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Updated on September 20, 2018

Carl Sagan, the first Deep State Science Shill to become a TV Celebrity, also told us about the BAMBOOZLE FACTOR.

The vast majority of the world's population have been successfully BAMBOOZLED (fooled or deceived) by the Deep State's Propaganda Machine with regard to many things. However, perhaps the biggest lie ever "sold" to us by The Deep State's Propaganda Machine ( which originated with Dr. Sigmund Freud and his nephew, The Father of Propaganda (Public Relations), Dr. Edward Bernays of The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations) is the Lie that God is a myth or not real. They want us to believe that God is much like The Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy, something one may find interesting, fun to play around with, but only just fantasy, not actually real.

While The Leaders of The Deep State (The War Bankers, Illuminati, or Global Mafia) hate God and everything relating to God, they have also known for hundreds, if not thousands, of years that most people both love and honor some form of God. However, the God that the Deep State hates the most is the God of Moses, the same God that Jesus honored.

The God of Moses is hated so much by The Global Mafia because of the 10 Commandments, the 10 Laws of Human Behavior given to Moses on Mt. Sinai by God, himself. According to these 10 Commandments from God, human beings are not supposed to lie, cheat, steal, and murder, among other things.

Naturally, The Global Mafia's management found it much more difficult to conduct a thriving criminal business without enough criminals willing to lie, cheat, steal, and murder for them. God and The Bible were bad for the crime business. They really needed to find a way to discredit God and his Laws to make it easier for them to recruit more criminals, sell more lies, and commit more crimes.

The Bible teaches that the Earth is a flatish-like circle, not a ball, which is "stationary" or motionless in space. It is neither spinning nor orbiting the Sun. In addition, the Bible says there is a "firmament" or dome-like structure above us which contains the Sun and the Moon and all the stars. Also, above this firmament is more water. There is also a gigantic wall of ice, perhaps 150-200 feet tall, which completely encircles and contains all of the land and oceans, thereby making it impossible for anyone to fall off of the earth.

The Global Mafia figured that if they could sell the lie that the Earth was shaped like a ball and was flying around the Sun, they could "discredit" the Bible, thereby making those 10 Commandments null and void. By first successfully selling the Heliocentrism Lie, they could then sell the ideas of Atheism (God does not exist), Darwinism (God wasn't necessary in the establishment of Nature), Communism (Government free of God's Laws), Fascism (Corporate Rights Trump Human Rights), Feminism (women should be more manly than men), Sexism (men are superior to women or women are superior to men), Racism (some races are simply superior to other races; the white race is clearly superior to all other races), Transhumanism (God didn't make things good enough), and every other "God-Less"... "-ISM" we find plaguing society today.

Perhaps one of the Global Mafia's finest accomplishments was the transformation of Bruce Jenner into Caitlyn Jenner. Bruce Jenner was not only considered the world's greatest athlete in 1976 after he won the Olympic Gold Medal in The Decathlon, but Bruce Jenner also had Hollywood leading man good looks. In essence, Bruce Jenner was the ultimate male. He had it all, it seemed.

The Deep State, however, in an effort to counter-act any and all Bible-based morality, sold Bruce (possibly bribed or paid him to do it)... on the idea that being a Super-Man wasn't enough, that becoming a woman would be his greatest achievement and the crowing jewel of a life fulfilled. Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner, wearing a Rainbow-Colored Thong, would be the perfect symbol for The Global Mafia, many of whom also happen to be she-males, homosexuals and pedophiles.

The Fantastic BAMBOOZLE began about 500 years ago. The Marranos ( The name given to Jews forced to become Christians by the King of Spain in 1391) infiltrated the Catholic church as Jesuits in 1540, and created the False Science or Cosmology called Heliocentrism which claims that the earth is shaped like a ball or globe which is furiously spinning at more than 1,000 mph at the ball's equator. Remember, the cruising speed of most Large Passenger Jets is somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 to 600 mph. Just think about this from time to time.

In addition, this false Heliocentric Theory claims that the Earth is also speeding through space at 18.51 miles per "second" (According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, under the category of Earth Speed), which is 66,636 miles per hour. Miraculously enough, Heliocentrism also tells us that the Earth, travelling at 66,636 miles per hour, which is more than 10 times faster than the fastest bullet, also makes one complete trip around our Sun every 365.2422 days, precisely!

The Claim that the Earth is Flat (actually, the earth is an "irregularly shaped PLANE, because we do have tall mountains, valleys, deep oceans, canyons, etc.), seems to be The Most Ridiculous Conspiracy Claim imaginable, right? Well, folks, it is the "easiest" one to prove, mathematically and scientifically. So, if this is true, why doesn't "everybody" currently believe the earth is an irregularly shaped PLANE, and not a globe or ball? THE BAMBOOZLE FACTOR.

The Deep State...aka...The Global Mafia...aka...The International Banking Cartel that owns and controls the Global Money Supply RULES OUR WORLD, totally and completely. They are responsible for all of the wars, control all of the drugs, both legal and illegal drugs, control all of the governments and their military forces, control all of the mainstream media and broadcast operations, the energy, the medical, the business, and everything else you can name.

While The Deep State easily Bamboozles most folks into buying their "many" lies, there are always folks like me who love God way too much to allow these creeps and liars to deceive all of us, all of the time. While not too many folks will even read what I write and even fewer of them will actually believe what I write, there is always that "ONE" individual, that Emerson, that Gandhi, that Lao-Tzu, that Krishna, that Plato out there who "will" be led to this work. That's reason enough for me.

However, as bad as The Deep State creeps are, they also are "required", by some "code", which probably really pisses them off, to reveal to us, the unwashed masses, their future plans of deception, destruction and death. It's called Predictive Programming. Regarding this Heliocentrism vs. Flat Earth Deception, the great Carl Sagan told us "why" we continue to swallow the LIE OF HELIOCENTRISM.

Carl Sagan referred to the character flaw of allowing our Ego to trump the Truth in our life as the BAMBOOZLE FACTOR. This is exactly what's happening too. We erroneously decide that our Ego is more important than the Truth, which always acts like a festering boil erupting, metaphorically, as some form of ugly experience.

Sagan was clearly telling the more discerning of the "unwashed masses" about the "power" of The Deep State's BAMBOOZLE FACTOR especially concerning the Heliocentrism Lie. Just imagine the enormous power of Mass Hypnosis required to make the masses believe such a colossal LIE; to make the masses honestly believe that an Irregularly Shaped and Motionless PLANE is really a round spinning ball racing through space more than 10 times faster than the fastest bullet in the world. Please.

In the 1995 book entitled The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, Sagan wrote, "One of the saddest lessons in history is this: If we've been Bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the Bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The Bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back."

Folks, the earth is a Motionless PLANE, not a Spinning Ball...Just LOOK at the article below. IRREFUTABLE SCIENTIFIC PROOF. Just read it...>>>


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