Do you feel homeschooling is an effective alternative to more traditional school

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  1. KrystalD profile image65
    KrystalDposted 12 years ago

    Do you feel homeschooling is an effective alternative to more traditional schools? Why or why not?

  2. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 12 years ago

    I do not, because some parents do not know very much and are opposed to teaching science. However, I do feel a parent can set aside time to "homeschool" their child outside of traditional school as well. One can try to do both.

  3. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    i'm not really against it but i don't agree with it either. by home schooling, you are separating your child from the joys of school and from the pleasures of being around friends while you learn. i believe it hurts a child's social skills and unless you are really well educated yourself, many aspects of learning will be missed.

  4. teaches12345 profile image77
    teaches12345posted 12 years ago

    I worked with a home school co-op teaching spanish to grades k-12.  I have to say that they were some of the best students I have ever taught. They were dedicated to study, respectful and quite knowledgeable. They had homeschool during the morning hours and then would meet at the co-op for additional classes. Studies offered varied each semester from such courses as Spanish, crafts, biology, math and science. Parents in the co-op were people with degrees, doctorates and medical personnel.  They also had social clubs and athletic programs. It was very well run. So, if things are put into place to supplement what a parent can't teach there is no difference in education or social life.

  5. raciniwa profile image82
    raciniwaposted 12 years ago

    Studying at home is not a good substitute for studying in school, although home study entails a person to be more focused yet going to school helps a person develops his/her social skills which will be more useful in life...As the saying goes "No man is an island." Free association is very important for a person so as to help him/her in dealing with other people...

  6. profile image0
    Gusserposted 12 years ago

    Homeschoolers seem to be winning all the spelling bees, geography bees etc. They get plenty of "socialization" in baseball, soccer, scouting, and Co-ops. My 5 children & 9 grandchildren were all homeschooled.  I did have to send each one to public school for a year to learn about drug trafficing, sexual promiscuity, AND cheating.

  7. profile image0
    setarehposted 12 years ago

    Perhaps, if the parents are dedicate then the child can learn but even if that were possible and effective, what about the life and social lessons they need to learn?
    Children need to learn how to deal and cope outside of their homes, about bullying, making friends etc. Those things are really valuable in every stage of life.

  8. visorless profile image60
    visorlessposted 12 years ago

    Let me put it this way: while home schooling provides a more rapid educational advancement process, enabling a student to excel in their studies without the fuss and busy work of a public or private school, it has one serious draw back, socializing.
    I have friends that come from a home-schooled life, friends from public schools and two step siblings that attended a private k-12 school for their entire pre-collegiate academic career. But of my home-schooled friends, while many of them growing up were much smarter than children at the same age in the public schools, all seem to suffer from some sort of social weakness. Either they have problems making new friends, problems keeping them, problems working in groups, communication problems or the like. One friend I knew, we no longer keep in touch, was home-schooled in a group with several other kids from around his block. It was a gathering of about 7-8 kids across three or four different grade levels. He was one of the smartest kids I knew growing up (calculus in 8th and 9th grades, opposed to the public system which only introduced calculus in 12th, 11 to the "really" smart kids) but hesitated to talk to people he didn't know.
    Having been in boy scouts when I was younger, (I'm an Eagle Scout), I can say that the home-schooled boys in my troop were all a little shy compared to the public kids.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not an advocate of public schooling. There are too many things in many public school systems that give it debilitating weaknesses and holes. The end result, I think, depends on the child, their abilities, and what the parent feels comfortable doing.
    Also, schools tend to teach something which home-schooling could never enforce: keeping to a schedule. Schools have bells and whistles, kids go from one class to the next, they have little time to get to their locker, hit the bathroom, talk to a friend or what have you. That is certainly an experience you can't have at home (unless you have some very strict parents teaching) and enforces ideas such as timeliness, preparation and quick thinking.

  9. savanahl profile image66
    savanahlposted 12 years ago

    I think homeschooling could be very effective because kids learn better on a one on one basis and with parent involvement but it's a huge time commitment which most parents don't have. Not only does it take a lot of time teaching your kids but it takes time to study up on what you're teaching.

    The time commitment does decrease as they get older but it's still time consuming. For younger kids the commitment is 5 to 6 hours per day. That's a lot especially if you have more than one child.


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