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List of Critically Endangered Animals in India

Updated on April 9, 2020
Bengal florican
Bengal florican

Bengal Florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis)

This is native to the Indian sub-continent and can be found mostly in the eastern part of India. This was categorized as critically endangered. Loss of habitat, cutting down trees for timber, livestock farming, transportation in their habitats, hunting these species and humans intrusion into their living spaces extensively resulting in their number coming down. Monitoring of their number, identifying their conservation sites, creating protection sites for this species, creating awareness about them are few measures being taken by the authorities for their conservation.


Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla)

This is not really native to the Indian sub-continent and extends in most parts of Asia. In India, this is seen in north-west regions. Human constructions, cutting down trees, mining, quarrying, laying roads for transport, hunting, habitat intrusion and not very often natural calamities are the threats for this species to survive. A recovery plan was formulated for their conservation however, systematic monitoring measures not yet widely taken. Their habitats were identified and conservation measures were going on by declaring protected areas. Awareness programs, legislations, and management to contain their number coming down were declared.


Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus)

This is native to the Indian sub-continent. This is mostly seen in the deltas of the Chambal and Ganga rivers. Mining, quarrying, agricultural activities, fishing and harvesting, other activities in their habitats and mainly dams and water management are threats to this species. A recovery plan has been formulated to save this species from extinction. their conservation sites were identified and notified. Ex-situ conservation and reintroduce plans were successfully taken up for their conservation.

Great Indian Bustard
Great Indian Bustard

Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps)

This species is native to India and found all over the country. Northern plains and the Deccan plateau are the main sites they can be seen. Loss of habitats due to trees being cut down, live-stock farming, mining, quarrying, sites being used for renewable energy sources, laying road and rail lines, hunting the species are the major threats for this species. A recovery plan with a Systematic monitoring scheme to save this species was formulated. Conservation sites were identified, protected sites were declared and invasive species control measures too were on heels to maintain their number from coming down.

Hawksbill sea turtle
Hawksbill sea turtle

Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)

This is found in the seas between 30 degrees north to 30 degrees south latitudes. In India, their habitats were occupied by humans for tourism and recreation which is why they happen to have lost their habitat. Oil and gas drilling, fishing, industrial effluent release and other recreational activities are serious threats to this species. A protected area was created for its conservation in India. Education and awareness programs were being taken to save them.

Indian vulture
Indian vulture

Indian Vulture (Gyps indicus)

All over India, we see them but now no more and that is why this was declared as critically endangered species. Serious ecosystem modification and other agriculture activities were threats to this species. An action plan was formulated and their number is being monitored. Their habitats were identified and their conservation sites too and protected areas were declared. Ex-situ conservation plans were taken up to save this species.

Indian wild ass
Indian wild ass

Indian Wild Ass (Equus hemionus)

Ghudkhur, Khur or Indian onager were the other names for this species and can be found mostly in the state of Gujarat, India. Loss of trees due to their cut down, developing roads and railways, hunting this animal and invasion of other species into their habitats are major threats to this species to survive. They are being monitored by the authorities and protected areas are being created to save this species from extinction.

Jerdon's courser
Jerdon's courser

Jerdon's Courser (Rhinoptilus bitorquatus)

Native to India this is a nocturnal bird found in down south. The Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh is the area where this can be spotted. Agriculture activities, mining and quarrying, hunting them down, logging and woodcutting are serious threats to this species to go extinct. An action plan was formulated for their recovery and protected areas too were created to protect them.

Pink-headed duck
Pink-headed duck

Pink-headed Duck (Rhodonessa caryophyllacea)

Mostly found in India, this is a large diving duck. Gangetic plains of India are the areas where this can be seen. However, their existence now is becoming hard to prove. Agriculture activities and hunting them down lead to their extinction, if not presumed extinct.

Pygmy hog
Pygmy hog

Pygmy Hog (Porcula salvania)

The foothills of the Himalayas and the alluvial grasslands, the area for their presence. Housing and development of urban areas, wood and pulp plantations, livestock farming, hunting, wood harvesting and ecosystem modifications were serious threats for this species. they are being monitored and an action plan was formulated to protect them.

© 2020 Dilip Chandra


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