Do you think that Marijuana should be legalized and taxed like alcohol? Why or w

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  1. melbohne profile image62
    melbohneposted 13 years ago

    Do you think that Marijuana should be legalized and taxed like alcohol? Why or why not?

    I am writing a final paper for my English 101 class. I need additional information and opinions.

  2. FactFinder profile image60
    FactFinderposted 13 years ago

    Marijuana cannot be taxed like alcohol as it will indulge big corporate firms to encourage mass production of this herb; which will certainly be wrong with us. Instead Marijuana can be legalized as a soft drug as in many of the countries people smoke this magic weed like cigarettes. Smokers often found behave non-violent and urge themselves to think on various topics.
    Some of the points that I think suitable to answer this are as below:
    1. Marijuana smokers are non-violent.
    2. It is cheap compared to other drugs, thus legalizing it will stop the black market profit and cultivators or small paddlers will get the benefit.
    3. It is hugely popular among underdeveloped and developed countries, thus legalizing should be done.
    4. Medicinal usage of marijuana is encouraged.
    5. Addiction to other drugs can be significantly reduced if Marijuana is a legal replacement as a soft drug.

    1. Legalizing marijuana will indulge more teen agers to take this injurious habit.
    2. Legalizing and taxing on such herbs will generate huge profits for future drug sellers.
    3. Marijuana is often considered to be the worst addiction in our society.
    4. It causes brain damage if continuously taken for long time.

  3. profile image0
    vinsanityposted 13 years ago

    Yes I do. It is supposedly the largest crop in the US bringing in 36 billion dollars a year. If we legalize and properly enforce the use and then tax it properly then we could all benefit from the extra money.

  4. sarah lawton profile image57
    sarah lawtonposted 13 years ago

    This is a tricky question as marijuana is not like alcohol  because it cannot be graded for example beer 4% wine 12% vodka 37.5%. 
    It is well known the marijuana really varies in strengths depending on how it has been cloned and mixed with other varieties and because of this it can like alchol cause serious mental problems, so  how does one go about legalizing this and then taxing it.

  5. mcrawford76 profile image80
    mcrawford76posted 13 years ago

    #1 - From research on alcohol and drug abuse it has been shown that Marijuana is actually the most dangerous drug for your brain. After the first time used, it causes you to develop a coating over neurotransmitters slowing the flow of chemicals for necessary brain function.

    #2 - You could never tax legalized marijuana because anyone with a little common sense could simply grow it themselves.

  6. DonDWest profile image68
    DonDWestposted 13 years ago

    It should be legalized because my government can't afford to keep it illegal. It's wasteful. . .

    2nd question, no doubt the government will try to tax it and turn it into a "legitament enterprise." The only problem with that is it could prove difficult. As already pointed out, mary jane is a weed that grows relatively easily. Anyone, from anywhere, can grow it with absolutely no start up costs. Good luck trying to keep people accountable when it comes to taxation. . .

  7. profile image0
    Rosemary Banksposted 13 years ago

    No I do not, then people will be walking around like zombies. We need to focus on making the world better not worse.


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