What would your life be like if you could "Have it your way?"

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  1. Luke Holm profile image87
    Luke Holmposted 7 years ago

    Burger King's old slogan, "Have it Your Way," has got me thinking.  What would life be like if I had it my way?

    I think I would be able to support myself on writing alone (although I realize the universe needs me to be a teacher right now).  I would have enough money to travel anywhere and do anything.  I would have a cabin out in the woods with a big garden, my wife, and two kids.  Throughout the forest, I would have meditation areas set up in perfect locations for privacy and beauty.  My family would know how much I love them, my friends would know how much I care.  Finally, I would fully feel my connection with God, always feeling awakened, enlightened, connected, loved, and loving.

    What about you?  What would your life be like if you could "Have it your way?"

    1. kenneth avery profile image78
      kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Luke,
      Great comment/Forum question/answers. Have you noticed how much we use the slash when we want to combine words?
      Oh well.
      If I had my way . . .
      I would pretty much be like you, but Enough Cash that I would NOT pay any I.R.A., CD or I.R.S., but secretly give as many churches that ARE legitimate and not fleecing the flock and pay off their bills.
      I would also donate money in secret to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital; Jimmy Hale Mission in Birmingham, Ala., as well as the citizens who are jobless--not by choice, who I could secretly pay off their homes, cars, and give them FREE groceries, etc.
      Plus just like you, build a nice, but not huge log cabin with a state of the art security system with NO bodyguards--just a great system.
      Then I would give my grandkids a college education provided that they all stay in college or forfeit the money.
      I would also love to buy myself ONE thing: a mint condition 1949 Chevy truck with all of the original conditions and that is it.
      Oh yeah, I would keep a lot of dividend investments that are also going to give legit charities, people, the sick, ailing, and always have money to give as the stock goes up.
      Oh yeah. Beside my Chevy truck, I would take my wife to iHop.
      These are My Dreams. Thanks for asking.

    2. SakinaNasir53 profile image95
      SakinaNasir53posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Great question Luke! smile

      If I could have my way, I would help the poor and hungry and provide them food, clothing and shelter. I would make homes and shelters for the animals and birds with food and water. I would then take my family to a country for some vacation. I wouldn't mind if I had a small library just for myself. I'm really attached to reading and wish this would come true someday. If I had my way, I would love to meet my fiancé everyday, as we're in a long distance relationship. smile There's so much more I could do if I would have my way.

      1. kenneth avery profile image78
        kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        @Sakina smile,
        Fantastic response. Loved it. Let us all start believing and praying
        that we can all do something to rid the wrongs and help the helpless.

  2. Luke Holm profile image87
    Luke Holmposted 7 years ago

    Kenneth, it sounds like wonderful life you've created!  I too, would spend days upon days just wandering around and handing out money to those who looked like they needed it.  Having such an abundance of money would really open up opportunities for face-to-face charity work such as this.  I would have so much fun buying people food and experiences.  Thanks sharing!

    1. kenneth avery profile image78
      kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      @Luke, I enjoyed your response and fact is, it was TRUE. One day soon, hopefully you and I will come into or (be blessed) with such money.

  3. Live to Learn profile image61
    Live to Learnposted 7 years ago

    Wow. What a question to fantasize about. I wouldn't be rich because money wouldn't be a part of our lives. Poverty wouldn't exist. But, in that world where we all worked for the common good I'd have a large garage and in my spare time I'd piddle on my creative projects.

  4. cheaptrick profile image74
    cheaptrickposted 7 years ago

    If I could find the answer to Why? the rest would resolve its self and my spirit would be at peace.

  5. Luke Holm profile image87
    Luke Holmposted 7 years ago

    Cheaptrick, why what?  What if there is no answer?  How would you live your life then?

    1. kenneth avery profile image78
      kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I stand by my answer. No change whatsoever.

      1. Luke Holm profile image87
        Luke Holmposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        That's really beautiful and wonderful, Kenneth smile

        1. kenneth avery profile image78
          kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks very much, Luke.

    2. cheaptrick profile image74
      cheaptrickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      As unevolved and immature as this may sound,I still look for fairness in life.I've heard a million times that life isn't fair but that doesn't resolve the turmoil in my soul when I see bad things happen to good people.
      You can do everything right in life and still loose,and somehow,from as macro a view as my limited intellect can muster,all I come up with is why?If I knew why I could put to rest the turmoil and uncertainty and be at peace...I would (I believe) be able to flow with life rather than try to contend with and control the vitriol that it appears to be.
      There are many why's but the one that I don't think I'll ever understand is 'Why are people mean to each other?'.

      1. Live to Learn profile image61
        Live to Learnposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I thought you were going for the why on a grander scale, but you're right. If we knew the why of that life would be a while lot less stressful.

      2. Luke Holm profile image87
        Luke Holmposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I well received response, cheaptrick.  I wonder two things:  one, how long will you prevent yourself from living "in the flow," since you will never know "why"?  Second (and this is something I recently heard about the darkness of the world), who is to say what is good and what is bad?  I was told that when we feel sorry for others, we are judging them and their circumstance.  Overall, if you know the "why", you would understand the reason for the darkness, and would then be able to live in the flow...soooo why not just live in the flow regardless?

        1. kenneth avery profile image78
          kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          @Luke, better to live long, clean, and right as long as I can live obscure.

  6. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 7 years ago

    Quite a lot like it is but with more puppies, less bills, and no hangovers.

    1. Luke Holm profile image87
      Luke Holmposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I heard puppies are good for hangovers, but that hangovers and puppies are bad on the bills wink Thanks for sharing!


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