeing your subdomain soaring too! And you know it'll come back again:)
This might be the reason: Google Panda 3.3 Confirmed. http://www.seroundtable.com/google-panda-33-14803.html. They just did an algorithm refresh. That's all. But this might be the reason behind sudden decrease/increase in pageviews.
My high and low averages are substantially lower than they were a few months ago, but it's been a very slow decline. Today looks like the usual upwards swing for the beginning of the work week.
Same here. I don't know whether to worry about this seemingly slow steady decline, or....
Is this just my normal Jan/Feb? I have a fair number of hubs related to Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I have good traffic in Nov/Dec. Maybe this makes Jan/Feb feel worse than it is.
I dropped two days ago as well....and was hoping to recover quickly like last time. Instead, it continues to slowly drop more and more. I can't take the up-and-down this profile is constantly going through. I could deal with mediocre traffic...at least then it would be predictable. I cannot stand to go from 800 views to 100 views in the blink of an eye over-and-over again. It's so disheartening. Again, traffic on other profiles, websites and Wizzley are unaffected. I think I may just need to retire this profile and shift things around. Must find the time. I feel like I'm fighting a lost cause with this one.
If my theory is right about this being the sandbox effect, then it should all settle down 12 months after your changed to subdomains, so hardly worth moving stuff off your subdomain at this point.
Wouldn't HP have some stats on these type things? You'd think they could compare similar accounts and get some kind of read on the average time it took for accounts to rebound from being sandboxed or slapped. But then, the sub-domains haven't been in effect for a year yet. Ah well....
I wish my crystal ball was confirming your theory, but unfortunately, it's being unresponsive. I can only hope you're right.
I don't know Izzy, I think I'm going to have to shut this profile down. I just dipped under 100 views for 24 hours. This profile is at 85 views to be exact. It was well over 800 this time last week....which was still way down from where it was months ago. My top Hub that has always held the number one spot on Google is now on page two. That hub earns me the majority of my Adsense income everyday. I have to do something. I'm going to give it a couple days and see if it bounces back, but at this point...I can't just sit around and wait. It is affecting a good portion of my Adsense income. So frustrated right now.
The trouble about moving them is that your new account may well see the swings too, and it will still have to wait a year before it'll settle down.
I think maybe the answer is to have several hub accounts gong at the same time, and spread all your new hubs over them so that one doesn't end up being a main account.
As well as having accounts at other places all over the web.
Then when one goes down, it isn't a disaster.
I have a handful. The others are fine. They are niche though so none of these Hubs will move to them nicely. I deleted some old stuff...although I hate doing this because sometimes these old crappy hubs earn me the biggest clicks, but whatever. I think some stuff I can move to a few sites, when I have the time. I don't want to give up on this profile....selfishly, I just don't want to give up one of my accolades. Maybe I'll shift stuff and strip this down to bare bones, with only the best Hubs, and try to rebuild.
How is this profile of yours doing? I love your new sandbox hub. I read it yesterday...I was just so mad, I couldn't leave a comment. lol
This profile is a waste of space to be honest. I've just gone through a huge bunch of hubs deleting yet more Amazon capsules. I also spent the last few days writing extra paragraphs or two to the lowest performing hubscores.
I even almost completely re-wrote one hub, turning it from a 500 word blurb into a 2,000 word comprehensive article. Its hubscore is flying up, if nothing else. No-one has viewed it yet!
I think it has all to do with links.
That may well explain why it was thought at one time that rss feeds may be to blame, but I'm not so sure.
RSS feeds to your own hubs are internal links, and I have a feeling it is external links that are the problem.
I would have thought Amazon capsules were outgoing external links, and not incoming ones, but who knows?
My other subdomains are just fine. My first one had been sandboxed, although I didn't realise until its views suddenly shot up a few days ago. The rest are just starting to get Google traffic.
I have no RSS feeds. Still dropping. I'm so mad, I'm almost humored by it. My views are going to be at zero soon. Maybe I should pull all my Amazon off most of my Hubs. But, then again, there's Amazon on the other profiles. All I can do is shake my head at this point. As angry as I am, I know my traffic is nowhere near yours, and how much you have been affected.
Don't worry about me LOL, I am so used to not seeing traffic I have forgotten what it is!
Well I have further reduced my Amazon links, and now just need to wait and see if that helps.
I would have preferred the fluctuating traffic you and a lot of others have seen, to having it go down and stay down.
Then again I do have a lot of Amazon hubs.
Oh well...I'm sure everything will settle down by the time our subdomains are a year old.
Sometimes my hubs have major swings in views. The past few days one of my hubs that hadn't been getting any views has suddenly spiked. I have no idea why, but it's views are way up. I think from time to time things just happen.
This isn't a traffic swing. I've had a hub see over 100,000 views in one day thanks to Facebook; that was a traffic swing. This is something far worse that some of us have been dealing with for several months. Having your traffic drop nearly 90 percent and stay down is hardly a swing.
Have you had this happen on other sites?
I wrote a very long hub and my traffic dropped...it doesn't make sense.
Nope. Just this profile. My other profiles here, which are all small niche ones, are fine. All my Wizzley articles are fine. My websites and blogs are fine...neglected lately, but fine. Just this profile. It saddens me. This profile makes more than almost everything else combined. *Clears throat*...I mean...it DID make more.
A few weeks ago, my traffic dropped to just about nothing. It bummed me the hell out, because it was around my birthday and I had posted what I thought would be an interesting hub about high school gang movies. I barely got anything and since I get most of my hits from google, I was flustered.
Well, about a week ago, everything picked up significantly and that hub got a whole bunch of hits along with others. Damn google. Why do they continue to mess with us like this?
I checked some hubs and searched them on Bing,Yahoo and Google and guess what?
Bing and Yahoo have them on the first page,first position.Google doesn't even show them.WHY?
This is what I saw when first sandboxed, Stacie! Most of my hubs get more Yahoo and Bing traffic now than Google.
Yes that is definitely a symptom of the sandbox. Check out the hub I just wrote about it and see if you tick all the boxes.
Its more like litter box as far as I'm concerned. I've seen a pattern here. it seems some hubbers get turns at traffic...
my other sites are first on all search engines...this site is being punished or only some of us are...
lol..."symptoms" of the sandbox. I giggled when I read that Hub yesterday. Yes giggled, cried, yelled...all at the same time.
I'm going to go spam twitter and pinterest some more...
all we can do is laugh...or move our work elsewhere?
I don't use title tuner...i check the keywords and use my judgement for good titles.
So much for the Title Tuner...
"Something went wrong. Please try again. And when you get a chance, you may want to report this issue in the Hubpages forums."
"504 Gateway Time-out
ooooh, what I love about the title tuner is that if I listen to it and change a title, it always gives me the original title next time it says it needs tuning. I stopped playing that game of chase, I was never going to catch my tail.
At least I'm in good company down here at the bottom.
The more my traffic drops, the higher my author score goes. I'll probably hit 100 before the weekend is over. I am confused... Cheerful, but confused...
Another placid day. I shall dedicate the weekend to my next new hub.
I don't believe that my traffic is dropping again...I've wrote another long hub, reduced ads, eliminated links, cleaned up hubs and added more info and still.
I know I sound like a broken record...
I'm beginning to feel like a "downright zero"! Some of the expert hubbers who left after losing thousands of dollars a month after the first Panda slap said this would happen eventually despite going to subs. Perhaps they were correct. Alas, alack, alone, aloha!
Why is it just happening to some of us though?
Why is it not site-wide? That's what I don't get.
Too bad we have no one to ask. At least, anyone who knows the answer, that is. Poor us!
You don't think we suck as writers, do you? C'mon, I can take it, Izzy!
Yes we suck. Our writing doesn't read well aloud, don't you know?
I was actually starting to believe that, till I saw my new subdomains taking off - hey Google, same author y'know!
I expect that I will never be particularly successful. Whether the proper word is "suck" is debatable; I'm more of the opinion that there is simply a tremendous amount of competition and while mediocre was once sufficient, it no longer is. Even mildly talented isn't going to cut it today.
I'm ok with that. Whatt other choice is there?
To suck? Or not to suck? That is the question.
I have decided to de-suck just a little. I just now went and deleted my Snooki hub. The hub was a year old. Had only 12 views in the last month, and they probably were all mine.
Wow, 12 vues! U must rite gud! Watts ur secrete?
I'm not ever going to make it to 100 hubs at this rate.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. I had 5 times the traffic and earnings when I only had about 70 hubs. Go figure!
Some of us still luv u, Randy-- though you seem intent on endearing yourself to fewer and fewer people.
Thanks Rochelle! That's strange, it seems fewer and fewer people are intent on endearing themselves to me too! I think there may be a pattern here somewhere! But I'm just having fun!
My traffic had a mini-surge at the weekend, but it has been gradually dropping all today, although it's not yet quite the drastic wipeout when my search engine traffic disappeared altogether for a week last Autumn. Deep breath. Fingers crossed.
Is it time to leave and take the hubs with me?
Google doesntlike HP or me,right now...
I would say no. I am still hopeful that this stage will pass, though I fully expect it to last a full year after the introduction of subdomains.
Hold on a bit, Stacie! If things don't pick up fairly quick we can stage a mass walkout. Besides, we get more company in here everyday. I want some of those who have been saying it's something we've done wrong to let me cover them up with sand. Right before the tide comes in!
Talking about sand and the tide coming in - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … ksand.html
Here's Google's official announcement.
http://insidesearch.blogspot.com/2012/0 … anges.html
Thanks for that link Paradigm,
One bullet discussed is the Link evaluation
"Link evaluation. We often use characteristics of links to help us figure out the topic of a linked page. We have changed the way in which we evaluate links; in particular, we are turning off a method of link analysis that we used for several years. We often rearchitect or turn off parts of our scoring in order to keep our system maintainable, clean and understandable."
and I found this forum http://www.webmasterworld.com/link_deve … 422579.htm
This is really ridiculous! My views have gone down too... I sincerely hope that taking up the hub challenge works well for me.
My hub views are about average, recently I vary between 2200-2900 a day..most coming from several hubs
Traffic falls have stopped for me and there has been a minor rally. So hopefully it's just a (major) blip, while Google tweak their algo.
Here's a link from yesterday [2-28] confirming Panda is currently running.
There is an interesting video over on the right sidebar-
Panda had a birthday on the 24th.
Interesting news. It might take a few days or more to see what's happening.
I was very happy when my traffic jumped to pre-xmas levels on Sunday. Then it dived and I was seriously worried it would drop down all the way. But it has stabilized for the moment at a level that is slightly worse than it was last week. I can live with that, but it's not as good as an increase.
My hope is that i might see a gradual increase over the coming days and weeks, but that's maybe wishful thinking. I have done a lot of editing work , though, so I think i deserve it! :-)
Mine have all dropped in views to basically nothing at all. For example, one hub that had up around 100 views a day is now sitting around 2 views a day.
I just got my Hubweekly and it says my traffic is down 60.4%. I'm figuring it closer to 80%...one of us is way off.
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