Let your feelings go.
Express yourself honestly.
Is mankind headed for a successful,progressive or disastrous future?
I think humans will survive ok, outlast the politics of nations, but I think it will be a different realisation than it is now. We are going to enter some bad years I believe. But we will do ok. Time..?
hmmm, more high tech and fast kind of living and social mores will follow the ways of technology. We never know what is going to happen, live happily until we die.
Let's put it this way (I'm 67):
Pre-Dubya, just to condense the 21st Century so far , I think I was about 4 on the scale pessimistic-optimistic for world conditions. Now I'm a 1.
Or to put it another way. Maybe I would have said, "I would mind being 35 again, but knowing what I know now."
Now? "No thanks."
I think we are there in a disaster zone; but at the same time there is growth for goodness. So, we as humans are like a new sprout and we are always popping up with better ideas. We are a spirit. So, I hope that answers your question. I am optimistic. FARLONA
As loathe as I am to say it, but I am a pessimist when it comes to the human rce. Seeing how society has deteriorated as it has over the past 40 years, I think the human race will either become obliterated through its own machinations or natural disaster, or mutate to reflect the true face of humanity, which is not pretty.
All I ask for is a large bottle of Jack to keep me company before it's my turn.
What will be in the next 50 years is irrelevant, but what will echo in the eternity is crucial...
The Universe is self-sufficient and will continue in perfect precision regardless of mankind's efforts, good or bad.
KCC..thanks, I appreciate your warm feelings about the universe, really do!
My question tho refers to the future of humankind.
Got any feelings about how we're gonna fare?
Love to see 'em in print.
Ah, I see that someone has not read the last chapter in the good book. Things will get much worse before they get better. Book of Revelations - check it out!
Humankind will be fine. I don't believe for a second that we're heading to some disasterous end. Everything is as it should be and will continue along its merry way.
I'm an optimistic person, so humankind will find a solution, for which, evolves societal thinking for the best.
Thanks Cags.
it would be nice if those of you who answer would give us some reasons why you think as you do. Cags and KCC are optimists.
I am not. WE'll get into that later...lol
Go for it. lets see why ya think as ya do...:-)
Hey Qwark,
We've had this discussion before, because this isn't the first time you've posted this sort of question.
In the future, there will be a change in the way people think. It will be for the better, so much so, people will find the ability to learn and understand life, via acceptance which teaches one tolerance for others.
We'll also find an easier solution for using resources on the planet, which will lessen the amount of greed in the world. Once, we learn to lessen greed among people, then the value of a human's life will increase.
Thus, it will help drive out poverty and homelessness of the world. In the current view people live with..."Life" is valued, as it should be, either by the religious folk of the world or much of others.
Too many self-absorbed, arrogant, selfish people are presently diminishing the lives of others, which when the changing view begins to happen, will change the numbers of these people.
Thus, changing the entire world.
My beliefs are based on my life-long studies of things many consider New Age (law of attraction, quantum physics, power of positive thinking, Emotional Freedom Technique, Neural Linguistic Programming, etc.)
Keep "em coming.
Yes Cags I've written a few hubs concerning this question too
I've never asked this question in quite this way.
I am very curious about the future of my progeny and of mankind as a whole.
The history of mankind is awful, why should it change?
I am optimistic that there will be a big change in humankind for the better - but I don't think we are going to like the changing.
Change is inevitable, things can never remain stagnant. Life is continually evolving and changing.
The problem is the level of awareness to that fact.
Awareness isn't really necessary for it to happen though. Those who are more aware may enjoy the ride a bit more though.
Hey KCC, I disagree....what you said is what they need to be aware of...if not, then stagnation will remain.
Not being aware of it, means ignorance. That does no one any good.
It's not a requirement that all of mankind be in agreement. A few (or a few million) stagnant humans will not slow things down. They've always been around. Ignorance only does THEM no good. It doesn't hurt me at all.
I would diagree that a few million ignorant people won't hurt you. It was a few million ignorant people who blindly followed their christian leaders to vote in Bush, helped by a little chicanery at the polls. Society goes the way of the majority, that the majority is poorly informed and would appear to have had their reason removed is why the stone age thinking is prevailing at the moment and causing trouble all over the world. Being aware of the stupidity does not help when the crap hits the fan.
aware means you may not agree also, so it can go both ways KCC, if we are smart we will relax and go along, I agree, and much better I think.
but we honestly may not want what we get, it is possible.
thinking;"Be carefull what we ask for, we just might get it!"
I agree with "be careful what you wish for because you just might get it". But, have you ever looked back on an event in your life that at the time seemed horrific? Later, you can always find something good that came from it. I find that the more that I can trust that to always happen, then the less I fret when things seem to be not quite what I hoped for.
I do not think of the future as this is a distraction from the *now*.
It is only within this current moment that change can be effective. This minute, this moment, this thought, this intention, this action.
Just my thoughts on the subject.
Excellent! So far I disagree with all of you!
In ref to man's future? I am the forever pessimist!
I want to read more.
Pls keep this forum going!....:-)
So, just out of curiousity, Qwark. How does being a self-proclaimed "forever pessimist" work out for you in your daily life? Does this outlook serve you well? What makes you have this outlook?
KCC...I will get to that. At the moment I'm thoroughly enjoying the optimism being exhibited by responders.
I haven't really read any realistic answers as to why there is optimism.
I'm waiting for some well thought out replies as to why a species which seems to be totally dedicated to its demise has so many who think it may change its ways.
Can youb optimists give me solid, grounded reason why you think we, the earth's most dangerous predator will suddenly change it's stripes and become a docile and tranquil creature?
C'mon someone has to be an imaginative "thinker" amongst you?
Ah....a set-up.....so you can accuse optimists of being non-imaginative and unrealistic. Sleep tight, I know I will.
KCC: lol it is s setup, no doubt. When I offer my "imaginative" pessimistic retorts they will not be accusative nor will they demean any optimists thought. They will be bluntly and succinctly presented as I see them. They will always, of course, be open for discussion...which I hope they will inspire.
It's AM here. I'm gonna have some brkfast and be back later to see there have been any "imaginative" responses. Later!
it's past the "witching" hour here. Midnite has come and gone. I, for one am going to lay back and make some zzzzzzzzz's while you continue to respond from your far away places around this earth where the sun is still shining. G'nite all...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............
History is replete with disasters. 50 years is a long, long time. I pretty much believe it is a statistical certainty that another major mess will occur within this timeframe.
The good news is that none of the previous disasters exterminated us, so the next one probably wont either (famous last words).
I am broadly optimistic about the future. My only concerns are possible man-made disasters (an example would be nuclear disasters, particular resulting from a mad terrorist group getting hold of nuclear weapons and using them on a prominent city).
Another concern is natural disasters like an asteroid/comet strike, or any other cosmic phenomena that could potentially change the face of the world or even wipe humankind.
Egad! We've quit already? I'm shocked! I surely thought there'd be many more imaginative replies.
Is this an indication that we the people are not thinking about the future and living for the moment? Or is it just that we don't care and are blithley meandering thru life just hoping for the best?
Based on the history of the last four thousand years, I think we'll see sunny skies at times then partly cloudy, mixed with a few violent storms. Wash and repeat.
I don't think there's going to be much that's new. Immigration to a higher level of consciousness is going to take a while. Optimism is very prevalent with optimists. They have always been around. Pessimists help balance out the eco system, apparently. Kind of like you can't appreciate light until you're in the dark.
I swing back and forth between optimism and pessimism, but probably lean more towards the pessimistic.
I think the chance that mankind is going to wipe itself out entirely is pretty slim, but the chances that the population will crash sharply in the next 50-200 years are very high, and I don't think it will be a pleasant change. After the Roman Empire collapsed, Europe muddled through a thousand years of misery before it picked itself back up and got back on track.
We have a wider basis of knowledge now to help us recover, but we've also done much more damage to natural ecosystems and those are ultimately more responsible for our continued survival than all the knowledge in the world. People tend to forget that. These Pakistan floods - 15% of the country under water and 10 million people displaced because some greedy idiots cut down 80 million trees in the last three years alone - are just the latest in a long line of examples.
Kerry: Pretty close to my way of thinking.
"I swing back and forth between optimism and pessimism, but probably lean more towards the pessimistic.
I think the chance that mankind is going to wipe itself out entirely is pretty slim, but the chances that the population will crash sharply in the next 50-200 years are very high, and I don't think it will be a pleasant change. After the Roman Empire collapsed, Europe muddled through a thousand years of misery before it picked itself back up and got back on track.
We have a wider basis of knowledge now to help us recover,..."
Man will continue to exist after the "diminution." In what form? What wider base of knowledge if existing humankind has been reduced to stoneage mutants?
Ok...let the pessimist start the list.
1. population growth i.e. 6.5 billion now by 2060 about 10 billion.
Hitting 9.1 Billion by 2050, According to Official UN Estimates
Think we have problems now? Comments?
That can be easily solved. Just neuter and spay the Duggars!
Klara: Would ya put me in charge of that program? Now that's imagination! yeh! :-)
The ceremony of knighthood would have to be a bit different. I would have to give you a surgical knife instead of a sword. Small but lethal! (like me)
Klara: it'd be my pleasure. I'd let you handle the "small stuff." Now! lets get this damned program goin'! Talk is cheap! :-)
Ancient prophecy predicts that in the last days, there will be worldwide disasters that will wipe out one third of the world's population, one third of animal/plant life in the sea and and on land. That's one way of reducing the earth's population. When the horsemen of the apocolypse begin to ride....watch out! It'll mean the end of the world as we know it and yet a glorious new begining will follow.
C'mon now lets get some other imaginative but serious comments goin'...ok? :-)
I've got many more than just one pessimistic you can hub with me about....1 was just a beginning....?
I guess i can't any more response on this very heavy and meaningful question....
We'll just go back to the really important stuff i.e. if my hair is too kinky and I decide to iron it, how hot should the iron be? Would a steam iron be best? HELL,I just gave someone an idea for a "hub." lol
I will never leave you! lol It looks like it's a job for Big Daddy and Hit Girl! Let's go Papa!!!
Klara..ya gotta do my hair first...I can't be seen in Utah with this unsteamed kinky hair do! Lets get the important things done first...lololol
I can do a Mormon compound hairdo on you. No problem! You'll blend right in!
Klara...just don't make me look like glenn beck ..ok? If ya can do it,lets "neuter and spay!" Mormons first! yippyyiyayyyy! lol
Nah, just the Duggars. I like Mormons! They don't knock on your door at 8am on Sundays.
Luv ya, but ya just lost me! I wanna do mormons...we'll get to the Duggars! See, that's why I never married again. You women are just too danged set and hard to manage...lol I'M gonna do the mormons, you do the Duggars...meetch'a at Mickey D's in Salt lake city with a list of my conquests.....then ya can do my hair....lol..:-)
Watch out for Bill Paxton and his three wives! I hear they are armed! lol
I am an optimist because every human being on the earth is love, peace, and free to the core of their being. Just be this and all will be well with mankind on the earth. This is the answer and solution to be applied in your daily life. Thank you.
Butler: Thanks but you've offered nothing but "idealism."
Pls tell us why you think that man is all the sweet and wonderful things you prtray him to be.
We'll start from there...fair?
Fair it is. Man is everything I said he is because of his free will to choose and respond to everything and anything that he may come upon in his life. You see around you many amazing things that man has done and overcome all obstacles in his way such as going to the moon and beyond into outer space and also to bringing cures to mankind that will heal his physical body. Every man and woman when they go to bed at night deep down in themselves know that life is a gift to be lived to the fullest that they know how to live. Everything on the earth and in the universe runs on the foundation of these principles. Examples: Nuclear energy. Can be used for Bombs or electricity for our cities. Guns. Can be used to kill people or to feed mankind but we need to evolved higher with our food supplies and look for other ways to keep in balance the animals population on the earth. Mankind is the only living species on the earth that can choose how to live and all the others are doing it by instinct that is built into them. Mankind lives in a world that is based on the foundation and principle of how to live on the earth and eventually throughout the whole universe that we are now exploring based upon LOVE, PEACE, AND FREE. Thank you.
Butler: ty...I love such idealism! But, reality tells a different story.
A study of modern man's history is rife with death and destruction. He is earths #1 predator. oh yes he does try to do it his way. The anomaly consciousness has created a creature that can control; all life on the planet...not the planet itself, but he can now, as never before in his time, reduce all life as we know it to near extinction. He is not a nice life form. He is devious, and deadly. He is an immature life form that hasn't been gifted with the time necessary to be able to sublimate his genetic propensity to kill. That will take a couple hundred thousand more years of evolution. it is my earnest prognosis that as he continues to propogate and increase in numbers the greater will become his NEED to reduce his numbers so that the species may survive. AS man exists, he will only be here for a very short time. Tomorrows man will not resemble the human of today. He will mutate and metamorphose into something unrecognizable by we contemporary human creatures.
Thanks for the response.
WE must agree to disagree........:-)
Democracy ends in tyranny, I've heard say. If you get enough religious fervor going, a tyrant can be created pretty easily. All you need is some economic chaos, fear and uncertainty, and a common enemy... a "THEM!"
We have all the right ingredients, it's just a matter of whether the unread masses can be held in check by the reasonable and thinking, or if charismatic fear mongers with easy answers and promises of divine mandate and eternal life scenarios can whip up catastrophe... or maybe just whip up a pruning down of surplus population... trim us down by 3 or 4 billion and get us to a sustainable level for a while.
I'm hoping for reason and thinking but the book burners and mosque haters are wielding their tiny minds for the cause of annihilation.
Shades...didn't meant to ignore you.
Those, the book burners, the racists, the bigoted religious masses will only increase with time and an uncontrolled increase in their population. The "right thinking" human will be overpowered enmasse. The future of mankind is, to say it mildly, bleak.
Ty for the response.
It's funny, I'm a cock-eyed optimist in my own life (my husband is always chiding me for being "unrealistic" about people), but I'm pessimistic about the future of the planet.
People today have lost all sense of "the common good". We've all become "me first". Everyone wants to save the planet, help the needy, etc - BUT ONLY IF IT DOESN'T COST THEM A CENT, or require them to make sacrifices, and only if it's Not In Their Backyard.
Cutting down our carbon footprint means changing our lifestyle - so no chance of that.
Our selfishness is reinforced by the big corporations, who want us to go on buying goods and services we don't need so they can make money. So they spend millions persuading us that global warming isn't real, or that health insurance will be a disaster, or that regulation of financial markets will ruin business.
And if you think big corporations wouldn't say such things if they were such huge lies, remember how long the tobacco companies kept quiet about the health risks of smoking, and thereby killed millions of people.
I don't really see myself surviving the next 50 years. I don't see myself making it to thirty. I don't feel bad about it, just that it feels right, when I look at it.
humanity though, I see humanity changing. The U.N. taking more control, fixing the obvious problems by getting over the internal conflicts. But still, a war or two would happen first, before the donkey of realization kicks them in the face.
G'mornin' "hubbers." I just got outa bed, had brkfast and am ready to get this beautiful day goin'! You?
I'm pretty optimistic today...suns up! Looks like its goin' to be a great day. I hope yours is for you. :-)
I am optimistic. It is not so good now, but in 50 years I see true peace and a better world, barring some unforeseen cataclysmic event like a huge meteor destroying us all. We need to get young people involved more.
Humankind will survive and evolve in one form or another! After all we have opposable thumbs!
Man is a created being, not self made. Therefore, mankind has no control whatsoever over his eternal destiny. To believe that he has even a measure of control over his destiny is a grand illusion, plain and simple. This is not to say that mankind cannot achieve great things, but his achievement is limited to a finite set of talents, gifts and intellect that are bestowed upon him before birth, and which end upon death. Life on this planet is transient in nature, here today and gone tommorrow. However, each individual life has a purpose and a signifigance while here on earth. So given the average life span, it stands to reason that there will be room for both optimisim and pessimism as any generation projects possibilities fifty years out. Optimisim - in the inherent hope that he will individually and collectively find and complete his purpose - and pessimism in the sure knowledge that no matter what he achieves, he will never find absolute perfection within himself. So at best, all hummanity can do is focus on finding and fullfilling its purpose and leave the rest to the Creator.
I am an optimist. I look forward to seeing great things from human kind
Love and optimism feed you, guide you, sustain your very existence, if you let them. The way you perceive the world is a reflection of yourself. Change the channel. Change the frequency your brain runs on and choose to view only good. Let the crap run down the drain where it belongs. You can change yourself and your world will reflect that.
I just heard a beautiful quote by Hans Rosling the other day, he was talking about child mortality and the gap between the poorest and the richest countries:
"I am not an optimist. Neither am I a pessimist. I'm a very serious possibilist."
Optimist. Past two years or so I realized what every great thinker has realized. You get more of what you focus on. I can only imagine that in 10 years I will have perfected the art of looking on the bright side of life and being happy for no reason.
by Ella Quirk 12 years ago
Do you think mankind is doomed?With all the potential hazards and doomsday predictions facing mankind - climate change, over population etc, do you think we will sort it out and make it safely into the 22nd century and beyond? Are you an optimist or a pessimist when it comes to humanity?
by Sydney Brooke 11 years ago
Is being a pessimist or optimist genetic?
by Stephiliboo 13 years ago
Are you an Optimist, or a Pessimist?Is the glass always half empty or do you keep it half full?!
by Lolita 12 years ago
How would you feel if you were told at 50 years old that your father really wasn't your father?
by Biman Ghosh 13 years ago
If you have a time machine would you go back and change anything in the past?Would you correct any mistake that you might have made? Would you go to the future and see what might happen to you?
by qwark 14 years ago
...can you imagine this?Pls, monotheists have nothing credible to offer, so, "fundies," don't bother trying to answer this question.TY.Jeez! Am I gonna get banned for this comment?
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